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BSS vs SKB 100

dokdoc #61722

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A decade ago I was shooting SKBs but would occasionally the inertia firing system would fail to fire the second shot. Every annoying at EOT.  I sold them and switched to mechanical triggered Browning BSSs with 22 inch barrels and they have been great, just a little heavy.  A prominent SASS gunsmith told his most common repair was on SKBs converted to mechanical trigger because of the soft steel they are made of. 

A few days ago I bought an SKB 100 with 18.5 inch barrels, 13.75 inch LOP , no other Cowboy work.  It is light and fast, plus it fires my light hand loads without issue.  

Questions: 1) which shotgun is really best for this game?

                    2) if I get it work over who do you recommend.?


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17 minutes ago, dokdoc #61722 said:

1) which shotgun is really best for this game?


2) if I get it work over who do you recommend.?


1.)  Ford or Chevy

2.)  If "It is light and fast, plus it fires my light hand loads without issue" it does not need any work.

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First I would ask who determined that the SKB’s are “soft metal”. I have a few that have been converted to mechanical triggers 10 or more years ago and have never had a failure to fire from any of them. Perhaps I am not shooting them enough to wear them out at only 5-6 thousand live fires per year with roughly double that in dry fire?

Second, and as you have found, the BSS’s are slightly heavier (an overrated problem IMO) but for me personally I prefer the “feel” of the SKB. 
There are many reasons why the BSS and the SKB are considered the premium SG for this game. The CZ may become that but is still “the new kid” and we will see after 10 years of hard use playing the game what happens. I have only shot two of the CZ’s for perhaps a couple hundred rounds and while beautiful and good shooting guns I won’t be giving up my SKB’s anytime soon. 
As far as who to work on your new one, mine were all done by Johnny Meadows who is now retired. My BSS’s were done by Ol #4 but don’t know if he still does them (very nice work!) Since I haven’t needed repairs in many years not sure who is the go to guy these days. Not so good with names anymore. Others will chime in I am sure. 

:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

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I’ve had both. I liked the BSS, but prefer the SKB. SKB just “felt” better. 
both of mine have the mechanical conversion. Shotgun Boogie or Fast Eddie can fix you up. 

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I watched Missouri Lefty set one world record with an SKB, and three world records with a BSS.  I think it's the shooter, not the shotgun.

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My 100% vote is for FAST EDDIE action work. 

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I've had 5 SKBs, all done by Fast Eddie.  I still have most of them...sold 2 off to new shooters.  They are light and smooth handling.  I'm not a fast shooter but I do like my SKBs.



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My SKB still has the Inertia system set up by Johnny Meadows over 11 years ago add it has only failed once to switch and that was because dropped my load charge to much! I was loading 12.2 gr WW AAlite dropped  it to 11.9 and I got one that dropped a little below that and it failed to switch. Went back to 12,2 and to this day that's what I load and no problems!

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1 hour ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Two guns for one shooter vs four guns for five shooters.  I think you're ahead of me.

Ole Evil Bob is usually one step ahead of us all but that's just fine, we want to be able to keep an eye on him....he bears watchin' :lol:



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2 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Two guns for one shooter vs four guns for five shooters.  I think you're ahead of me.

Yea, but look at all the spares you have if something breaks or your sight falls off.:D

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