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I'd have liked to try the .40-65 etc, but availability of brass and lead bullets kinda held me back. That's why I stuck with .45-70; availability of brass and I have a fellow with a Magna-caster who casts for me.

But I do love those big thumpers! I recently bought a new Trapdoor, in .45-70 of course, to go with my original .50-70 conversion, that Bubba's Grandfather got to. It's the one with the open breech.

.45-70 Springfield 001 (3).JPG

second 1866 Original Trapdoor Conversion in .50-70 Calibre017.JPG


Star-Line makes .40-65 brass ,,, or as I mostly do ( I'm Cheap ) just put .45-70 brass in your sizing die pull the handle , raise it up out comes perfect .40-65 brass minus the Head-stamp... You may or may not need to trim them a little ...


Coffee an Apple Pie fer da Grumps ...


Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)


Shot the "Come On Safari" match at Cornwall, emanating from the twisted fertile mind(?) of Johnny Cheater.

( I can't imagine what He** his poor students go through during the year!)

Red Storm & I drove up in the early AM; Me anticipating a clean match, (note, I didn't say fast!), that was until the first stage and the onset of heat stroke.

Oh well, ice water over my head and quiet sulking contemplation, sitting in the shade, under the canopy and I was ready to go again.

A wobbly pop and supper at historic Quinn's Inn improved my morale.

Now get off the lawn!!

Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

Home from " Shoot Out in the Hills "  Shot FCD like usual ,, did OK ...

It was Hot 36  for a high... 


Jabez Cowboy


We shot Saturday in considerably cooler temps, down to 88f from 98f. I had one miss, watched fireworks later. It was hard to find much to be grumpy about but I rose to the occasion. 

Get off the Lawn




Where is all da Red Heads ???

And ner do wells at ???

Da Cannon Fund ???? how much does we have in it ???

Wolfee is getting old and Meaner by the day, How's Ole Blue ???


And Who Took the last cup of Coffee ???

And What are we doing on Page 2 ???


Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)

Asking questions is the easiest thing to do, Jabez. Wasn’t it Jabez Wilson who copied an encyclopedia by hand just to join The Red Headed League?

Edited by South-Eye Ned

So NED what do you DO when yer Not Sober ???


If ya only do those things listed While Sober ,,,, What's left ta do when you's Drunk ...


Grab a Cup of Joe and tell us all about it ...


Jabez Cowboy

  • Haha 1

“Those things listed”?


Now, Jabez, how Am i I supposed to remember what I do when I’m not sober?!


The ones listed as your Interests,,,,,,


Coffee is Fresh and Hot ...


Nice Weather up here ,,,, Now ...

Back from Page 3 ...


Jabez Cowboy


Lemonade and cookies or jerky and Jack.

83 degrees with 27% humadidty.

Loading shot shells.

Watching "100 Rifles" on the big flat screen.

What ever happened to all the GOFWG's ?


Carlos Murphy


Long range & Plainsman State Titles , what a top w'end..plenty of yarnin' round the camp fire, coffee brewin' for those that drink it.. luv the real BP & the ROA's.. 2 weeks time move onto the 44-40's  for another great shoot the Heartlands Territorial , shot on the Gold Coast in the state of Queensland, ah life is sweet.......

Posted (edited)

Congrats on the new titles there PM, I won best costume way back when.

I regularly watch off road vids on utube from Australia, a guy named Ronny Dahl, great vids, great country.


Carlos Murphy

Edited by Carlos Murphy # 873

WON the FCD class in the last 5 shoots I have been at, shot 3 of them Clean, one of them was the B.C. provincial Championship ( think State ) Shoot ...

Got a Son married off June 16 , getting a Daughter married off on July 30 ....................... Then getting the other Son married off Sept 1  ,,,,,, Life hasn't been boring ...


Now drink yer Coffee and tell yer tales ....


22 hours ago, Painted Mohawk SASS 77785 said:

Long range & Plainsman State Titles , what a top w'end..plenty of yarnin' round the camp fire, coffee brewin' for those that drink it.. luv the real BP & the ROA's.. 2 weeks time move onto the 44-40's  for another great shoot the Heartlands Territorial , shot on the Gold Coast in the state of Queensland, ah life is sweet.......

Whoops wasn't sayin I won em  just it was a great w-end...did finish in the top 5  [ yeah 5th  LOL ]  !!!

Now go mows ya' lawns !!

Posted (edited)
On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 1:36 PM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Kid ,,,, Ya Sure Is OLDER !!!

Hey what color were da dinosaurs anyway ???


Jabez Cowboy


Dino's were sort of an off grey/green.

My own pet, when it was young was a Hadrosaur, but I couldn't keep up with its feed and had to set back out in the wilds. Near Calgary.

Later, Buffa caught it again and tried to break it to saddle. Didn't work.

