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I sold all my slow bullets to Brian .....


Didn't like the Back Talk they were giving me ....



Jabez Cowboy


Making some sales of toys I no longer use. Arthritis in the knees mean I can't do my share around the moose camp or if we get one.

Pards. want me to come anyway, but wife's health issues are such that I don't want to be 10 to 12 hours drive away. 

Moose rifle, in .338wm with bullets, cases dies etc. on the block.

So keep off my grass, 'cause I'm GRUMPY!

Luckily, I can hunt deer an hour away, with my friend, Dr. Dr. Bob, at his place where I have access to a phone, so I can talk to her a couple of times a day.

Our son, Big Red will handle most things while I'm away.

The family encourages me to get away when there is a match within an 60 to 90 minute drive, so I loaded up some .45's for a match at Grenville this weekend.


Looking to shoot a different game at our cowboy range tomorrow. And it might rain. I think I can still shoot a 1911. It rained here yesterday for 2 hours so Im gonna have to mow Sunday GRRRRRRRUmp

Get off the rapidly growing grass


Jabez  Hows Sis?




Imis ;

My sister has just had her second Chemo treatment , and I don't know the results yet ...

She missed my Son's and Daughter's Weddings this summer one due to surgery and the other due to Chemo ...

Bob her Husband says some days are just Plain Bad ...

One more Son to get Hitched this Summer .....


Our fall Match is Aug. 24 - 26  just 7 1/2 miles from my place ....


Now git often da Lawn !!!!


Jabez Cowboy


Wake-up and smell da Coffee ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and fresh cut Hay ...


Well who's coming to our Shoot???


Jabez Cowboy


Raining this morning, wishing we wuz in Canada with Jabez, gotta a match to go to in a couple of hours and I dont like being rained on . GRUMP.


Imis  Jabez still praying for SIS


Thanks so Much Imis ;


Over 500 separate Wildfires burning in B.C. the Province to the West of us, so it's Hot and Dry and somewhat Smokie up here now ...


Coffee fer da Grumps ...


Jabez Cowboy



Unofficially changing my alias to Casey Jones after yesterdays trainwreck match. I got into a batch of bad ammo. Four rifle squibs and a thoroughly locked up pistol. I had one decent stage. Now I have about 40 rounds from that batch to pull the bullets and reload. Grump

Yall get off the lawn and do it now.




Home made Cinnimon Buns with Creamcheese icing  to go with my Coffee ,,,,,,, Life is Good ...

Our Shoot starts Friday , with Side Matches ,Swap meet  and Pot luck ...

Main Match , Sat & Sunday..


Jabez Cowboy



Had to miss Strangers Buffalo Rifle Match on Saturday. Had my precision bullets all weighed, loaded into carefully examined and trimmed .45-70 cases that were loaded individually with Trail Boss after weighing each and every charge.

Then a family health emergency stopped me from attending.

Oh well. Maybe next time.


Don't toy or annoy me!

Posted (edited)
On ‎8‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 10:57 AM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Kid ,,, Are they A Ok???

Sorry about the Shoot ...


Coffee fer da Grumps ...


Jabez Cowboy


No, not the best. SWMBO picked something up while at the hospital, waiting for some tests and has been worshiping The Great White Goddess.

And missed the first time.

She says she's now OK and tells me to go to the match coming up in Kingston, but I don't want to that far away, because Big Red (#1 Son) is working Saturday.

That and an upcoming trip to the Cancer Assessment Clinic next week for a problem discovered with my plumbing has me a little off my game..

Grey Pride.jpg

Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

Well Kid ;

Me and the Missus will send some prayers up for you and the Missus...

Keep a Stiff upper lip ....


Nov GIt often da Lawn !!!


Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)

Thanks Pards.

Those prayers worked the last time, when an X-Ray showed a shadow around my heart. (GULP!)

That turned out to be a partially calcified aneurism and a blood clot surrounded by fibrous tissue, from heart surgery almost 50 years before, when I was 16.

The Heart Institute just keeps a watching brief on that and tells me to keep on keeping on.

Hopefully, this will end up being something along the same line.

Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

Payers are always there pard, I'll raise you 6 stents.


Carlos Murphy


Dang dry here, water holes dried up, plants just hangin' on..need some of that wet stuff from the sky real soon..but the shootin'  keeps goin' on !!!!

Ain't much of a lawn ta' keep off..grumble, grumble ,grumble 

Have ya' selves a coffee on me.................


Coffee sounds good, I'll kick in a box of chocolate donuts..:wub:


Good ta see someone is feeling Feisty ....

Coffee fer da Grumps ...

Got the last of my 3 kids Weddings over that we had this summer,,, 3 in 76 days ....

I'm just a little wore out ...


Jabez Cowboy ....



Was going to do just that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then an old friend dropped by .....

Hadn't seen him in years , His daughter got married the same day Sept. 1 as my son ,,,,, different cities , and neither he nor I was aware of the other's kids plans ...

Had a nice visit , With fresh home made Cinnamon Buns and Coffee...

Well the SASS Canadian Nationals are over ,,, with Whistling Will taking Top-Gun ,,, He is just out of Juniors ....

I remember him running around with his twin "Cap Guns " with the RED muzzles ,,,,, yelling Bang ...

Well he is still a Running ...... Just using real guns now ...


Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)

Our posse's annual CAS match is coming up next Saturday with a Wild Bunch match on Sunday.

I'll be able to shoot the CAS match on Saturday, but the WB match is out since I have the duty at Church that day.

Complicating that, Big Red, # 1 son, has to work Sunday and we don't want to leave SWMBO alone too long.

Big Red was around last Saturday and Sunday, so I was able to help Regulator, Red Storm set-up for the upcoming matches next Saturday and Sunday.

Man, those rigid leg braces are hot, but I was able to stay on my feet most of the time.

Trouble on match day is they catch the tie-down thongs and pull my gun belt down. 



Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

Put a Knife in one back pocket and a Fat Wallet in the other ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sorry forgot you is likely broke as you are married ...

Just stuff yer wallet with News Clippings ,,,, from all the shoots ya have Won ....;)


Coffee is Fresh and Cinnamon Buns, made by the Bunk Boss ...


Jabez Cowboy




No match overalls and not too many category firsts. My buddy Red Storm always seems to ease me out of first place.

I'll have to think of something to slip into his morning tea when we camp out the night before. (We usually bunk together in the motor home, on the range the night before a match. Saves driving in early in the morning.)

And yes, we're very friendly!

OVM June 15,2012 036.jpg


Acorse he a waren bloomers under that dress, right?

He deserves coffee and a bear claw fer dat.


 Wee's one up on those  Canadian mangirl types at least our Aussies   have  a shave, well I  supposin' not all of 'em !!

Just give him/her the coffee Carlos..I'II be takin the bear claw !

All grumps take a roll on the lawn then git'


How's things Down Under ????

Must be Spring Soon .....

The Boss and I have a Friend that retired from your Attorney-General's Department this year ,,,, She worked for your Counter-Terrorism Branch (PSCC )

We need  to Visit her as she has made the trip up here 3 times ....


Anyhoo Stay offften da Lawn !!!


Jabez Cowboy

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