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Gov. Hickenlooper: Don't Blame Me for Magazine Ban

Subdeacon Joe

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Ive heard it all depends on what your definition of 'is' is....


I know I heard that....




We call him "Chickenpooper."


Well....I wuz tryin' ta be polite fer a change and not say it.....but that's tha one!!!


oh, I gots a few others as well :blink: ....but I'z in enuff truble already...... ;)


I showed Mrs. Doc the picture of him and she asked "Does he square dance? With large plastic horses?" :lol:


I showed Mrs. Doc the picture of him and she asked "Does he square dance? With large plastic horses?" :lol:

He frequently poses in a cowboy hat and western shirt (probably from a costume shop) to try to convince us he's "western".


He frequently poses in a cowboy hat and western shirt (probably from a costume shop) to try to convince us he's "western".


If that picture is any clue, it isn't working.


If that picture is any clue, it isn't working.

Google some more Hickenlooper pics. :D


He frequently poses in a cowboy hat and western shirt (probably from a costume shop) to try to convince us he's "western".

That shirt looks more like Nashville, 1956.

Former Denver mayor. Need I say more?

Hickengoober plays both ends against the middle. Tries to appear pro gun but not so much as to upset the lefties in the State House. Bottom line is it's his signature on the legislation. Conservatives want him gone. Sheriffs are pissed off at him along with NRA, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, etc. The recall elections that removed two of his Dem cronies in the legislature shook hit to the core I think. Here he is with his faithful steed. :rolleyes:




And for some reason that photo makes me think of:





Google some more Hickenlooper pics. :D


No, if it's all the same, I think I'll pass on that one.


He may be showing support for a local company. Their office is in the Denver area.


Rockmount Ranch Wear


Interesting, it's a shirt supporting beer......................


He may be showing support for a local company. Their office is in the Denver area.


Rockmount Ranch Wear


Interesting, it's a shirt supporting beer......................

When he's not posing Western, he probably lounges around in something like this



Because of the liberal population centers along the Interstate corridor, he actually does stand a chance of getting re-elected.

People in California will notice the pattern. ;(


I'm just hoping the libs will be to stoned to remember to vote (or at least find their polling places).

Unfortunately your right UB....but I still havn't voted for him and won't again, don't really care who runs against him, they got my vote.


Apart from all of the above, does he stand a chance to be reelected?

Obummer got elected twice!! :wacko:


He's a complete embarrassment to our state.....all I'z gonna say.....e]

So what are the Taxpayers in your state going to about him?


considering that tha ones wit brains are now outnumbered by tha ones without....probly reelect him.... :angry::angry: :angry: I gotta git outta this state..... :unsure:


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