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COVID leaked from Wuhan Lab per Dept. of Energy

Trailrider #896

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On 2/28/2023 at 10:39 AM, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


PLUS ONE for Pettifogger.


No love for China.  Except when they were making the TTN Hammer Double.  BUT!!  There is absolutely NO positive proof COVID came from the Wuhan facility.  It's strictly a WAG (MILITARY ACRONYM FOR "WILD ASS'D GUESS') and at this point in time there is no real way to track it down.  It's a case of governmental "China Bashing."  Oh, and "China Bashing" by those who don't know any better.

 No positive proof that it DIDN’T  come from the Wuhan lab either.


they say so much and its all lies , or they censor what is the truth , ive never been so ashamed of my government nor so concerned of my country 



"May Have"  "Most Likely"  "Perhaps"  "We Think"  "There Are Signs".   Sorry Pat.  Nobody, absolutely NOBODY knows where the origin of COVID 19 is.  Bats??  Good as guess and any.  Nothing out there but WAGs.  It's the "Blame Game."  Everybody wants to have someone or something to "Blame."


Just as good a chance Rye Miles sneezed and started it all.

1 hour ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


"May Have"  "Most Likely"  "Perhaps"  "We Think"  "There Are Signs".   Sorry Pat.  Nobody, absolutely NOBODY knows where the origin of COVID 19 is.  Bats??  Good as guess and any.  Nothing out there but WAGs.  It's the "Blame Game."  Everybody wants to have someone or something to "Blame."


Just as good a chance Rye Miles sneezed and started it all.


Then Rye probably got it from tuning a Chinese piano made in a factory next to a lab in Wuhan. Maybe it was the bats that flew out when he opened it.:angry:


It's not about WHO to blame. It's about WHO to consider an adversary and enemy. 

On 3/1/2023 at 11:25 AM, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:

And now it's been shown that masks were ineffective and that the lockdowns accomplished nothing as far as controlling Covid. The lockdowns did accomplish what the government really wanted with the support of the "media".

That's what happens when you convince yourself that "didn't stop 100%" is the same thing as "didn't help at all". It's also been shown by death tolls that refusing to follow any precautions wasn't the greatest idea ever. 

24 minutes ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:

That's what happens when you convince yourself that "didn't stop 100%" is the same thing as "didn't help at all". It's also been shown by death tolls that refusing to follow any precautions wasn't the greatest idea ever. 


That's what happens when you convince  yourself that  requiring masks and locking down a population will 100% stop a pandemic. 

Now of course you never claimed 100% prevention just as I never claimed 100% that they didn't help at all. 

The question is that the lockdowns may have done more harm overall then whatever benefit they provided. And many doctors are saying the masks even the better medical masks were ineffective.


Ah Cummon,  "Many Doctors" WHO??  What quack doctors ya been talking to.  I have yet to meet or talk to a doctor that didn't recommend masks.  And I've talked to A LOT of doctors.  And if masks aren't effective, why does every medical facility in the country require them for entry??


If you don't want to follow the science, that's up to the individual.  Don't expect any sympathy when you wind up in an ICU.  And, you CAN wind up in an ICU even if you follow the science.  There are no 100T% effectives nor 100% guarantees.


At the time doctors were forced to recommend masks etc., or be hit and cancelled for spreading disinformation. It's been shown that Facebook and other social media and google search results were manipulated to support an agenda. Behind the scenes they can force specific ideas and stories to the top or bottom of results. They can magnify specific posts that enables them to go viral and prevent others from doing so.There is no disputing that this was done. Now  they can look back and see results some are willing to admit they were wrong. Of course not those who benefit from wielding their control of the public 

22 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

 No positive proof that it DIDN’T  come from the Wuhan lab either.

But it is accepted it started in Wuhan

17 hours ago, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:


That's what happens when you convince  yourself that  requiring masks and locking down a population will 100% stop a pandemic. 

Now of course you never claimed 100% prevention just as I never claimed 100% that they didn't help at all. 

The question is that the lockdowns may have done more harm overall then whatever benefit they provided. And many doctors are saying the masks even the better medical masks were ineffective.

Everything you say is right, and it's true the gov't can do a great job of making things worse. The thing is, we knew the virus was gonna be bad so the question is did it turn out worse than it would have without a lockdown. I don't think our opinions are as far apart as it sounds, but we'll never know how many would have died if we'd acted differently. As far as the mask question, I still think with a virus that spreads through the air, wearing a mask is more effective than not wearing a mask. 


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