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Rube Burrows

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About Rube Burrows

  • Birthday 02/12/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pearl River, LA.
  • Interests
    Western Movies, Collecting Guns, Gunsmithing, Family, SASS

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  1. Just a note.....this is a 1866 and not a 1860 as post one says. I know its just a typo.
  2. Absolutely. I was just answering the question. I have seen where some of the guys shot it both ways. I stayed with caps.
  3. Yes, they sure will. If its for the 1858 New Model Army. Some of the guys who got the revolver have put a conversion cylinder in it.
  4. Glad that it's making its way to you next. It's really a great thing Pietta is doing. I know you will enjoy your time with it.
  5. Lost what? Tyson and Paul both won. The people lost. This was nothing more than a money grab (as is all of Paul's fights) where two friends made 20 and 40 million dollars by acting like they were in a real fight. Nothing more than a glorified sparing session.
  6. I haven't seen this one yet. I have been watching The Rebel while on the tredmill. I have been watching two episodes which gets me almost to the three mile mark. Been a great show
  7. Oh, Thanks for that. Do you know if they only made them in 44 mag or did they make 45 Colt also ?
  8. I have seen the stock photos. Wondering if they actually made and sold any real ones.
  9. I have read where some of the Chiappa Mares Leg's came with the 9" barrels. Have any of you who got a Mares Leg got one with the 9" barrel? I have never saw one with the 9" barrel before. Only the 12". I am just curious if any were actually made in that configuration. Would love to see pics if so.
  10. Thanks. Looks likes hes been removed.
  11. Maybe someone can hurry and ban him before he gets someone’s money
  12. I assumed it was but wanted to check and if so bring attention to his scam. Thanks.
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