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Just a Bunch of GRUMPS with lot's of Guns ....




Don't Know if Ya might Fit in ,,,,,, Got someone that will Vouch Fer Ya ???


Jabez Cowboy


ma uma uma uma.........gulp......Mmmmm, chocolate donut with my coffee, yall welcome ta join me.




Carlos good ta see you's still on the Right side of da Grass ...

Coffee and Pumpkin Pie fer da Grumps ....

CLK good catch ,,,, Page 3 ,,,, now I is really Grumpy ...


Jabez Cowboy


Yeah, I'm still kick'n, just got three nerve blocking shots in my right arthritic knee, take a few days to see if they will work.

Vanilla ice cream on that punkin pie?

Carlos Murphy


Well I only just dun' started minglin' with this lot, not a bad crew  I reckons, I mean there's always a hot coffee brewin & some viddles but ya  do have to get off da' lawn a lot. Biggest problem I got is sore arms on a counta' havin to hold you's  all up seein I'm down -under.........


We have raised our standards quite a bit. We had to after we were let in. We now only allow ner do wells and various reprobates and troublesome folks on Tuesdays and alternate Fridays. Excepting Leap Year when anything goes. 

PM we aint heavy , we your brothers, upside down




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Welcome ta da fire pard, hot coco, oats fer da horse and a ham bone fer da dog.

Ain't Arnold Schwarzenegger from Australia???

Carlos Murphy


Ole Arnold Schwarzenenegger is from Austria on the Top-side ....

But the Auzzie's love a hard task ,,,, all the while Whining about it ....

Give him a barrel of Ale and he will consider it his duty drink the Whole dang thing ... Hard task but needs a doing ...

But don't tell them, that they is right-side Up and we is tipped over ....


Jabez Cowboy

6 minutes ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Ole Arnold Schwarzenenegger is from Austria on the Top-side ....

But the Auzzie's love a hard task ,,,, all the while Whining about it ....

Give him a barrel of Ale and he will consider it his duty drink the Whole dang thing ... Hard task but needs a doing ...

But don't tell them, that they is right-side Up and we is tipped over ....


Jabez Cowboy

AUSTRIA? Musta got confused by the accent, I'll be bock.


Just Bock up to da Rock ,, shut down yer rig and come on in and pull up a stump and set a spell ...

Coffee is hot a fresh and I got's some Peanut Butter cookies ....



Jabez Cowboy 


I'm up dang it, robo calls started at 7:00.....AGAIN! Had 20 yesterday all from the same area code, wana shoot ma fone......

Need coffee with a little hooch in it this morning, extra grumpy now.

Think I'll go site in my Ruger AR-15 and shoot some tanerite targets.

Have a good one.

Carlos Murphy

6 minutes ago, Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646 said:

Imis like tannerite, I can come yes-no?


And get off the lawn



Comon over when ya hear the booms.


Boom ,,,,,,,,,,,,, A Blast back to Page 1 ....

Going Fishing tomorrow, Son Wife and newest Daughter-in-Law are coming along ....


Hold da Fort ........Back in 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Days ...


Jabez Cowboy


Leaving Da Boy to mind the Place fer 3 Days , if you stop by fer a Coffee make sure ya check if he made it or is new Bride did ,,,,,,,,,,,, She makes right fine Coffee, him not so much ....

Hwy the Sun's out now, got to hitch da boat to the MC and head west ...


Ya all play Nice Now ....


Jabez Cowboy


Did ya'all say the new wife'y makes good cinnamon buns?

I may stop by.


Carlos Murphy


My Wifey ain't new no more ( going on 34 Years) , but I just got a new Daughter-in-law that makes right good Coffee and I'll get da wife ta teach her to make Cinnamon buns ....

Caught some Large Mouth Bass and some Perch... First trip out with the Boat this year ....


Jabez Cowboy 



First trip out with the boat, in Canada, this year? Wont it be snowing there in three more days? Thats a pretty small window for summer. 

Oh well, hope everybody is doing well. Im exhausted from prep for the Tennessee State Match in 3 weeks but it has been fun. I mowed yesterday and it rained on me in the backyard but not in the front. Oh well yall stay off the lawn






Nope it's Snowing just 200 miles north of me ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Today...

With 3 of my Kids getting Married this summer and the wedding Showers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, seemed unending...

Really cut into my Fishing and Shooting Time this Summer...

We are now Empty Nesters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

This is the very first SASS Canadian Nationals I have missed .....

Planning on next years though ...


Fresh Coffee and Warm apple Pie ,,,,, 3 slices left ...


Jabez Cowboy



Raining here, Im loading ammo and yall can stay off the lawn. It is soggy.



Imis   looking for relief from heat and humidity, in all the wrong places


F3 Tornado here. Lost power for a couple of days. Back on now.

Lots of damage where the tornado touched down at Dunrobin

Our freezers stayed frozen, with a blanket over them.

Sheltering a friend here, as her apartment is out and she is on the 14th floor. 

No water, elevator or lights at her place.

I was at Prescott for a match when Sherron called at 6:00 AM to let me know the power had been out for 15 hours at that point and my flag was blown out.

Shingles seem to be OK. 

Parts of Ottawa have a lot of trees and power poles down. Tornado touched down on a main hydro station in Ottawa that will take some time to rebuild.

Hydro claims it was a worse situation than the Ice Storm of '98

Not something we see around here, but our EMO is pretty good.


Kid ;

I trust they will get things sorted and in fine order soon ...

Keep on trucking ....


Saved you a slice off Pie ...


Jabez Cowboy


Almost everything back up, but a few isolated areas still w/o electricity. 

Turns out we had no less than 6 tornados touch down, biggest being an E/F3

SWMBO is bugging me about getting a whole house NG generator, so I guess I better get going on that.


CLK Hope things are back to normal(whatever that is) for ya now. Generators are kinda pricey, right?

Ya Grumps need to keep off CLK's lawn whereever it went.




Yep. I'm looking at over 10k for a whole house unit with an automatic transfer switch.

Need about a 16kvw minimum to run everything, in spite of having NG for the cooktop, stove, fireplace, water heater, dryer etc. all of which require electricity to make them fire and run.

Looking at a Generac air cooled model.


Had an electrician look at things and he advised a 14 but I see Generac now only has a 16

Besides, for the difference in cost between a smaller unit and the larger, I might as well go for the gusto.

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Humbug   there, that was just early practice for October 9th ,the first official day of Christmas, at least in stores.

80 degrees F here today, the $%^&^%$%^&^%$#@ grass is still growing. So STAY OFF THE LAWN

We return you now to your own universe 




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