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2018 Southwest Regional Championship

Flat Top Okie

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Hi All,

For those of who bring your RV to our match, I wanted to inform you, that some of the spaces at the shotgun range are being used by skeet shooters this year. And with the expected increase in the number of RVers, we will probably fill up earlier than usual. Please send your entry as soon as possible to guarantee a campsite.


Flat Top

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Hello All,

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and you are making plans for a great shooting spring. I hope to see you all.

Flat Top


RED KNEE is sending my application, along with his.

I think Red Knee and I are sponsoring the Side Match Speed Rimfire Rifle event.




2 hours ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

RED KNEE is sending my application, along with his.

I think Red Knee and I are sponsoring the Side Match Speed Rimfire Rifle event.




Who is this?

I don't know anyone by that alias!


Flat Top and Mae, don't accept any applications from anyone in Tennessee who claims to know me. ;)




14 hours ago, Red Knee said:

Who is this?

I don't know anyone by that alias!


Flat Top and Mae, don't accept any applications from anyone in Tennessee who claims to know me. ;)





Playing your old game again..... "Plausible Denial".


Spring of 2018, I get to shoot with the  'Okie Legend'  again...... :D


Hey Rebelde ...'bring your favorite Snickers'






Hi All,

WE don't discriminate. We welcome undesirables and reprobates. They seem to fit in very well.

Flat Top

40 minutes ago, Flat Top Okie said:

Hi All,

WE don't discriminate. We welcome undesirables and reprobates. They seem to fit in very well.

Flat Top


Thank you Okie.   


Looks like I'll feel right at home and amongst some good friends..... ;)





At the SW Regionals, they treat you so many ways that you are bound to like one of them

On 12/28/2017 at 9:07 AM, Flat Top Okie said:

Hi All,

WE don't discriminate. We welcome undesirables and reprobates. They seem to fit in very well.

Flat Top

Hey! Watch yore mouth there, boy!


Hi Noz,

I am so happy that someone would still see fit to call me boy. I feel younger already. But on a serious note, all of the RV spots, with water and electricity, at The Cowboy Range and The Shotgun Range are now full. Mae has posted a map which shows we still have spots at the main clubhouse area. We also still have dry camping available on the cowboy side. Response has been overwhelming this year and we really appreciate it.


Flat Top



Hey, you're a bunch younger than me so I can get away with that.


Damn near!


I can even tell women that are complete strangers that they are looking good today without offending them.  They can tell by looking at me that I'm like an old dog chasing a school bus. If I ever caught one I wouldn't remember what to do with it.


Hello Sgt.,

We usually have one but I have not seen or heard of an agenda yet. I will watch for it.


Flat Top


Hello Everyone,

Mae and I entered applications last night and everyone who mailed his application by Monday, should have received an e-mail confirmation, except John Derringer, whose confirmation is coming by regular mail and he is being confirmed on the wire as requested. We also are adding a few more RV spots with electricity and water, so check the website to determine if we have sites available. Response has been tremendous and I think we may have more shooters than we ever had. It will be great.

Thanks for your support.

Flat Top 


I wuz a little late gettin' mine in the mail, but its on the way now !!!!! :D


Memphis Raines and I can't wait for Land Run 2018! It will be my fifth trip and Memphis has six under his belt.  We made the first trip during the 20th anniversary shoot and we've kept it on our "must shoot" list ever since.  Couple this premier  shoot with a dinner at the Steak and Catfish Barn one night and the banquet at the Cowboy Hall of Fame the next and you're talking about one of the best experiences in CAS.  Just know you have "Iowa" covered in your list of states represented!   


Attention everybody coming to Land Run!  I am bringing this quilt for auction at the banquet.  The proceeds will be donated to Just L and Fly for her medical expenses.  Don't know what happened at RDR in 2017, but in 2016 and Land Run last year, many people donated their door prize guns back to be auctioned with the proceeds going to Fly and L for her treatment expenses.  Now cowboys and cowgirls, the fabric has cowboy lettering and horseshoes and the quilting, picture on the right, has horseshoes in it.  A handmade, homemade quilt goes for a lot of money in a store or if you pay someone to make it for you.  So, let's bid this up high!   Just L just got back from a treatment and she is feeling kind of down right now, so lets share this and get the word out!!!  I also put it in the SASS group on Facebook, but some folks don't do either so please help me spread the word.


BTW, it is probably a twin size or small full size quilt.  I could have made it bigger but didn't get the idea to donate it till it was nearly done.



18 hours ago, Mean Mary 45913 said:

Attention everybody coming to Land Run!  I am bringing this quilt for auction at the banquet.  The proceeds will be donated to Just L and Fly for her medical expenses.  Don't know what happened at RDR in 2017, but in 2016 and Land Run last year, many people donated their door prize guns back to be auctioned with the proceeds going to Fly and L for her treatment expenses.  Now cowboys and cowgirls, the fabric has cowboy lettering and horseshoes and the quilting, picture on the right, has horseshoes in it.  A handmade, homemade quilt goes for a lot of money in a store or if you pay someone to make it for you.  So, let's bid this up high!   Just L just got back from a treatment and she is feeling kind of down right now, so lets share this and get the word out!!!  I also put it in the SASS group on Facebook, but some folks don't do either so please help me spread the word.


BTW, it is probably a twin size or small full size quilt.  I could have made it bigger but didn't get the idea to donate it till it was nearly done.



Mary, start the bidding at my bid of $200.


I don't expect to get it for that but you gotta start somewhere.


Land Run 2018 only 3 months away. 

Land Run winery is in El Reno OK you might be able to pick up a souvenir bottle some where town.

Get those entries in fast.


Dont ask me why it comes up sideways!!



Hello Everyone,


It's too cold to do anything outside, so this might be a good time to give you a Land Run Southwest Regional update. Mae and I entered applications last night and we now have 200 confirmed and paid entries. We still have three months until the match and we have 150 more registered shooters than we did last year at this time.

Of course we knew the match would be bigger this year since we combined Land Run and Red Dirt Rampage into one match. If the trend continues, it will probably be necessary to restrict entries.

We have never done that, but we can only handle about 425 competitors and still have time to complete the match, check and verify scores, double check scores and still make it to the wonderful banquet at the finest venue in America, The National Cowboy Heritage Museum. If you have not sent your entry and you plan to attend, please send as soon as possible. If money is a little tight, send your entry with a note and pay later or call Mae and put your entry on a credit card. 

I believe all of the hookups with electricity and water are taken but we still have dry camping space.

Thank you all for your support and we look forward to providing you with the most enjoyable match possible.


Flat top 


Hello All,

Mae and I entered applications last night so anyone who sent his by Tuesday should have received his e-mail confirmation. Response continues to be amazing.  If you have not entered please do as soon as possible and remember the expanded categories as recommended by SASS. Look at the application for more information.

Flat Top


Okie, do you have a laser carving vendor registered?  I'd like to get some stuff done.


Tazz's  Laser Works will be there. Need his number??


Jackrabbit Joe

2 hours ago, Jackrabbit Joe #414 said:

Tazz's  Laser Works will be there. Need his number??


Jackrabbit Joe

Yes, please.


Ok Noz: You got it:


1 (603) 714-1164  Tazz or Barb.




Thankee Sir.


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