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Rootin Tootin

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Status Updates posted by Rootin Tootin

  1. Hey Boom Pop, If you have Charles Daley shotguns I have a bunch of Charles Daley 306 parts from a gun that I parted out. See the pics.  I have a stock with a couple of cracks at the wrist but could be dilled and pinned with a dole rod.  The beaver tail and locking mech is good. and the barrels are great.  All parts plus barrel and beaver tail  $200 and stock is free.


    Or $75 for receiver parts and $125 for Beaver Tail and Barrels and I'll toss the stock in for free.

    .plus shipping


    Any interest

    Receiver parts.jpg

  2. John,  my number is 563 349 2273   Rootin Tootin

  3. John, If he doesn't buy, I'm interested. Is it Satin Or Blued.  Thanks  RT

  4. Jack, is it Satin or blued. Do you have pics.  Thanks  RT

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Shipping would be to Davenport, IA  52807.  

    3. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Thank You John. 


      My name and info is ;


      Paul Reinartz

      6153 Christie CT

      Davenport, IA 


    4. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      My FFL guy. Del Rich Pawnbroker  563 323 2631 

      in  Davenport, IA




      Thanks... Rootin Tootin

  5. Moses, just saw your post.  I'll shipp for $115.  Thanks  RT

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      tracking # 9505 5265 5256 3082 5775 40   USPS    Thank You.  RT

    3. Moses, SASS #5964

      Moses, SASS #5964

            Rootin Tootin

         The grip frame and grips came today. They look great.

                                            Moses #5964 life

    4. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Glad you're happy.  Enjoy  RT

  6. Chuck.  Your phone number is still in your add on the wire,

  7. I have one set of checkered Eagle Micarta (Black) GF grips to fit OMV   $125 shipped

    Thanks... RT

  8. OK Kd.  I have Pay Pal    prluckyy299@aol.com


    PMO to

    Paul Reinartz

    6153 Christie CT

    Davenport, IA  52807

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Diego Kid #4631

      Diego Kid #4631

      Hey, thanks a lot. Will let you know when they arrive!!!!!


    3. Diego Kid #4631

      Diego Kid #4631

      Got them today, Thanks. Looks good!!!!!!!!


    4. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Thank you.  Glad you like them..  RT

  9. Scissors, Pics sent. Also, I need to know the prefix on your guns. I have barrels for NMV and OMV. Want to be sure you get the correct barrels.  OMV have 2 numbers and NNV have 3    Thanks  RT

  10. Hey John.  Thanks.  PMO or PayPal  prlucky299@aol.com


    Paul Reinartz

    6153 Christie C

    Davenport, IA  52807


    563 349 2273

    1. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Thanks for PayPal   I need your address to send sights

  11. Hey Randy. Rootin Tootin here. I saw your post about a lever lock to help prevent jacking a live round. I'm planning on getting one but want to know with it installed how do you show clear at the unloading table with the lock installed without pulling the trigger? The only way I can see to do it is to pull the trigger and gradually lower the hammer and cycle it then. 

    Thanks.  RT

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

      Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

      Hope so too, it is a little harder to put the rifle back together but not bad. I install the right links, right side plate then roll it over and drop in the lever lock and left side links. I have a short punch approximately the same diameter at the side plate screw  I stick through the hole in the right side plate and through the lever lock. Then I install the left side plate and push the punch through the hole, now I can put the screw on the end of the punch and push the punch back out to help me keep the screw aligned.  I hope that made sense? It is actually pretty easy once I got used to it.

      If it doesn't make sense I can make a video and send it.



    3. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Randy, Thats the way they recommend in the instructions.  I have a number of punches that will work.  Thanks again.   

    4. Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

      Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903

      You are very welcome, I think you'll like it.



  12. I have a spoked wheel for $25 plus 10 for shipping.  I replaced my wheels last year for both the plastic versions but saved the one spoked wheel for just this occassion.    RT

  13. I have a forend if you are still looking for a 20 inch with an Octagon barrel.  RT

  14. Any interest in the parts or the entire Charles Dailey after you viewed the pics.

  15. OK Buddy.

    Paul Reinartz

    6153 Christie Ct

    Davenport, IA 52807


    Send me your info so I can send the bolt.   Thanks  RT

  16. OK Copperhead. Thanks


    Paul Reinartz

    6153 Christie Ct

    Davenport, IA   52807  

    My e mail is    prlucky299@aol.com   phone   563 349 2273


    so send me your address so I ca send the bolt.  

    1. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Sorry   I ment Copenhagen   I hate that spell check

  17. Snake Oil George contact info is 918-729-0430.  he turned mine around in 3 weeks.    Enjoy   RT

  18. Scarlett, I bought some Clean Shot from you in TN 2 years ago. Do you still have some in inventory. I'd like to buy 10 or 15 lbs.  Good stuff...  Thanks   Rootin Tootin  21707

  19. Hey Flat Top.  Rootin Tootin (21707) here. I sent my registration in with three of my friends that arrived with you folks on Tuesday or Wednesday. My 3 friend, Badlands Charlie, Wicker Nash, and Popcorn Kelly all have received confirmation on their entries, but I have heard nothing. So I filled out an online registration to be sure I get in.  I'm not sure what happened to the first one, so you may see I'm registered twice at some point and give me a refund. My check hasn't cleared yet so I'm guessing you lost the first one or maybe things are so hectic that you just haven't got to it yet. Either way I want to be sure I get in.   Thanks  RT

  20. Irish Pat, this is Rootin Tootin.  Please send me the contact info for Snake Oil. I want to get octagon barrels put on the extra set of original Vaquero's in my safe.  

  21. Thank you Fireball.  Check is good.  Send to

    Paul Reinartz

    6153 Christie Ct

    Davenport, IA    52807


    I'll get bolt in the mail. Do you need it right away?  Send me your info so I can get it into the mail ASAP


    Thanks again..It's a complete assy including Ubeti fire pine.    RT

    1. Fireball #7709 Life

      Fireball #7709 Life

      I'll get a check out today.  I'm buying it for a back up bolt, several pards around here have broken tabs on old style bolts lately and I'd like to have a spare around.  Save us some down time while the broken ones are being fixed.  As such, I'm not in a hurry, but thanks for sending it out.  My info:


      Craig Meyer

      1940 Eldridge rd

      Cottondale, Fl 32431



  22. John, I didn't expect you to leave the 97 on GB after I sent you a message about buying it when it was listed in the Merchants section. Please let me know when you get another IAC 97.  I would like a CB if possible and if not then one with a number of 08 or higher

    1. Barleycorn Outfitters

      Barleycorn Outfitters

      Sorry about that, I did not get the message until after it was bid or I would have pulled it down. We were at dinner for my sons 5th birthday. I don’t get notifications of messages from the merchant corner. I have a 97 coming in later this week. It’s supposed to ship out tomorrow 

  23. Heard you deal in IAC Coyote Cap 97's. Do you have any for sale??

    1. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      I'm not interested in your Winchesters unless they have a coyote cap on the bolt. What I'm looking for is an IAC 97 with a number 08 or higher or a CB 97.  Not interested in a 93/97. I already have one. Great gun, only shot it once and was told it isn't legal in a cowboy match so it's been in my safe for 8 years.  Only good for WB

  24. Ok Deacon, It's yours...........PM me with your info and I'll do the same

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Thanks. Info below    I'll take a check no problem.   RT


      Paul Reinartz

      6153 Christie Ct

      Davenport, IA 


    3. DeaconKC


      Check is in the mail!

    4. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      DeaconKC, I'll drop the part in the mail on Saturday.......  Thank you..............RT

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