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Hi Folks,


I'm sorry that I felt it necessary to lock the "Invisible Members?" thread. I'd like to continue part of that thread with a more positive tone. Everyone, you may start a new thread to further discuss the topics in that thread.


My new questions are to our newest members, say numbers 100,000 and up, and guests who are thinking about joining. Why did you join SASS? If you have not joined, why not? Is there anything you would like to see changed?


I hope that all of you newer folks will take the time to make your thoughts known. I've often thought (in my former life as a w^rker) that new people can provide valuable insight into entrenched processes.




Allie Mo


PS If you are an old (number) member and are not renewing, that would be a topic for another thread.

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Ms. Allie:

When I first learned of Cowboy Action Shooting and the SASS Organization, I attended a match at our local gun range (Eustis Gun Club) where the Lake County Pistoleros call HOME.

Finding an interest in joining the fun, I went through the normal steps of (1) becoming a member of the Eustis Gun Club, (2) applying for membership with the NRA, and (3) becoming a member of SASS.

Reason (1) was necessary to shoot at the range.

Reason (2) was necessary to become a member of the Eustis Gun Club.

Reason (3) was necessary to shoot CAS and obtain an alias.

However, there were more important reasons to join SASS and that was to have the ability to learn from fellow pards who have been doing this for some time, and gleaning the information they can provide to a new shooter.

Price of a set of Ruger Vaqueros - $1,300.00, price of Stoeger Shotgun - $500.00, information on the SASS WIRE - PRICELESS.

Posted (edited)

Why I want to join... I have always loved the old west and the guns and just st discovered the sport. I have just recently started a new venture in my life (Divorce) and starting my new life, I have the freedom to do what I want for once. I am truly a new person. Just waiting on payday to join.

Edited by Dead Eye Raith

I've been a member since 1997, when do I get my gold pocketwatch and pension?? :lol:

Rye Miles #13621, on 26 Jan 2017 - 8:39 PM, said:

I've been a member since 1997, when do I get my gold pocketwatch and pension?? :lol:


I joined a year before you and I'm still waiting for my gold pocket watch and pension. :P:lol:


Okay Allie Mo, I'm going to my room now and will shush. :(:lol:

  • Like 4

Why I want to join... I have always loved the old west and the guns and just st discovered the sport. I have just recently started a new venture in my life (Divorce) and starting my new life, I have the freedom to do what I want for once. I am truly a new person. Just waiting on payday to join.

You have no idea how much fun you're going to have by playing this game.

Welcome pardner.


For me and Killer Rabbit it was the people we met and their willingness to come right over and talk to us about the sport that made us want to join. It is those same people that kept us coming back for our third year in SASS now. Along the way we have attended more matches at a lot more clubs and it is always the same it is the people we meet that keep us coming back.


Some of the cowboys and cowgirls we have met along the way HUD McCoy, Doc Hornady, Most Wanted, Tuscarora Slim, Slim Chance Pistolaro, Annie Dote, and Latort Lawman.


Now when we are at a match and we see a guest we make sure that we go and talk to them and offer to let them try the sport.


It is nice to be fast and clean, but doing something I enjoy with my daughter and our new friends was worth the price of admission.


Lee and Killer Rabbit 101429&101430


I joined in 2013 even before I shot my first match. I have always loved history, especially the history of the old west. I also loved shooting, but cowboy guns had a special place in my heart. I volunteer at a range with a number of venues, and one Saturday after a .22 match I was an RO/safety officer for ended, I saw the cowboys were still shooting, so I wandered down there to watch.


Despite being dressed in a park T-shirt, tennis shoes, and a ball cap, everyone was very open and friendly, and they seemed to trip over themselves to answer my dumb questions. Before I knew it, they had strapped leather on me and walked me through a stage for fun. I was slow as dirt (90+ seconds) and very fumble fingered, but the grin lasted several weeks. I had found the sport that was my shooting "home."


When I got home, I looked up SASS and devoured all I could while I worked on slowly gathering gear, and joined SASS and started to learn all I could from the forum. Everyone at the local club kept loaning me whatever I was short as I got a little closer each month. I had never found a shooting sport as open and friendly as this one, and what better way to relax than a fantasy sport where you can just have fun and dress like John Wayne for the weekend.


Toward the end of that season, I was finally using all my own gear, and in 2014, I started venturing out to annuals, going to annuals in three states over three weekends throughout that summer. The hook was set hard, and in 2015, I was able to break ten in one summer, 12 last year, and if all goes well, 15 in 2017. I am far from a top shooter, but I truly love this sport and everyone in it, and I try to spread the word and introduce others to this sport.


