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My tax stamp for my .22 suppressor finally came in after a 7 month wait. I have a nice Ruger 10/22 with a threaded barrel and I was about to buy a Ruger 22/45 Lite with a threaded barrel, but I just recently handled a new S&W Victory .22 and it sure looks and feels nice. The new American Rifleman also gave it a glowing review.


Do any of you have experience with this pistol? I have owned Ruger Mark I through Mark IIIs and I can disassemble them with only a little cussing. I know the Rugers work, what about this new S&W? I also looked at the new Ruger Mark IV (an idea way overdue). It's a nice looking gun also, but pricey.




I've heard a couple good comments about the Victory .22 pistol. I haven't heard anything bad.


Slater and I both own Browning Buckmarks.

He has the Contour URX in both 7.25" and 5.5"


I own the Buckmark Carbon Fiber with 4.0" and the Buckmark Firld Target in 5.5"


The Buckmark is an outstanding .22 pistol.


Get into YouTube and check out all the videos on all types of .22 pistols and those videos might help you decide before you buy.





TN-haven't owned one long, about 6 months, like it way better than my 22/45, have killed a few grouse with it and lots of rocks in the gravel pit.

I looked at the new gen Rugers, and the equivalent Buck Mark, The Rugers were out right away, felt like clubs next to the Victory and the BM, The BM grip felt better and I was leaning that way untill I tried to reach the mag release, can't believe the engineers put a mag release where you can't reach it without a total regrip of the firearm. I'm quite happy with my choice.


I have one with the threaded barrel and it is a great 22 pistol..


I have put through about 1,000 rounds of various mostly cheap 22 ammo without any failures, balances really well and very accurate, all the major components are well made out of metal not plastic, nice fit and finish on mine. Very easy to take down and clean and there are some nice aftermarket interchangeable barrels etc for it so you can go to a longer fully fluted barrel, a carbon fiber barrel or whatever suits you all with the turn of the takedown screw.


Some folks have said the take down screw comes loose but haven't had that as of yet, the two "fixes" are to add a little of the non-permanent lock tite to it when you put it back or to fit it with a small rubber o-ring which keeps it from loosening. If I need to I will probably go with the O-ring idea.


I have had a few Ruger 22 autos and I am liking the Victory better..but everyone has their own preferences...


Based on my experience so far I would definitely say it is worth considering if the look and fit are to your taste.


Tinpan McGurk


Thanks for the input gentlemen!


Widow, I traded my last Mark II for a bull barrel Buckmark and I really like it. My problem now is to find something with a threaded barrel for my new suppressor.




You will probably really like the Victory with that option.


Volquartsen is also making aftermarket barrels for the Victory, which give you even more options.


See you in the spring time... when the weather is warmer..... :)





I have both the 22/45 tactical and the NRA 22/45 lite. I saw the s&w review.


My buddy just bought one Saturday at our local gun show. He has had the BM and was frustrated with the Ruger cleaning challenges. He had researched the Victory and was excited to find one at a reasonable price.


I have had all of the Ruger 10/45s Mk I - Mk IV. I had bought three Smith and Wessons this past Summer and they each do what I needed. So, I ordered a Victory last night, it should be here in three days. Hopefully it will work as well as the research states.


I have 2 of them The only one that shoot better is my S&W 41. Much better than the Ruger,


I'm waiting for the stamp to come in on both my Sparrow and Optimus. I'm 6 months in.


I bought the Victory this summer and planned on using it as a host for the sparrow due to ease of takedown. The takedown screw backs out unless I use a bit of blue locktite to keep it in its place. It eats all the ammo it's been fed from CCI stingers to Remington thunderbolts without complaint.


I shoot my mark III (no threads) much better than the victory so I should have waited for the soon to be released mark IV with a threaded barrel. I'll probably buy one anyway.


I need a threaded barrel for the 10/22 if anyone as any recommendations.




I've owned about 6 model 41's since the mid 70's.


Wish I had kept a couple of them.


Ten's of thousands of rounds and none of them ever failed.


I could buy a new one thru the S&W Performance Center but I honestly think my Buckmarks will more than keep me happy.





I have mine with the Kriptic camo finish. It is a well made firearm and I think it's plenty accurate.



The only S&W Victory I was familiar with is the old .38 Revolvers from WWII. I was wondering why anyone would want to suppress one of those.



Me too. Another case of S&W recycling a venerable old name on a new model that has absolutely nothing to do with the original gun.


This is a Victory Model.








Me too. Another case of S&W recycling a venerable old name on a new model that has absolutely nothing to do with the original gun.


This is a Victory Model.


(Picture snipped)




So is this...




Can we have a link to this new Victory model? This is the first I have heard of it.




I'm planning to get one with the threaded barrel in January.


I'm hoping the hearing protection act gets passed soon, as I'd like to put a sparrow on it asap.

I've already purchased the Dagger Defense DDH-B for it.




It looks to be a great little .22, and one that Volquartsen has already made some nice barrels for.



There are also triggers, and other race gear for it as well.




When I make it back home I've got a ruger silencer waiting on me to start the process again, I'm hoping that the don removes them from the NFL before I submit the paperwork for another stamp. Wonder what happens to the existing stamps for silencers when that happens.


I ask a silly question...


Why do you need a silencer on a .22?

To reduce the noise level to the point where it is safe to shoot without ear plugs or muffs.

Currently Congress is working to remove these from the NFA.

We're all hoping for this sometime in 2017.







Hearing Protection Act of 2015

This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) eliminate the $200 transfer tax on firearm silencers, and (2) treat any person who acquires or possesses a firearm silencer as meeting any registration or licensing requirements of the National Firearms Act with respect to such silencer. Any person who pays a tax on a silencer after October 22, 2015 may receive a refund of such tax.

The bill amends the federal criminal code to preempt state or local laws that tax or regulate firearm silencers.


I just picked-up my threaded barrel S&W Victory .22 today. The silencer fits perfectly on both it and my Ruger 10/22. I will be playing with my "toys" sometime during Christmas break.


I'll report back on how the S&W shoots.


Good Job, MONGO.


If you're like Slater and myself, you will probably burn up 500-1000 rounds with that new pistol this weekend.






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