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Howdy Rev. ..

Wolfie says he has a bone for yer collection ,,,,,, and a wet shine fer yer boots ....

He misses Ole Blue too , but still won't share his food bowel....


When's ya coming ta shoot up here ???

Give da Red Head a Hug from me ...


I got a new Red Head in the Family this Sept 1 ,,, She's my new Daughter-in-law ... Pretty as new Snow , Shiny as a new button....

And she likes Fishing !!!


Coffee an Bearsign fer everyone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, even non Grumps ....


Jabez Cowboy


Good to see the Rev back, Jabez sister is doing better. Attitude is an essential part of our battle.

I hope Carlos is doing OK.

Hormones are making my arthritic knees and the rest of me ache. Feels like the knees are going to give way once in a while. Grump!

Still have to get the boat flipped for the winter. Have to get #1 son and his friends to do that. I'm to sore and weakened right now. Grump!

Talk about feeling useless!


WHO'S JOHN WAYNE??? Now I'm grumpy!!!

Kids today, kids yesterday too.

Got 3 shots in my arthritic knee this AM, feel'n much better.

Ahhhh, just took a couple of gulps of my cold Corona Extra, want one?

I got some bottle caps for church fund.

Carlos Murphy


Get off my lawn!

  • Like 1

Took my Weatherby Vangard out to sight it in ,,, got it on paper close to center right off the bat... Used some old Winchester "Power Point"  Factory Ammo, then some  Fusion ammo moved on out to 200 yards , and I found that all three "Lot's of 130 gr. Fusion had slightly different points of impact ...

So I move on out to 300 yards to check for drop ,,,, 2 3/4 inches high at 100 and 2 1/2 inches low at 300 ,,,,,, good to go ... Well I was a little disappointed in the group size ,,, but good enough for deer ..... I was thinking that My shooting was not all that good today, with 3 inch groups at 300 being the norm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then ,,,,,,,

On the way home ,,,, I got to thinking New Rifle,,,in .270 Win. ,,, using Factory Ammo ,,, Skinny Barrel  ;) B) that ain't so bad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'm kinda spoiled as I'm used to seeing groups of 1 1/2 inches or less with my Modern hunting rifles in .6mm Rem., .25-06, my other .270 Win. .300 WSM and .375 Ruger ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but then that's using handloads crafted for each gun in Question ...... So I was probley shooting Ok today after all ...

It's really kind of funny that when I saw bigger than expected group sizes ,,,,, I started to question my shooting ability ,,,,, The quality of the Gun ,,,,,, then later it came to me that 3 inch groups with factory rounds at 300 yards is really pretty good ....

Shoot my Lowwall for fun ,,,,, and to try to fix cases with creased necks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sure is a nice shooting gun in .38-40....


Coffee and two bearsign  left .....


Jabez Cowboy


37 degrees this AM at 3:30, Monkey Butt coffee on the boil and a box of chocolate doughnut holes.

Carlos Murphy


No foot prints on my frosty lawn.


Getting hotter & hate that dang humidity..have a hot drink & it's like  sweat runnin' down ya' face..bring back our mild winter if ya' a hankerin....& soon !!! Not good that wishin' for time to pass quickly, a bit like when ya' was a youngin & eager to be 15 then 21 etc..nah ta heck with that push the turbo button for the next six months then go to idle  along   phase !!!

A cool drink will help.

Iffin' ya' want to step on our 'GREEN lawn best bring the mower as well.

Best wishes to all the grumps  & may all your shots go go clang or thud !!

Posted (edited)

Still rainin' in central and Southeast Texas.

And my coffee is cold.

That's enough to make many grumpy.

Edited by Shotgun Willie Nelson

Page Two ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, where be all da Grumps ????

Sleepin on da Job ???


Wake up and Grump ....


So who's planning to come up here and shoot next year ???


Jabez Cowboy


Good morning grumps, wait..... how can it be a good morning if we's all grumpy?

38 degrees, no snow.

Yesterday I ordered a pair of 1858 Remington's with R&D conversion fluted cylinders in .45 Colt from Taylor's & Company, think'n on switch'n to the holy smoke, hard to stay grumpy.

Getti'n ready to go to breakfast at Cowboy's Cafe in Minden, see ya'll there.


Carlos Murphy

Rock salt in the SXS so KEEP OFF MY LAWN !


  • Haha 1

OOOH! Treatments are getting me extra GRUMPY!

Big thick needle in the belly. Left a lump and that stuff burns like the devil.

And the drugs make the arthritic knees and sore muscles even more sore.


I ain't in the mood for any shenanigans or back talk ! 



Did I say Lawn?

Now it's covered in about 10 centimetres (~4 inches) of cold white stuff. 

Tomorrow will be a good day to stay of the roads, while everybody re-learns how to drive in it.

And I already have my snow tires on, the mower put away with gas line stabilizer and the snow blower running, in the garage and ready to go.

This should really bring on the rut! and I'm going hunting!!

Dr. Pierre tells me to bring him a nice roast, but don't catch a cold.


We spent all day yesterday moving a lazy, addict SIL into a new apartment. Makes me way passed grumpy. But its done and she is the problem of the youngest SIL, her chief enabler. Just gotta clean out the place and get it sold.

Get off the lawn, line up to buy the condo and take care.


Imis  Prayers for us all


Well I didn't fall of the roof of my shed ,,,,,,,, that's the good news ....

What's an old stove-up cowboy doing riding the peak and screwing down new roofing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, should know by now that's a young mans job ...

Sore doesn't begin to describe how I'm feeling .....

Going to turn on da tellie an Watch da Red Socks win ....

