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Called up -- again!

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The Department of the Army issued orders today to COL S. Clause, recalling him to active duty, with a report date of 24 Dec 18.

A reservist, with 1,742 years of service, this airborne Soldier specializes in vertical delivery of high-value items. He is airborne and air assault qualified. He is also a 46Q, Public Affairs Specialist.


Also recalled, were LTC Dasher, 1SG Dancer, MSG Prancer, MAJ Vixen, MAJ Comet, Chaplain (LTC) Cupid, SGT Donner, and PO1 Blitzen, an Individual Augmentee from the Naval Reserve, assigned to the Army. 2LT Rudolph is also authorized to report for duty; however, he must first successfully complete Land Nav training, which he has failed three times.


Although the above troops are on orders for only 24 hours, it is anticipated that they will submit a travel claim for 24,901 miles at .56/mile, using a POV. Suitable Government transportation is not available.


As a special operations unit, each member is granted a high level of uniform flexibility, as well as relaxed grooming standards. Per diem has been modified to include large quantities of hot cocoa and cookies.


Mega Hooah! 1f642.png:)


...and Mega Merry Christmas!

P.S. - Let's ALL remember the men and women of our Armed Forces, as they serve in far away lands during this Christmas Season.

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But.....you forgot Olive, you know, Olive the other reindeer who used to laugh and call Rudolph names and wouldn't let him play in other reindeer games.:(

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6 hours ago, DocWard said:

Can he pass height / weight?


Har! He’s a colonel!

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When we were stationed on Okinawa AFRTS would begin broadcasting reports of a singe aircraft approaching our airspace from the region of the North Pole.  Speculation was that it may have been a Soviet spy plane or possibly an aircraft leading an invasion.  Further reports tracked it into our airspace and interceptors were dispatchfro Kadena AFB and AA missile sites were brought on alert.  This went on until one of the pilots would get a visual of a sled and whole bunch of reindeer were sighted and they were ordered to escort Santa to Kadena.  In the meantime whole herds of kids were having fits because "they're going to shoot down Santa Clause".

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On ‎12‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 2:49 PM, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

When we were stationed on Okinawa AFRTS would begin broadcasting reports of a singe aircraft approaching our airspace from the region of the North Pole.  Speculation was that it may have been a Soviet spy plane or possibly an aircraft leading an invasion.  Further reports tracked it into our airspace and interceptors were dispatchfro Kadena AFB and AA missile sites were brought on alert.  This went on until one of the pilots would get a visual of a sled and whole bunch of reindeer were sighted and they were ordered to escort Santa to Kadena.  In the meantime whole herds of kids were having fits because "they're going to shoot down Santa Clause".


They did the same thing at our base, RCAF Cold Lake, supposedly using the CF-100 interceptors.

The radar and "intercept" would be broadcast into the gym where we were all gathered, until the lead pilot would get close enough for a visual ID and radio in that it was Santa, whereupon the CO, Group Captain Stovell would order the intercept flight to escort the Sleigh to the base.

Good memories of good times. 

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