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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854

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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 last won the day on May 7 2022

Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 had the most liked content!


About Branchwater Jack SASS #88854

  • Birthday 09/06/1977

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Wartrace Regulators, North Alabama Regulators

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    Huntsville, AL

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  1. Ya, I kind of agree, but they do at least define in the glossary of terms what they mean when they use that phrase... However I probably shouldn't have used it in this instance as the shooter, by the current rule, can actually dance a jig in place or tap dance to their hearts desire ... as long as they don't change location ... all without penalty! Figure that one out...
  2. Another great solution. However, sounds like that is already happening and we just need to update the rulebook... There should be a TG meeting here in a couple of weeks. What needs to happen to get this on the agenda?
  3. There are a couple of sections that would need to be revised, but as far as the SDQ goes: Changing location with a long gun with the action closed and the hammer cocked during the course of fire. It should also make @Abilene Slim SASS 81783 happy as it removes several words and nuances from the rule book.
  4. So, instead of subjectively choosing to apply a rule (or not) and creating an uneven playing field, why not petition to change the rule?
  5. Awesome. Oh....Is 8.4 in feet, or metric?
  6. Awesome. Is that measured from their lead foot to the closest edge of the table?
  7. No I think you ask a very great question. So what is that threshold? 6 ft? 10 ft? 60 ft?
  8. Here's to another thread destined to be locked, disposed of, and never seen again...
  9. It is a SDQ if you change location after the action closes. If it is a mechanical trigger, pull the trigger to make sure both hammers are down, or stop and open the action prior to moving. (Basketball travel rule) SHB pg 22, Stage DQ Changing location with a long gun with the action closed and the hammer cocked (exception for long guns from the loading table to the stage with no round chambered).
  10. SHB pg 20 would says that there are instances where they can: The Match Director has the authority to override an “RO assisted” MSV penalty for a reshoot. If this is true, does the Match Director have the authority to override an “RO assisted” SDQ penalty? Say the RO told a shooter to move and their pistol was already cocked for instance....
  11. Key words there being cocked revolver sweeping shooter's other hand. Says nothing about the 170. The same would also hold true for a duelist that shoots one dry and then holds the dry pistol wherever as they're shooting their second pistol. Doesn't matter that the one they're shooting is just within the 170 of the one that was shot dry.
  12. From your description, it sounds like you don't want to eliminate the "hands at the sides and not touching any firearm" from SASS default and just want to override "the shooter shall stand upright" with your stage instructions. And that's ok. However, some stage writers don't care if your hands are hovering over the gun, so they tell you that you can have your hands anywhere you want, but they don't want you to actually touch the gun. You can be a millimeter from it, just don't touch it. Some don't even care if you are touching it, either, and they will override that as well. Different strokes for different folks. Ya, but will everybody else see it the same way? Or will some see the different wording and assume there is a difference in a prohibition between touching something and having something else in hand and argue about it for three pages on the wire?
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