Why did I join SASS?:


1. As a thank you to the organization for creating the sport that I love

2. To continue to support this website

3. For the quarterly magazine in print and the monthly PDF format.

4. To support the continuing standardization of the rules.

5. To remain a part of the greatest shooting sport and to be able to shoot any annual I want.

6. To thank my fellow cowboys and cowgirls to support them.

7. To protect my alias

8. Because it has encouraged me to travel, which otherwise I would not.

9. Because cowboy shooting helps me keep active and outdoors

10. And a number of other reasons that I would bore you of if I continued.


I love this sport and everyone I have been lucky enough to meet since I started, most of whom I would have not met if it was not for this sport, and that is why I joined, why I will remain a member, and why I will become a life member if I ever can keep everyone out of the doctor long enough to put the money back.


I probably bored everyone enough, so I will shut up now.


It is a wonder to me that everybody doesn't want to play this game. I've told colleagues and friends for years and have invited many to come out and watch and have had very few takers, and none that stuck with it. I think that by many I am viewed as an anachronism, and I suppose I am. Can't think of anything else I'd rather be or anyone else I'd rather share it with than you fine folks.

Posted (edited)

Since Allie Mo asked, otherwise I wouldnt say anything...


we joined almost 2 years ago. In that time we have shot 60ish matches. I wanted to shoot SASS in the 90s when I was in the Marine Corps in California, but with very little pay it didnt happen. 4 cowboy guns is expensive.( I shoot alot, many different styles) Why did I join? I thought I had to in order to shoot matches. I might not have if I had known you can shoot at local shoots without joining. I paid for 3 3year memberships and my wife hasnt shot but 2 matches because of being pregnant. If I had known I sure wouldnt have thrown that money away, I have no problem paying money to my club for targets, facades,etc. But not extra to SASS. Im not saying I wouldnt join SASS again, I just cant say what the real benefit is over just shooting cowboy action at a local club.


For all you saying getting to use the wire should be for members only or its a benefit. You do realize most forums on the internet are free right? They are generally paid for through advertising. (like the wire has) so, its not much of a benefit. I pay for 3 memberships but only get 1 magazine. WOW theres a benefit.


I doubt I will ever shoot a regional or national big match, so I dont see the benefit there either. The ludricous idea that some people have expressed that we OWE SASS more than just dues is well ludicrous. This isnt church where you are paying tithes so they save your soul (or something). You are paying to have fun. Do you feel indebted to the movie theater? Do you feel indebted to the race track you visit? or other games you play? I also assume all of you who think we owe SASS an eternal gratitude for being able to shoot cowboy also served your country. Since there is a place you should feel indebted to.


flame away, since I know that many people here cant help but put others down constantly and be negative.



just to be clear here. I have NO problem with SASS or SASS charging DUES. The problem I mentioned is that some of the members seem to think SASS saved their soul and WE owe them something. We owe them no more than our dues. Our local clubs is where we owe our sweat, extra money when needed, etc. The governing body??? just dues. Its great if you have the ability to help out at the big matches, great to want to expand the organization through networking, bringing people into the clubs, etc.


I have no problem with SASS.

Edited by Home Range

I joined SASS before I knew what I was getting. I joined because all of the club's around were SASS affiliated. I joined because I thought it was expected of me. Now that I know more about the organization the question is will I continue to renew my membership? Absolutely! Why? Because I am impressed with the aspect towards safety and the consistency of the rules. I don't need anything more than that.


Now, what would I change? Not one darn thing! I'm tired of change! No, really, I'm too new at this game to have an opinion on that.

  • Like 1

Since Allie Mo asked, otherwise I wouldnt say anything...


we joined almost 2 years ago. In that time we have shot 60ish matches. I wanted to shoot SASS in the 90s when I was in the Marine Corps in California, but with very little pay it didnt happen. 4 cowboy guns is expensive.( I shoot alot, many different styles) Why did I join? I thought I had to in order to shoot matches. I might not have if I had known you can shoot at local shoots without joining. I paid for 3 3year memberships and my wife hasnt shot but 2 matches because of being pregnant. If I had known I sure wouldnt have thrown that money away, I have no problem paying money to my club for targets, facades,etc. But not extra to SASS.


For all you saying getting to use the wire should be for members only or its a benefit. You do realize most forums on the internet are free right? They are generally paid for through advertising. (like the wire has) so, its not much of a benefit. I pay for 3 memberships but only get 1 magazine. WOW theres a benefit.


I doubt I will ever shoot a big match, so I dont see the benefit there either. The ludricous idea that some people have expressed that we OWE SASS more than just dues is well ludicrous. This isnt church where you are paying tithes so they save your soul (or something). You are paying to have fun. Do you feel indebted to the movie theater? Do you feel indebted to the race track you visit? or other games you play? I also assume all of you who think we owe SASS an eternal gratitude for being able to shoot cowboy also served your country. Since there is a place you should feel indebted to.


flame away, since I know that many people here cant help but put others down constantly and be negative.

