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Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to End Its 146-Year Run

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PETA, and other humorless fanatics, will not be satisfied until there are no zoos, animal acts, animal actors, or even pets, and until we all eat nothing but tofu, dress only in synthetics and ban animal names for athletic teams and automobiles.


The first time I can remember being overwhelmed by these wonders of Nature was when I saw the circus in Philadelphia around 1958. We had seats on the end of a row, and the elephants entered the ring via a walkway to my left; they were no more than 20' away. The smell was overwhelming, but I could have cared less. For a moment, I was in the jungle with Tarzan.


I hope the crazies live nothing but boring, uneventful, drab lives.



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The PETA people and their supporters have convinced people that these animals are mistreated. I've read countless times the trainers giving their side of the story and saying how WELL treated the animals are. Those animals are making the circus money, if anything they're not mistreated just because of that!

Edited by Rye Miles #13621
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PETA, and other humorless fanatics, will not be satisfied until there are no zoos, animal acts, animal actors, or even pets, and until we all eat nothing but tofu, dress only in synthetics and ban animal names for athletic teams and automobiles.


The first time I can remember being overwhelmed by these wonders of Nature was when I saw the circus in Philadelphia around 1958. We had seats on the end of a row, and the elephants entered the ring via a walkway to my left; they were no more than 20' away. The smell was overwhelming, but I could have cared less. For a moment, I was in the jungle with Tarzan.


I hope the crazies live nothing but boring, uneventful, drab lives.



Well said!!

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Sad that the "Greatest Show On Earth" will be no more. I remember the excitement amongst us kids when the circus was coming to town. We couldn't wait. What a show! Loved seeing the animals, but to me the most fascinating and exciting part of the show were those on the flying trapeze. I remember telling my mother, "Mommy, I don't want to have to do that." And, I loved the clowns! Laughed until I hurt. I haven't seen a circus or even known were a circus was performing in years. Still, too bad children will not be able to see live all that a circus provided. Too bad... :(

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Yet PETA and such, don't give a rats arse about all the people that will now be unemployed, and all the generations that grew up working in the circus life and have no other skills..... :(



The real PETA


PETA’s Secret Slaughter of Kittens, Puppies


They all but admit it here on their website

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I heard the reason Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey are closing is because we can only have one circus at a time.

Edited by Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663
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Maybe they can have a "new" circus, where PETA folks portray the animals and for the first tour of the "new circus" the PETA folks get the treatment that they believe the animals get and then on the second tour they get the treatment that the animals really get.


It would be like Cirq-de-Solei...I know that isn't the spelling...but who cares?

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Sadly the End of another Era !

Something our Grandchildren will only read about in books , And no longer experience 😳

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PETA, and other humorless fanatics, will not be satisfied until there are no zoos, animal acts, animal actors, or even pets, and until we all eat nothing but tofu, dress only in synthetics and ban animal names for athletic teams and automobiles.


The first time I can remember being overwhelmed by these wonders of Nature was when I saw the circus in Philadelphia around 1958. We had seats on the end of a row, and the elephants entered the ring via a walkway to my left; they were no more than 20' away. The smell was overwhelming, but I could have cared less. For a moment, I was in the jungle with Tarzan.


I hope the crazies live nothing but boring, uneventful, drab lives.



Can't dress in synthetics since so many of those come from oil based products.


Most likely they want us all to weave our own clothes from hemp.

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