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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854

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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 last won the day on May 7 2022

Branchwater Jack SASS #88854 had the most liked content!


About Branchwater Jack SASS #88854

  • Birthday 09/06/1977

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Wartrace Regulators, North Alabama Regulators

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  • Location
    Huntsville, AL

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Branchwater Jack SASS #88854's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. It was a good meeting You can see that Misty has some things in the world from the tg meeting at land run http://www.oowss.com/_RO_ Corner/CAS TG Meeting Minutes - Land Run 2024.pdf
  2. Cap guns, even if shot in a aged based category, do not fall under the PF rule. SHB pg 25 (emphasis added)
  3. There was l, at one time, concern that if there was a shoot through prior to the main match, that you would not want to move steel as the match technically started with the shoot through. In those instances, where extra stands were available, I have set up a second set of stands and pulled the steel from the close pistol targets and used that steel on the newly placed rifle targets. The cas rifle targets then became the wb pistol targets. Worked pretty well.
  4. SHB pg 20 would says that there are instances where they can: The Match Director has the authority to override an “RO assisted” MSV penalty for a reshoot. If this is true, does the Match Director have the authority to override an “RO assisted” SDQ penalty? Say the RO told a shooter to move and their pistol was already cocked for instance....
  5. Key words there being cocked revolver sweeping shooter's other hand. Says nothing about the 170. The same would also hold true for a duelist that shoots one dry and then holds the dry pistol wherever as they're shooting their second pistol. Doesn't matter that the one they're shooting is just within the 170 of the one that was shot dry.
  6. TFL 80 Knockdown Conventions



    Join me on The Firing Line for a look at S.A.S.S. conventions regarding knockdown targets.


  7. This is not the message that you are looking for

  8. TFL 78 What the DNF?

    When is it correct to score a competitor with a DNF on a stage? Join me on The Firing Line for a look at this frequently misunderstood aspect of cowboy action shooting scoring.

  9. TFL 77 Eye Protection Malfunctions

    What options do we have within the rules of cowboy action shooting when a competitor's eye protection malfunctions on The Firing Line?

  10. TFL 3: Eye Dominance

    Join me on the firing line and back home at Serenity as we discuss how eye dominance issues may affect cowboy action shooters. As a cross eye dominant individual myself, I hope to shed a little light on this (more common than one might presume) condition, along with tips and tricks that may help others similarly afflicted.

  11. TFL 5: My Guns & Gear

    Branchwater Jack shares his gear for cowboy action shooting matches

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