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New Tactical Knife Maker

TN Mongo, SASS #61450

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The wife and I were attending a local estate sale when my wife complimented a t shirt a guy was wearing.  It had the phrase, "Always bring a knife to gunfight just in case you need to take scalps."


After talking to guy, we found out that his shirt was advertising for his friend's custom knife making business.  We talked knives for awhile and he showed me a flipper his friend had made.  It was super well made with premium steel and G10 scales.  He stated that his friend's goal was to make premium knives and an affordable price point.  After seeing his knife and looking at the website, I ordered a Mad Mike flipper for myself.  It arrived yesterday and I am very impressed.  I'm going to order more stuff from him.


I have no vested interest in this guy business, but I'm all for supporting a local East Tennessee boy offering excellent products.  Check out his website listed below.


Justin Case Tactical USA



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Nice looking knives. Justin Case would be a great SASS alias.

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What makes a "tactical knife" any different or better than any other. I pretty much gave up trying to understand 
"tactical" anything when the term started being applied to everything from toilet paper to bikinis to frying pans and more.


I have a dozen or so knives which are as useable, durable and over all as functional as anything else I've seen.  One of the best ones couldn't have cost over three or four dollars and came with a cheese and cold cut gift set I got from a neighbor for Christmas. 

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The Bowie and Arkansas Toothpick were at one point, arguably,  quite "tactical".


Don't mean they ain't still.



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