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Eagle or Drone???

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Another plus is it’s less likely to be shot by someone that hates drones flying over their property. ;)

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Hard to cover up the noise of those screaming motors and props. But pretty cool!!

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Had this visitor at work earlier this week.  I prefer this version.  Picture taken with Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra at about 20 feet.


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26 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Above 50’ or so, do they make that much perceptible noise?

Honestly don't know on that bird one, but the four prop ones I've been around, you could hear from quite ways away or up. 

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4 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Above 50’ or so, do they make that much perceptible noise?


They are putting a bike path at the back of our property and have been using the drones to do imaging for their tree removal. At about 80 feet up you can hear them over 200 feet away. Now they are bigger than the ones used by jerks trying to get pictures of your daughters or wife but regardless of their purpose they are danged annoying!


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Gateway Kid

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11 hours ago, Chief Rick said:

Had this visitor at work earlier this week.  I prefer this version.  Picture taken with Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra at about 20 feet.


Lynx Lake, about four miles from my house, has bald eagles for a week or so every year.  In the eight years I've lived here they have visited my yard three times, two males and a female.  They are the most majestic looking animals on the planet.

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Son came down to visit from Minnesota. I was setting on the Indian Mound.  He came over to chat.  Clear blue sky. Happened to look up and just safety above tree level a white drone about torpedo size slipped silently past. Sneaky bastards. No ideas whose drone it belong to or what it wanted to find out. 

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