Nothing better than the "Cowboy way".



Go to your room and shush! ;)

Yes mommy!!!! :P:P

Posted (edited)

Why did I join?.......

I had started in 3 gun about 18 months ago and realized that I was too old, too fat and too slow for those guys! So I started looking around for another shooting sport that I could keep up with.


Discovered SASS by accident on the Internet and went "Wow, I get to shoot guns AND dress up like a cowboy!" As a kid growing up in the western Era on TV, the clothing requirements just added to the fun. (It didn't hurt that I didn't have to run around like a mad man, either) The toy guns we played with as kids--SA revolvers, lever action rifles, doubled barrel shotguns--we get to shoot for real........fantastic!


I visited some local--and not so local--clubs as I was waiting for my new member kit and was thoroughly hooked.


My only regret was not finding out about SASS 20 years ago. At 69, there's just a lot fewer years left to enjoy SASS and especially the PEOPLE in SASS.


For anyone out there sitting on the fence about joining--hurry up! Time's a'wastin'! You're missin' the fun!

Edited by Dr. O. R. Vet
Posted (edited)

I've been a member since 1997, when do I get my gold pocketwatch and pension?? :lol:


2097 :lol:

Edited by Smoken D
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I'm not a new member or a Guest; I'm just horning in, I reckon. I joined SASS because I was invited out to CVR's annual John Wayne Shootout by my neighbor, who heard me out shooting squirrels one day with my pair of '51 Navy clones. (This was sometime prior to the Wayne organization reneging on Michael Wayne's permission to use the name.) While walking around, looking around the shooting festivities the one day I was at the annual as a visitor, I was hailed over by this old sob in black, with a beard and a top hat and smoking a cigar. We sat and visited for a while without introducing ourselves, just discussing CAS and shooting, but he signed me up as a SASS member, reached in a dirty old bag and fished out badge No. 14086. I swapped him $40 for that badge. Never saw him out there again...wonder what happened to him? I keep re-upping for some durn reason.


That's enough for now.

Edited by Cat Brules, SASS #14086
Posted (edited)

My oldest brother, Bluewater Ringer, servered 24+ years in the Navy and shot multiple competition disciplines. He got me into BPCR in 2012 shortly before his liver started seriously failing. I became caregiver #3 and spending a lot more time with him and during his better times he introduced me to CAS. I love shooting. I love the old west. The ability to shoot and pretend to be in the old west is fun and the people are wonderful. Mostly good hearted folk that are friendly and willing to teach and share their experience and love of the sport with others. I joined SASS in late 2014 and am paid up through Feb 2019. We got my 2nd oldest brother to join SASS in 2015 and now the three of us try to make several bigger matches together each year. Montana is home for all of us, but I am living in Texas currently, Bluewater in in MT and Bluewater Ringer is in AZ. Makes it a bit challenging getting us all together. Looking forward to converting to a Life membership. Wish I could spread the cost over a few months.

Edited by Lost Trail
Posted (edited)

I got interested in CAS, because I was wanted opportunities to shoot my Colts other than just poking little round holes in paper at my local range. I started checking out the SASS web site and forums, and visited a match with The Cowboys in Norco. I then joined SASS, even though I didn't have all the equipment I needed, because I thought I had to to be involved in matches and purchase through the forum.


I then exchanged a few PMs with Yul Lose, who was very supportive, and met up with him at the Escondido Bandidos for my first match. Yul was a great help in guiding me through my first few matches. I've since been shooting with both the Escondido Bandidos and The Cowboys almost every month since I joined.


I might be a little different from others starting out, because I knew what my goals/interests were going to be in CAS: I had no interest in shooting the fastest times, or running "race" guns with mouse fart loads. I wanted to shoot my Colts dualist, carry cross-draw, and use an old dbl shotgun that I have. I didn't have a pistol caliber lever gun, so I needed to buy one of those. I've always preferred a 92 to the 66 of 73, and was fortunate to find a nice Rossi 92 here on the forum. I also found some nice quality leather at a decent price here in the classifieds, in the cross-draw style that I wanted to use. I've probably shot at a dozen matches, and so far I'm still perfectly happy with my equipment and the category that I've chosen to shoot. It's been a whole lot of fun.


The biggest benefits I see to supporting SASS are the web site and these forums, and because SASS is what ties this whole sport together; these are the reasons that I'll continue my membership. I have little interest in the Chronicle, I seldom open the monthly on-line version (I really dislike on-line magazines) and I'll maybe spend 4-5 minutes skimming the quarterly print version.


As to promotion/marketing of CAS and SASS, somehow SASS needs to work on overcoming the perception of CAS as a geezer sport, versus the reality of the sport.


Best regards,

Edited by Slate

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