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Will Moison Nagant be next in line for being banned?

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Check Out ProMag’s Archangel Stock for Mosin Nagant

Can ProMag’s Archangel aftermarket Mosin Nagant stock improve your collectible rifle’s performance? The company says the Archangel stock will work with either Chinese or Russian Mosins, usually with a drop-in fit. But what about free-floating the barrel? Stock adjustability? And


I would never consider re-stocking my Three line rifle with that anymore than I'd have a pink AR.


than I'd have a pink AR.


Pink? Never! A lavender AR is another story. :P


Or a pink tutu?

I'd wear a pink tutu in a second if it

A. Saved my a**


B. Stopped a gun grab. :lol:


Maybe if the ar was pink instead of black fienstien would like it better

Yup. That was the whole problem. If Colt would made them pink we wouldn't be having this conversation.

And Colt wouldn't have sold very many guns. :lol:/>


Hmmm... with the new combat role for women though..... :rolleyes:


Well, I'm female, and you wouldn't catch me with a pink gun!!




Purple maybe, a nice turquiose perhaps, but NOT pink!!! <_<


Well, I'm female, and you wouldn't catch me with a pink gun!!




Purple maybe, a nice turquiose perhaps, but NOT pink!!! <_</>


I would shoot a pink rifle...breast cancer has hit and been defeated in my family and the ' pink' color has been a support...so I am fine with pink :)




I would shoot a pink rifle...breast cancer has hit and been defeated in my family and the ' pink' color has been a support...so I am fine with pink :)/>



My wife is a breast cancer survivor. She said ahe wouldn't shoot a pink gun and neither would I.

I'll wear a pink shirt and hat but I gotta draw the line somewhere! ;)


I painted up a 10-22 stock for my daughter -sky blue with lavendar tiger stripe. NO PINK ALLOWED! Now she wants the black stock package with the bayonette. God help me -I created a militant! LOL


I do still have a case of pink shotshells left. Next time I shoot smokeless, I'll have to dig 'em out....


Good writeup and picture but, where's the bolt handle? Only use might be for one with a completely broken stock...


(by the way, i saw a Ruger 10/22 with a pink stock in the gun store... yeeech! )


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