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About Throckmorton,23149

  • Birthday 03/26/1945

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Siuslaw River Rangers

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  • Location
    central orygun coast,
  • Interests
    shooting of any kind,especially CAS...and reloading for same.
    Love spoiling the 5 grandkids of course.

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  1. A friend has moved to the Great State and is wondering if any shoots in the area of New Caney? I"m not that familiar with Houston area, thanks, Pards
  2. do u pull cylinder to reload,and is it direct ship being percussion ?
  3. Here's a hoist of a cool one to our very good Pard, Buckshot Pete. Pete passed away last year on Oct 6th, 2023. SASS NO. 12668 Pete was well known up and down the I-5 corridor in WA. and OR by hundreds of shooters of our game, and he was the friendliest, most willing to jump in and do anything Pard there ever was. Buckshot and i shot a plethora of matches together and he will be sorely missed by the Pacific Northwest shooters.
  4. The cast bullets I had for sometime hoping to get to them some day.Which never came.


    A lady close by called a friend of mine and said her husband had passed a couple years ago and wanted to know if he knew anyone who would like to buy all his reloading equipment,he mentioned me ,so I bought all he had lots of reloading equipment and ammo.Cast bullets and all.


    To make a long story short,I had intended to load and shoot a lot of them.I finally came to my senses and realized I was never going to get to it.  So I never messed with them and never loaded any of them so I don't know anything about them. I have shot a lot of his reloads and they shoot fine.


    Sorry I could not have been more help.


    Steve    aka  Dakota fox.

  5. fyi for those who say 'too 'late', I"m on several reloading pages on Facebook,and the number of newbies to reloading might just surprise ya. 8 years ago when ammo all but dried up,the number of newbs was thousands. It's backed off some,but they are still out there.
  6. The same situation drove me nuts a few years back,and yup, Mo powder was the answer in my .45's.
  7. Good luck to ya, 4 !! Have enjoyed shootin' with ya all these years. !
  8. "Visualize the MD asking for fly inspection volunteers to go into the crowd and check everyone's crotch" uh,,that would be a...............NO !! lol for as long as this game has been around, we are still making rules. Ah well, makes for lively Wire convo .
  9. unless you need a wall hanger,don't even thing about the Thunderbolt. The rossi 92's are good little carbines,I only gave mine up because a '66 came along at a great price. I"m not familiar with Tradition's single actions,but my old Uberti's have many many miles on them,and still going. Welcome to the fun !
  10. I"ve only seen a few used at matches,and they were slow and clunky compared to all other rifles/carbines.If it is all they can afford,or they just want it, it's better than not shooting.
  11. I"ve never felt the need to own a gauge for .38's or .357. why? All my bullets I shoot are cast ,with a crimp groove. And all my . 38's are shot in .357 Blackhawks.Just never seen the need. You may not either, depending on your circumstances.
  12. Prayers for a successful surgery,and fast recovery, Pard
  13. Prayers, and condolences to his family and friends. Ride easy,Pard.
  14. Doc S. has shaky hands these days,and has had for a while,so pretty much got out of shooting, I chat with him on Facebook,he's into mountain bike riding these days, rides a lot,from his fb posts. he's on facebook under his 'other' name, Joel Shapiro.
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