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Congratz on the new rug rat, all the best.

Be sure not to spoil her....:wub:

Carlos Murphy


Congrats Jabez!! I have a great granddaughter inbound in April, looking forward to a trip to Texas to meet her. We have a dusting of snow at my house this AM so I aint going out.


Imis and get off the crispy lawn


Congratulations on the grand daughter! Burn Bacon is expecting 2 more by the SASS Western Regionals in Saskatoon in August.



I have always Said that Burn Bacon was more capable than you ....

See Ya Down da Trail ...

Wishing Ya the Best for 2019 ...

Them Little Critters is sure Cute ...


Jabez Cowboy


Back to Da Top ,,,,,

Grumps Rule da World ,,,,,


Or at least they Should !!!

Remember never trust a fellow that hires others to Pack a gun to save his life , all the while telling You ,,,,,, Guns are Bad ...


Coffee and Pumpkin Pie with whipped Cream .... Fer da Grumps


Jabez Cowboy

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I'll be over IF that whipped cream is just like my grandmother's and not out of a can.....

Got my pacemaker/defibrillator last week, doc says it'll be bout 6 week before I notice.

Carlos Murphy


Welcome Carlos ....

Shall we cut the Pie in 4 slices or just 2 ???

If we do 4 ,,,, We can have two slices each ....


Jabez Cowboy


Yeah, two is always better than one, cept in misses.

I'll bring the vanilla ice cream.

Carlos Murphy


It is 40f here this am and we are shooting today. looking for a high about 60. Tough to be grumpy on a shooting day but I shall rise to the occasion.





38 and raining this AM, due for snow tomorrow here in the valley.

Time for breakfast at the Cowboy's Cafe, pork chops, eggs over and hash browns, ya'll invited.

Carlos Murphy

Off my soggy lawn.


"One of thee days....When I have time.....Someday......"  I've been using these phrases for getting back in the saddle to send Holy Black warthog loads downrange again.  I've been saying it for a couple years now.  Meanwhile I've been seeing too many of my shooting cowboy friends succumb to Father Time.   I miss my buddies and have to admit I'm a bit purturbed time is not been friendly.  Oh well, keep the track open and the light on.  My irons are getting rusty, but I'll be back on the range and surprise some youngins eventually. 




Rev Willy ;

Good to hear you is still top-side of da Roots....

I got's $1.75 and three .32-20 rounds for da Cannon Fund ...


Wolfee is still keeping Folks in check and getting less and Less tolerant of Fools ...


Minus 8 F.  Grass /Hay are a nice even shade of Brown with a Frosting Of Snow..


Coffee and Bearsign  fer da Grumps


Hey my Rev. Daughter gave me the Sweetest Granddaughter two weeks ago ....


Jabez Cowboy 


Jabez, I got a wine cork, a concho, a case from an A10 Warthog and a quarter on my desk.  It all goes toward that cannon fund also,  Funny how that fund keeps disappearing,,,,

Weird Illinois weather, last Wed wind chill was -40 degrees, actual temp was -19 F.  This morning its already +41F and should reach mid 50's.  

Its a good morning for Scripture readin on rest along with that coffee java and expand-the-waistline bearsign.  


Grandkids can be pretty sweet.  Congrats,  


Stay clean,  shoot straight and stay off my lawnl 


Rev WD    Good seeing you again.   Tennessee has had the tail of the horrible cold yall got. temps close to single digits, a dusting of snow and 68f here yesterday for our Feb match.  Enjoy your day yall Grumps and stay off the lawn.




Just checkin' in, ain't really got much to say..still dry as a bone in our neck of the woods but iffin' ya travel north fer maybe 1200 mile it's water mayhem , really bad flooding & torrential rain..but if ya' go south to Tasmania they got real bad fires.

Coffee fer' da grumps

Go mow ya' lawn if ya' have some.

Jackson Rose from Ohio is comin' down -under for a visit. 

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Jabez if you find yourself a little bored, wander up to the Hat one day. We got a real nice indoor range that loves when you burn smokeless!



I won the Supper Bowl......AGAIN! I bet $1.100.00 and won $999.90, last year I won $1000.00 even with a 11 hundred dollar bet.

Long story as to how I arrived at the 11 hundred dollar figure for the bet.


Carlos Murphy

I should go buy a lottery ticket.......



Not sure My guns like that Fadish Smokieless powder....

But my .45s might be able to choke it down ...


Jabez Cowboy


Minus 4 F here now .....

With 4 inches of fresh snow ....

But there is plenty of hot Fresh Coffee and Home Made Peppermint choc. Cookies ....


And No lawn a needing cutting ...


Jabez Cowboy


Ha Ha, -4, its +20 and balmy with 2 days of snow, blizzard yesterday with 30 yard visibility.

WHAT lawn?

Carlos Murphy


Minus 8 F. Here Now !!!


Loading Weather  got a bunch of New Star-line brass that needs Stuffing with Goex ....


Coffee fer da Grumps ...

Git Offten Da Lawn !!!


Jabez Cowboy


14 degrees here in Nevada at 9:AM

Tea and honey with sweet potato pie.

Watching the "interrogation" of the acting AG Whitaker makes me wana punch a lib in the face!

Sunny and cold.

Cars Murphy


With a Liberal/DemocRAT it is tough to know which end spews the most scrap....


Git Often da Cold frozen Lawn !!!


Jabez Cowboy


Minus 15 here right now. Having my last cup of coffee and getting ready for another bout of radiation at noon.

Don't mind the radiation bit, but there's now a weather warning, calling for lottsa snow this afternoon and tomorrow, when I go for another round of radiation.

Oh well, maybe my pee will glow in the dark.

Whadaya think??


I had a test once where my Pee did glow and Hurt like Hell the first time after .... It allowed the Doc. and I to count the fractures in my spine with ease ....

My body was out of sorts for a whole week after,,, Not Fun...

Take Care Kid ,,, Prayers going up fer Ya ...


Anyhoo Grump On ...


Plenty of Fresh Hot Java fer all ...


Jabez Cowboy


Well were is All da Grumps ,,,, did ya all freeze Solid ...

Hot Fresh Java ,,,,,

Hey Kid how did it go ???


Jabez Cowboy

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