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S&W Model 66 Combat Magnum

Rye Miles #13621

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I have a Model 19 in a 2 1/2" barrel that's just great but this stainless puppy is on my list! I love revolvers!! :)




That is a nice lookin pistola.


Lusting after one now.

:lol: Read the review in Handguns magazine, that's what did it for me!!! &%$# magazines!


They supposedly beefed it up a bit so it will take a steady diet of .357's. The one thing about the old 66's and 19's was that a steady diet of .357's would crack the frame.



I always liked the 27 better. Could never wear one out. I know, I have been shooting the same one 40 years!


I've had a 4" S&W M66 since '84 and it has provided sterling service. Back in the days when I shot IPSC in Revolver Class mine used to put in excess of 20,000 .38+P's down range a year. It still keeps on ticking.


I've always lusted after a Model 19-3 Combat Magnum, blued, with 6-inch barrel. I'd probably shoot .38 Special most of the time.


Currently, have a Model 625 Mountain Gun in .45 Colt and it's a very nice revolver on an N-frame (my CAS pistols are in .45 Colt). I suspect a Model 66 would be an equally very nice revolver.


I like my Mountain Gun but would sure like a K-frame Combat Magnum. Just never have been able to justify getting one in my mind. I'm afraid it would be a Safe Queen.


Model 625 Mountain Gun in 45 Colt




Bill Jordan called it a law enforcement officers dream. To me it was a nightmare


I read two articles on the new 66 and fondled one in a local store. The K-frame .357 is still more of a carry gun that Jordan pushed S&W to offer as an alternative for the larger frame guns. If you are mostly interested in a carry gun, then a 66 with a limited amount of magnum loads is practical. If you are going to push many hot loads down the barrel, then S&W stills offers the 586/686, 27 and 28. Different tools for different needs, and one great round.


:lol: Read the review in Handguns magazine, that's what did it for me!!! &%$# magazines!


They supposedly beefed it up a bit so it will take a steady diet of .357's. The one thing about the old 66's and 19's was that a steady diet of .357's would crack the frame.


Been shooting the same mod 19 since 1972, and no issues. Did 're-time' it, about 10 years ago.

Why is S&W now using a sleeved bbl? That looks ugly---



Bill Jordan called it a law enforcement officers dream. To me it was a nightmare

Interesting statement. Care to let us know why? I have a Model 19... I like to plink with it but it's a bit big for concealed carry.


Because I was one of those who had the forcing cone on mine crack not once but twice on my service revolver tying up the gun both times. Yes you always had in the back of your mind would it fail when I really needed it. Both times even though S&W knew it was a police officers service revolver it took 5 months to be repaired. The second time it blew I bought a Ruger GP 100 and never looked back. The S&W is still in my safe I wouldn't sell that POS to my worst enemy


I've always lusted after a Model 19-3 Combat Magnum, blued, with 6-inch barrel. I'd probably shoot .38 Special most of the time.


Currently, have a Model 625 Mountain Gun in .45 Colt and it's a very nice revolver on an N-frame (my CAS pistols are in .45 Colt). I suspect a Model 66 would be an equally very nice revolver.


I like my Mountain Gun but would sure like a K-frame Combat Magnum. Just never have been able to justify getting one in my mind. I'm afraid it would be a Safe Queen.


Model 625 Mountain Gun in 45 Colt



Have that same MG in .44 mag.

Just love it-



Because I was one of those who had the forcing cone on mine crack not once but twice on my service revolver tying up the gun both times. Yes you always had in the back of your mind would it fail when I really needed it. Both times even though S&W knew it was a police officers service revolver it took 5 months to be repaired. The second time it blew I bought a Ruger GP 100 and never looked back. The S&W is still in my safe I wouldn't sell that POS to my worst enemy

I've heard that was a problem with 125 grain loads but 158 grain bullets would not crack the forcing cone. Would that be correct in your experience?


I've heard that was a problem with 125 grain loads but 158 grain bullets would not crack the forcing cone. Would that be correct in your experience?

It's a great 38 special. With 158 grain lead bullets it leaded badly in 357

I had a Model 19 for years. I replaced it with a 686 when they came out and carried that till the dept switched to Glocks. Never had a problem with either one. The 19 was the most accurate and smoothest revolver I've ever owned. Probably my all-time favorite.


UB-Where you work'd. How hard was it to keep the 19 from rust'n?

Carried mine on the job sometimes as a back-up gun. It would start rusting some days, by the end of the shift. It was in a shoulder holster under a 'windbreaker'.



My first double action revolver was a 4 inch Model 19 Combat Magnum. I must have put a couple of thousand rds of 38 special wads thru it in center fire competitions in the late 60's and early 70's. Then I got divorced and had to sell everything I had to pay bills. That was a sad day.

Recently I was able to get another model 19 series 3 with a six inch bbl, and wide target trigger and hammer. It is the queen of the safe. Boy that thing is a pleasure to shoot and the six inch barrel makes it the most accurate handgun I own! It also has the recessed cylinder and the pinned barrel.

I am holding out for one in stainless.


I guess you guys didn't read the article, Smith said they beefed up the gun to avoid the problems they had with a steady diet of .357's. I think it's one heckuva nice looking' revolver. As soon as I can get my hands on one I'm handing over the CC.


Rye ;)


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