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Anyone using the lever lock by UniqueTec on their '73 rifle?

Wild Eagle

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Saw a new (to me) gizmo that is supposed to stop you from being able to jack out a round in the rifle.  Any of you guys running one?  What's your take on it?  Thanks.


ISTR that all's well until you want to unload your rifle without removing the magazine cap.  I.e. if you want to unload because you've lost count of just how many you have loaded... 

2 hours ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

I unload a 73 through the loading gate. 

Except a round that's already chambered. Let's say, you realize the last shot fired was probably a squib but you already cycled the action. Instead of cycling all remaining rounds out you have to lower the hammer on a life round and then empty the tube by removing tube screw or through loading gate, or you lower the hammer on each remaining round before cycling it out.

4 hours ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


No freeking way, thank you


4 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Completely agree.  Not for me.

Can I ask why you guys feel that way?  Have you used it and not liked it, or......?

2 hours ago, Wild Eagle said:


Can I ask why you guys feel that way?  Have you used it and not liked it, or......?

I guess saying it's a solution in search of a problem is a bit of an overstatement, though I tend to feel that way.  A better way to say it would be that I think it could potentially lead to an unsafe situation.  I don't want to be in a situation where I have a live round in the chamber and have to empty the mag tube either through the gate or by removing the plug, and then have to lower the hammer on a live round in order to clear it.  I also think there are better ways to solve the problem of throwing rounds out of the rifle.


Red River Ray said it best when he said: "It's lever trigger lever trigger, not lever lever trigger" or words to that affect.


I am fairly new to Cowboy action and ended up getting a decent deal on a used 1866 that had been made race ready by a gunsmith. I had heard about the possibility of getting an Out Of Battery Detonation on an 1866. At some point I learned about the Leverlock and thought it would be a good solution to prevent or at least reduce the chances of getting an OOBD. 


Well I've just been sitting on it for a while now because I'm just not shooting fast enough currently for an OOBD to be a risk I think and the KISS principle. Anytime you make something more complex it's just another potential point of failure and I'd hate to have a stage become a trainwreck because I added something to my rifle. This is my additional reason to what others have mentioned about having the gun function a little different when showing clear or God forbid you get a squib an lever the next round in and now you have a real mess trying to empty the rifle of live rounds.



A BIG PLUS ONE for Capt. Bill Burt.


If you ca't run your rifle . . . . PRACTICE


Thank all of you that took the time to reply.  Sounds like no one is actually running one.  I rarely jack a round out, but when you do it costs several seconds to reload one.  So I thought this would be something to consider.  I think I'll pass for now.  Thanks again.

14 minutes ago, Wild Eagle said:

Thank all of you that took the time to reply.  Sounds like no one is actually running one.  I rarely jack a round out, but when you do it costs several seconds to reload one.  So I thought this would be something to consider.  I think I'll pass for now.  Thanks again.

Before you rule it out, check with Tennessee Williams.

7 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Before you rule it out, check with Tennessee Williams.

Be careful, he’ll have you chowing down on nanner splits, and playing with snakes, chicken feet and possum penis bones if you’re not careful.


Oh no... not Possum penis bones!:lol:


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