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Beartrap SASS#57175

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    The Cowboys, Cajon Cowboys, Double R Bar Regulators, Plunge Creek Cowboys

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    Yucaipa, Ca

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  1. Have you priced a good rod & reel lately?😆 You might change your suggestion to bowling. 🤣
  2. Perfect for when (as Biden says) you need to just step out on the balcony and fire 2 blasts in the air!
  3. I ain't very good at 'splainin am I?
  4. Just to clarify my earlier post I was attempting to show that while the flow chart states that a miss cannot cause a procedural penalty, an unfired round (which is SCORED as a miss) can indeed cause a procedural penalty.
  5. An unfired round is not the same as a miss of a fired round, but is simply SCORED as a miss. Example: 5 target double tap sweep. Shooter shoots 2 on t1, 1 on t2, 1 on t3 then holsters. Pulls second pistol shoots 1 on t3, 2 on t4 and 2 on t5. Goes to unloading table and discovers round in pistol 1. Should be SCORED as 1 MISS for UNFIRED round and a "P" for only 1 shot on T2.
  6. Newsome and Kamala have completed the destruction here!
  7. Pssst, did you hear she's moving to CA and is gonna shoot smokeless wearing a blue hat?🤣
  8. Do it. You'll like it. 38's do not need any filler, just load to base of bullet. Use 3f for them.
  9. Get a small table designed for bench grinders and such. Work great for a small press setup. Search for "grinder table" at Harbor Freight.
  10. Deuce Steven's has a nice Miroku made double trigger on page 2 of classifieds.
  11. Beartrap - I'll keep you in mind if I can't get one with the red eagle. Used? Price? and for old model Vaquero Bisley?

    \Thanks, FL

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