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Anyone ever "tuned" their targets to play a song when hit?

Hellgate #3302 L

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I've enjoyed shooting ringing targets like the cut off gas cylinders (oxygen tanks) that that are often hung as church bells or just as ringers on a rack. Has anyone ever had anough of an ear for music (I sure don't) to recognize the note each one plays when hit or to cut them a proper length to create a specific note? If so, it wouldn't be that difficult to play a simple and merciful 10 note (or less) song. Just wondering if it has been done yet. It would be kinda fun, dontcha think?

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Once designed a stage that musically played out the Lynyrd Skynyrd tune "Freebird". Upon hearing it the remaining Posse members became so overcomed with nostalgia that they held their lit cigarette lighters aloft. Unfortunately, the open flames proved disastrous to our lone Black Powder Shooter.

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Hehehe....The intro to Smoke on the water just flashed through my head!



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Once designed a stage that musically played out the Lynyrd Skynyrd tune "Freebird". Upon hearing it the remaining Posse members became so overcomed with nostalgia that they held their lit cigarette lighters aloft. Unfortunately, the open flames proved disastrous to our lone Black Powder Shooter.




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Saw The Capgun Kid take a P at the PA State Championship just to play a common doorbell (Big Ben?)chime. We all knew something was up when he was hitting them with his spotting stick when resetting the shotgun targets trying to get HIS order right to play the notes. It went perfect, but he did tell the TO as he looked on quite puzzled?

Capgun tells it better in one of his CC articles, but dang it was a hoot to have seen it first hand. We all still talk about this feat when we get together.

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Being musically talented as I am, I often will play "Silent Night" during a stage with my pistols and because the spotters are not as musically inclined, they end up giving me misses.

Go figure !





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I was shooting an annual match in Roswell where they had old gas cylinders tuned to play the 5-note theme from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" if you shot a left to right sweep. A buckaroo was shooting and after the second sweep a mothership descended and beamed up the buckaroo and two of the spotters. We'd like to get the buckaroo back someday. He was a good kid. They can keep the spotters though. They called too many misses and wouldn't shag brass. :lol:

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"Mary Had a Little Lamb".....someone appears to be having a gender identity crisis. They've got this nose spray for low T. Someone might want to get some and then edit this thread.


Lynyrd Skynyrd OTOH, rocks!

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We have played "Jingle Bells" using 6 rifle targets, 10 rounds and a reload. Come play Jingle Bells at the Tonto Rim Marauders December 2012 match (3rd Sunday)in Payson.

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You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna.... a..a..target. Or something like that.



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at a very large annual shoot

in the team shoot


I convinced the four of us on the team

to (heck with the time / win)

so we

shot -- :) a smiley face :)


into the freshly painted target


the folks watchin

:) roared and clapped :)

they loved it

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I think it's a great idea except for the disparity between shooter's speed. For instance, you set up targets like that and turn Madd Mike and I loose on them. When Mike shoots them it would sound like Reveille, when I shoot them it would sound like Taps. :(

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I think it's a great idea except for the disparity between shooter's speed. For instance, you set up targets like that and turn Madd Mike and I loose on them. When Mike shoots them it would sound like Reveille, when I shoot them it would sound like Taps. :(




had a

spew alert------that there was funny

coke-A-cola screen saver

yikes :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Thanks folks,

Ya gave me the info and then some. Sorry for the slow relpy. The SASS Wire no longer sends me notification that anyone posts on my topics. I'll keep checking in though. The "Happy face" shoulda got a SOG award! Classic cowboy fun!

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Having a rather vast musical background, I once made tuned wind chimes out of conduit pipe for Christmas present's when I was a youth. It was rather tedious until I got the lengths figured out, but that was just cutting conduit. I can imagine that cutting welding tanks being an even bigger bother to get the notes you wanted unless you had a few targets producing usable notes in the first place and only had to fill in a few missing notes. Would be loads of fun when finished though! Smithy.

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Once designed a stage that musically played out the Lynyrd Skynyrd tune "Freebird". Upon hearing it the remaining Posse members became so overcomed with nostalgia that they held their lit cigarette lighters aloft. Unfortunately, the open flames proved disastrous to our lone Black Powder Shooter.


That's funny right there!!

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I shot a stage once in Missoula where you were off the clock as long as you kept singing "You are My Sunshine" as you shot the stage. The timer would only start if you quit singing or got the lyrics wrong.


I ended up with a time of zero but a procedural as I found out I couldn't sing "You are My Sunshine", hit all the targets AND remember the target order all at once.


Sage Creek Gus

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I bet it wouldnt be too hard to git the first ten notes of 'DIXIE' if

someone gave it a bit of work.

They do it with them car horns all the time in 'Dukes'.



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