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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854

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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 last won the day on May 7 2022

Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 had the most liked content!


About Branchwater Jack SASS #88854

  • Birthday 09/06/1977

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Wartrace Regulators, North Alabama Regulators

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  • Location
    Huntsville, AL

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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I remember setting one of these up at a Christmas shoot many years ago. We did have a static target that you engaged with the shotgun to make up any pistol or rifle misses. Magic BB rule applied. Liberally. We promoted the heck out of it ahead of time, even told folks that they could stage a box of ammo if they wanted to! Man, I was surprised to look at the score sheet and see the number of misses that we had overall! So much for no miss shoot!
  2. You ever read the fine print on the waiver you signed to enter the match? Many of them have a line about waiving rights and approval to photograph and/or video. Not going to say they all do, but I'm reading one for a "big" match right now, and it is right there in the fine print.
  3. It was a good meeting You can see that Misty has some things in the world from the tg meeting at land run http://www.oowss.com/_RO_ Corner/CAS TG Meeting Minutes - Land Run 2024.pdf
  4. Cap guns, even if shot in a aged based category, do not fall under the PF rule. SHB pg 25 (emphasis added)
  5. I wouldn't say that....
  6. TFL 80 Knockdown Conventions



    Join me on The Firing Line for a look at S.A.S.S. conventions regarding knockdown targets.


  7. This is not the message that you are looking for

  8. TFL 78 What the DNF?

    When is it correct to score a competitor with a DNF on a stage? Join me on The Firing Line for a look at this frequently misunderstood aspect of cowboy action shooting scoring.

  9. TFL 77 Eye Protection Malfunctions

    What options do we have within the rules of cowboy action shooting when a competitor's eye protection malfunctions on The Firing Line?

  10. TFL 3: Eye Dominance

    Join me on the firing line and back home at Serenity as we discuss how eye dominance issues may affect cowboy action shooters. As a cross eye dominant individual myself, I hope to shed a little light on this (more common than one might presume) condition, along with tips and tricks that may help others similarly afflicted.

  11. TFL 5: My Guns & Gear

    Branchwater Jack shares his gear for cowboy action shooting matches

  12. TFL 7: Staging Guns Horizontally

    Properly staging our firearms keeps us within SASS rules as well as creating opportunities for a more efficient stage run.

  13. Papa Dave's Full Interview on The Firing Line

    Here is the full, uncut interview with Papa Dave!


  14. TFL 9: Shooter Spotlight on Papa Dave


    Join me on The Firing Line as we get to know my mentor and friend, Papa Dave.

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