It was a star bucker in the first Stampede. 

Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

I'll have a cup.

Any donuts or sticky buns?

Got a Clean Match certificate for my efforts at the "Lipstick on a Pig" match in May.

Disappointing now though that they no longer use a timer with that "BEEP" when I get to the line.

Now it's a whistle to start me and a sun dial.


Heck got lost in my smoke at Mission and about couldn't find da un-load table , on stage 2 ...

An nobody found me till da smoke cleared ... get just over 7 stages per pound of powder if there ain't more than 4  shotgun targets per stage ...


Jabez Cowboy


We shot yesterday, it wasnt quite as hot as last week. I did pretty well( lots of local fast shooters away at Black Gold) shot my personal best. Not a lot to grump about but i will find something. Dont even have to mow today. That said GET OFF THE LAWN anyway.




We must be all a shootin' lately..is da' lawn gettin' long  up there with the hot weather..no problems with that down under at this time of the year.

Shot me some black powder at a  2 day match last w'end..exceptin' those couple of brain farts I was a happy. Dang guns &  ammo give   not a problem..two weeks time we gunna tangle with the Powder Creek Cowboy clan from Lenexa in Kansas & we's gunna have the braggin' rights this year as we intend to give them a lickin'..presently we are  3 wins each but we'll change that !!!!

Coffee for da grumps & sticky date puddin if your a mind..then GO MOW YA' LAWNS.


Just dropped off three new picnic tables at the Square Circle Ranch, (Our new CAS facility at EOSC)

Buildings are getting moved in soon so I'm not quite as grumpy as usual.



Is my Aunt Minnie in here?


Don't right Know ,,,,, Does She want to be found ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by you ....

Then She might be here or not ,,,,,, Is She GRUMPY with several guns to her name ???

Didn't see Her ,,,, Don't mean She's not here though ....


Sorry just practicing up to talk to a liberal .....


Coffee and Bearsign fer da Grumps ..


Jabez Cowboy


Ain't guna find no liberals round hear, when I go out wear'n my MAGA hat I go armed, just in case cuz there's so many dumb a** lib protester groups out there ya never know what you'll run into.

Non a then been on my lawn......yet.

Carlos Murphy

  • Haha 1

Howdy Carlos ;

We could use your services, there are some Pipeline protesters that need to meet a rope up here ....

Coffee fer all da Grumps..


Dun got my oldest Daughter hitched, lovely event lot's of Work though ...


Jabez Cowboy

  • Like 1
On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 2:22 AM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Heck got lost in my smoke at Mission and about couldn't find da un-load table , on stage 2 ...

An nobody found me till da smoke cleared ... get just over 7 stages per pound of powder if there ain't more than 4  shotgun targets per stage ...


Jabez Cowboy


I've been thinking about this Jabez and I think I found a way for you to have a clean match. Every time.

 Use the Holy Black. Lots of Holy Black. The blacker the better.

Have a pard standing nearby, but out of sight, with a steel plate and a hammer. 

After each shot into the smoke, your pard hits the steel plate.

If it clangs twice, just claim it's an echo.


No-No, don't thank me. Anything to help a pard.


What? Cheat? Who Me?

Spirit of the Game?? What?

Asked to leave? What? Why?


The bang and Clang are so Close together that Folks miss it .....  I have been told that "all I heard was the Boom" , so you missed even when there is clearly a mark in the center of the freshly painted target that is still swinging from the impact ....


But inspite of this I am still averaging 60% clean matches for the last 5 ...  But I truly do appreciate all the help I can get ...


Jabez Cowboy


Shot the Longrange Pistol Caliber lever event at the 25 th. (2016) Winter Range using my Rossi 92 in .45 Colt, placing 6 th.

I was using 270 gr. bullets over a Casefull of Goex 3F...

I was only 1.31 of a second behind my friend TR in 3 place , he was using a Tricked out 73 using smokeless loaded .38 specials ...

I believe I was the only Blackpowder shooter in the Top Ten ...

Awards were only 5 deep with only the top 5 shooters even mentioned, even though more folks shot this event than were registered for WB in total...

And prizes were given out ten deep in each class in WB, if there were that many in any class... About 75% of all WB shooters got really nice buckles ...


There was no separate class in the longrange Lever event for those using Black powder...


Coffee fer da Grumps ,,,,, even those "Down Under"


Jabez Cowboy 

23 hours ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

The bang and Clang are so Close together that Folks miss it .....  I have been told that "all I heard was the Boom" , so you missed even when there is clearly a mark in the center of the freshly painted target that is still swinging from the impact ....


But inspite of this I am still averaging 60% clean matches for the last 5 ...  But I truly do appreciate all the help I can get ...


Jabez Cowboy


OK, That's a simple problem to fix.

Use slower bullets.

Geez, do I have to teach you everything?

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