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JEDI GF #207: Doggonit

Widder, SASS #59054

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Congratulations to another fine GF and SASS member..... Doggonit, Jedi GF #207


Doggonit lives in Arizona.


His approval was finalized during the winter months but an appropriate time was scheduled to make the recognition official.


Doc Eells (Jedi GF # 160) traveled out to Winter Range and in the good tradition of representing JEDI's, made the recognition to Doggonit.


Keep em smokin Dog!






Welcome to the JEDIs.Doggonit ,Jedi #207.


Congrats to you Dogonit on your Jedi GF 207 award.




Well deserved.


When GrammisPhx and I were first starting out, Doggonit gave us a tremendous amount of help. He made going to matches more enjoyable.


S. Floyd


They'll let anyone in this Jedi thing....Oh wait......I helped pin ya! Dog, I'm proud buddy! Proud to have ya as a friend first, and a fellow Jedi second!


They'll let anyone in this Jedi thing....


Thats what Korupt Karl said to me when you were recognized as Jedi ... :lol::lol::lol:





Congrats Doggonit!! Welcome to the Jedi Gunfighters!! Big Honor!


Truly a part to ride the river with, and a very active member of the local clubs


Congrats, Doggonit. You will never be part of a nicer bunch of people.



Thats what Korupt Karl said to me when you were recognized as Jedi ... :lol::lol::lol:





HEY WIDDER!!! That's what you said to me when you made me a Jedi.. :o Oh ya!! I think you said some other stuff too that I can't say here... :lol::lol::P



Congrats Dog!! Don't listen to them naysayer's , yer a JEDI now!!! ;)



Spades H.


Congrats to one hard-working supporter of our great sport & promoter of two-handed gun handling!


Doggonit is a great pard and I'm very glad he's a fellow Jedi. All us gunfighters had a hoot hanging out together in AZ this winter.


Lookin' forward to meetin' another Jedi!!




If you are good enough for Doc...you are another friend of mine. Congrats





Doggonit is a great pard and I'm very glad he's a fellow Jedi. All us gunfighters had a hoot hanging out together in AZ this winter.


We sure did Lou!!!!!!


thank you everybody for the warm welcome into the Jedi club Thank You doc for putting me up and putting up with me it's a great honor


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