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Mack Hacker, #60477

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About Mack Hacker, #60477

  • Birthday 09/01/1944

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Comanche Valley Vigilantes, Lone Star Frontier Shooting Club, Old Fort Parker Patriots

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hamilton, TX
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Classic Doubles, Grandkids

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I saw a number issued last week and it was in the 114,000 range
  2. New shooters should be informed that if they intend to shoot only local monthly matches, they could go years without seeing a side match. Some clubs have them regularly, some sporadically, and some not at all. Visit the clubs you will be shooting and ask questions before you invest any money on firearms for SASS. This frequently given advice applies in triplicate to side match guns
  3. After a session of pulling bullets, all powder and lead is contained in the coffee can on the floor
  4. I am not aware of any pullers “of the same design” as the Frankford Pile Driver and I assure you that it leaves no powder in the case when the bullet is pulled. The Pile Driver functions the same as a hammer puller with two major differences. 1 The acceleration of the loaded round is provided by twin springs 2 The case contents can be removed after every round or collected in bulk and separated later
  5. One more word of caution. The machine is shipped with the plastic fitting for attaching a collection tube to facilitate bulk operation installed, but the plastic catch box( more of a single use device) is installed over it. Even though it is shipped in this configuration, the instructions clearly state to never actually use it as shipped) The outlet fitting needs to be removed before using the catch box.
  6. I would like to add a clarification to this thread. For those following, it should be understood that all the references above discussing the use of shell holders from various brands of equipment(as replacement for collets) are related to hammer type pulleys and have no application to the FA Pile Driver. They had me running out to the shop to investigate how they might apply to the original topic. I can’t find any way they could be used with the Pile Driver Please correct me if I am missing something
  7. My favorite “weird gun” from movies is the Remington Keene bolt action carried by the evil villains in Sons of Katie Elder and Crossfire Trail and also by one of the MacDonald wives in El Dorado
  8. I recently inherited over 600 questionable loaded 45 Colt loads. I watched a few videos on the Pile Driver and decided to give it a try. I started with the plastic cup catcher for powder and bullet. The puller worked flawlessly with the noted noise level, but being a shooter, I was expecting that. The only surprise, up to this point was the caution in the instructions that the machine needed to be wall mounted contrary to what I had seen and heard in the promotional videos. Following instructions, I mounted the machine to a solid(3/4” wood plank wall). I then installed the outlet fitting that required a plastic tube running into a plastic coffee can for collection of bullets and powder. I then began to pull 600 bullets At about round 30, the outlet fitting broke. A call to FA got quick action and they sent a replacement immediately. At about round 80, the same part broke again. This time I had an ah ha moment. I called FA again and reported the problem. I asked them if there was any reason that I should not pull the plastic fitting and replace it with a MEC powder bushing. I was told that would void my warranty, so they were sending me a “new one”. They then sent me a whole new machine. In order to satisfy my own curiosity, I put the MEC powder bushing in the original machine and finished pulling the other 500+ bullets without a hiccup. YMMV
  9. I will check back later on this post to follow the normal trajectory. First come the catty responses. Then we get the frivolous attempts at humor. At some point, someone will attempt to offer a serious response. That will be immediately be contradicted by a rebuttal of the serious response and the fight is on. Wait for me to get my popcorn ready
  10. When components were readily available and I was shooting about 15 monthlies .and about 4 majors a year, I would load twice a year always maintaining a 4-6 month loaded reserve. I am tired of the component market being so unpredictable, that I have just loaded most all of everything that I have. Turning 80 next month, I don’t think I will ever run out .
  11. Is there any chance that you will be shooting Lan Run in October?
  12. I’ve had this model for about six years and it is a great design.
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