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Laser 'stippling' needed

Widder, SASS #59054

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Who does good laser 'stippling' on wood?


If ya got any good recommendations, post em please.


If ya got any that I need to stay away from, send me a PM.






Edited by Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054
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What do you mean by laser "stipling?" There are a couple of people that routinely show up at major matches to do laser engraving on wood. Drifter from (I believe) the Mid-West and Taz from New England attend many matches and both do great work. Taz is already parked at Ben Avery getting ready for Winter Range.

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Thanks PAT...yes, that is what I refer to as 'stippling'.


Checkering is an 'organized' pattern where stippling has no set pattern.


Larsen and Chief Rick: Thanks for the recommendation.




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So.......you want laser cut precision irregularities


Howdy Wyatt.


I couldn't think of a better description although stippling does have a specific 'design'.


Anyhow, there is a difference between stippling and checkering.




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I know what stippling is. It is usually done on metal with a prick punch. I just wanted to make sure what the OP was talking about. The photo in number four was done by laser and either Drifter or Taz can do it.

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Who does good laser 'stippling' on wood?


If ya got any good recommendations, post em please.


If ya got any that I need to stay away from, send me a PM.






Widder, Taz will be at the Tennessee State Match again this year.



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Hello Widder,


Taz has done quite a bit of stuff for me that is always great! Also he is the one that did the first Jedi plaque for me with the buckle inlaid in the plaque, he has the program in his system and has done a few now as they where a big hit the minute everyone saw it..

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Laser Graphic has a good strong laser that can go deeply into wood and do a great job.




Done by Mogollon Drifter.

He does good work





or you could break out the nail set and a tack hammer and get after it.

Edited by Noz
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Widder, Taz will be at the Tennessee State Match again this year.




Hey!! Randy! What about the guy we used for awards a couple of years ago?? Is he still doing it??

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Old West Laser Graphics (Mogollon Drifter) and Klassic Laser Works (Tazz & Rose) both do great work. Got stuff from both of them. While none of my stuff would actually be considered stippling, I'd think they could both do it. Good luck.

Edited by Titus A. Gnatsass, SASS #71705
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I checked out the website info and although it appears that their specialty is 'engraving and checkering', I will probably contact them about 'stippling'.


Thanks again.




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