WHO is Coming up here to shoot in 2019 ????


Jabez Cowboy

On 10/23/2018 at 7:05 PM, Carlos Murphy # 873 said:

WHO'S JOHN WAYNE??? Now I'm grumpy!!!

Kids today, kids yesterday too.

Got 3 shots in my arthritic knee this AM, feel'n much better.

Ahhhh, just took a couple of gulps of my cold Corona Extra, want one?

I got some bottle caps for church fund.

Carlos Murphy


Get off my lawn!

My two sons both know who John Wayne was and, I made sure that my grand children know who John Wayne was.  I can show them a photo and say who is this, all three of them yell out "JOHN WAYNE"



Good ta see you is still looking at da grass from da top side ...

Grab a Mug of Coffee and a Pumpkin Spice cookie an set a spell , they is SOFT so they is easy ta Chew ....

Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)

Howdy Grumps,

Another appointment at the sawbones this AM, same O same O.........

Looking for a new pair of Mexican spurs, any body seen um with jingle-bobs on um?

Still waiting for my 1858 Remington's with R&D conversions, they screwed up my order, sent it to the wrong address but Taylor's & Co. stopped the delivery and had it returned to them so hopefully I'll get em early next week, the cylinders will be here this PM, they must be shipped separately.

You can see em in action on u-tube, hickok45

Edited by Carlos Murphy # 873
more info.

No sooner than ya' park the Toro & ya' gotta' get it out again !!  No Cowboy this w'end gunna shoot me some more clays .Wife got a dose of the flu that you lot sent down-under from ya' winter so that put the dampners on a shoot we had planned  some 1,000 mile away...I'II take it out on the clays !!

Won't ask ya' to mow ya' lawn cos ya got none,

Sit back & have a coffee with ya' favorite eats .


Yall get up. We should alll bow to PM. He drives to a match 1000 miles away like its nothing, we have to take vacation, plan for critter care, get tires and the car serviced and it's a BIG deal. I guess a trip to Tennessee in 2019 wont be big travel after all.

Get off the brown lawn



  • Like 2

Still wait'n on my Pietta Remi 1858 pistolas, one Sheriffs model and one standard model with 8" barrel  from Taylor's, they screwed up the shipping address on two orders and one was mine but I got the conversion cylinders Friday which are shipped separately, I opted for the fluted cylinders, I think they look better.

I just bought a new ball cap, say's "MAKE AMERICA A  S**THOLE, VOTE DEMOCRAT", ain't it the truth!

Monkey Butt coffee on the boil, punkin cupcakes on the side.

Keep off my......lawn.

Carlos Murphy

  • Like 1

Snow's gone. Rain took it all away and gave me sore knees etc. just to make up.

Deer season opened today, but I think I'll hold off for a bit, until we get some clear weather.

Dr. Dr. Bob* tells me he'll drive the 4-wheel drive truck right to my ground blind and just keep an ear peeled for gunshots and a YAHOO! from my spot.


* I call him Dr. Dr. Bob because he has two Phd's


Wish my Son-in Law would just git on with his Defence for his PHD...

Then I could call him Sam PHD ....


Coffee and bread hot from da Oven .... With real Butter ,,,,,,,,,,,,  Or cream cheese ....


Jabez Cowboy


Well the Clay shoot was a goodin..pretty dang happy wid ma' shootin! Gunna go try some nite time clays next week.

Hey IMIS plans are in the makin' for  maybe our last trip overseas in Sept / Oct '020 ..iffin' that is we can stash enough $$$ away but all good so far ! Plannin' on  TX, OH,  & TN ...& no I ain't gunna mow ya' lawn , I'II watch if ya' like.

Stinkin hot here, actually turnin' the grass brown but that won't be for long as the rain is comin'.

Enjoy ya' coffee but best steady up on those sweet things !!

  • Like 1
On 11/6/2018 at 5:26 PM, Painted Mohawk SASS 77785 said:

Well the Clay shoot was a goodin..pretty dang happy wid ma' shootin! Gunna go try some nite time clays next week.

Hey IMIS plans are in the makin' for  maybe our last trip overseas in Sept / Oct '020 ..iffin' that is we can stash enough $$$ away but all good so far ! Plannin' on  TX, OH,  & TN ...& no I ain't gunna mow ya' lawn , I'II watch if ya' like.

Stinkin hot here, actually turnin' the grass brown but that won't be for long as the rain is comin'.

Enjoy ya' coffee but best steady up on those sweet things !!

Hey Mohawk, You gonna try Coming at Cha?


Page 3?

And in honor of my Father (the shorter fellow in civvies) and my Brother from another Mother, Lloyd, after receiving his decoration at Government House, from the Governor General.

Now, get the heck off the lawn!



Congrats to all Kid, ya must be proud.


Carlos Murphy

Lawns clear.


Yep, I am. No blood ties between Lloyd, Dad and I. Just respect and affection.

I recently donated some of Dad's memorabilia to the Mess at Cold Lake, where he was the first Mess President after the base opened.

He had an interesting career, starting in the RCAF in 1936, three years before the war started (for us).

Now get off the snow covered lawn.

Posted (edited)
On 11/12/2018 at 9:12 AM, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

Page 3?

And in honor of my Father (the shorter fellow in civvies) and my Brother from another Mother, Lloyd, after receiving his decoration at Government House, from the Governor General.

Now, get the heck off the lawn!



Aw, good to see the the old light blue.  I started off in light blue and retired in light blue with a Hell of a lot of green in between.

Per Ardua ad Astra or, in my case Securitas

Edited by Buffalo Creek Law Dog

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