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Dog v mountain lion

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99 times out of 100 the mountain lion would win. They are bigger and more athletic and they have more tools. Rottweilers would make a nice meal that they would jump over the fence with in their mouth. That said, a dog that stays on the attack Does have a chance!

Two young sisters, Jolie and Sophie had gone to the fig tree on their farm to gather figs. Jolie climbed the tree and discovered a full grown mountain lion was already up the tree. She jumped down and injured her ankle, her sister tried to help her and they both ran back towards the farm house screaming. The puma couldn’t resist the easy prey and gave chase. The cat was just about on top of the girls about to make a kill, the girls had no chance.

Except for their family dog had heard the trouble and came running. Morocco was a 90 pound Dogo Argentino, a capable dog breed used for hunting and protection. Morocho hit the lion at full speed and never let up his attack. The girls ran home and got their father Thomas. Thomas armed himself and went to the scene of the battle. He quickly found Morocho badly injured, clinging to life. Then he saw the mountain lion next to Morocho, it was dead. Thomas carried his beloved dog home and after 10 days of Intensive care, Morocho survived. He was always the hero of his family and community.

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Thanks for posting this Marshal. 


I haven’t heard of these dogs.
After looking them up I wondered if I could get one or two. Yes, I could. There are breeders in the US. What a fantastic breed of dog. 
Then I wondered about insurance. The Dogo Argentino is a little :rolleyes: aggressive looking. 
The list below are the percentages of insurance companies that will not insure for dogs by breed. 
The Dogo Argentino is only “banned” by 5% of US insurance companies. 
Data from this link: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/homeowners-insurance/banned-dog-breed-lists/


Breed % of banned lists with breed

Doberman Pinscher


Pit bull




Chow Chow


Wolf dogs and wolf hybrids


Presa Canario (Canary dog)




German Shepherd






Alaskan Malamute




Caucasian Shepherd


American Bulldog


Cane Corso


Great Dane




Giant Schnauzer




Catahoula Leopard


Rhodesian Ridgeback




Belgian Malinois


Coyote dog




Dogo Argentino


English Bulldog




Tosa Inu





Source: Forbes Advisor analysis of state insurance filings

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I have a pair of Rhodesians, large, attractive and charming.  They were bred to hunt African Lions and protect their people.  If good people own dogs they have and get good dogs that don't bite good humans.  We have had very large Mountain Lions taken near the ranch, but so far, Rhodesians and Labs have been fine.  The coyotes are probably more of an issue.  Probably need to do more on that.

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:04 PM, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

99 times out of 100 the mountain lion would win. They are bigger and more athletic and they have more tools. Rottweilers would make a nice meal that they would jump over the fence with in their mouth. That said, a dog that stays on the attack Does have a chance!

Two young sisters, Jolie and Sophie had gone to the fig tree on their farm to gather figs. Jolie climbed the tree and discovered a full grown mountain lion was already up the tree. She jumped down and injured her ankle, her sister tried to help her and they both ran back towards the farm house screaming. The puma couldn’t resist the easy prey and gave chase. The cat was just about on top of the girls about to make a kill, the girls had no chance.

Except for their family dog had heard the trouble and came running. Morocco was a 90 pound Dogo Argentino, a capable dog breed used for hunting and protection. Morocho hit the lion at full speed and never let up his attack. The girls ran home and got their father Thomas. Thomas armed himself and went to the scene of the battle. He quickly found Morocho badly injured, clinging to life. Then he saw the mountain lion next to Morocho, it was dead. Thomas carried his beloved dog home and after 10 days of Intensive care, Morocho survived. He was always the hero of his family and community.


Just WOW!

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I don't have small dogs, but if I did, they could count on the same "artillery support" against predators that my big dogs get, with significantly more attention due to vulnerability.  Dog friends of any size are family.  

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Some 45-50 years ago, a hunting buddy of mine had about a 5 year old girl and a HUGE German Shepherd, probably biggest I've ever seen. The little girl dearly loved to wrassle with me a high school/college age man in the back yard. You get a little rough and that dog would start a low growl and you knew you better back off a bit. If a cougar had gotten into that back yard and attacked that little girl, I don't know who would have won but there would be one helluva fight with that dog!


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Hopefully, your hound dog doesn't run into a kitty like this....





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