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Had An Interesting Afternoon

Calamity Kris

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I was able to get out of the office early so I came home to chill for a little while.  I received a message that a package I was expecting was in the mailbox.  I headed to the street to retrieve it when I saw one of the dogs belonging to the new(ish) neighbors across the street.  She was standing in their yard under some trees.  I thought that odd and walked over to her.  As soon as I set foot on the lawn, she came over to me to be scratched.  I looked up to see the front door ajar.  I grabbed her by the collar and walked her up to the front door.  I yelled inside but didn't receive an answer.  I put her in and closed the door, however, it didn't close very well.  I went back home and dug up a text message from the owner.  I told him what had happened and he called me right away.  He said their perimeter alarm went off so he contacted his wife and she was on her way home, however she was about two hours out.  He gave me instructions on securing the house and thanked me for taking care of the dog.  I was happy to do it and hope it doesn't happen again.  Moments after I walked in the door, I heard a huge clap of thunder and it began to rain heavily.  Good thing I got the dog in when I did.


Additional note:  The neighbor told me while we were on the phone that the motion sensors didn't go off so he was fairly certain no one was in the house.  Additionally, the other dog, a pit-bull mix, was barking it's butt off at us through the cracked open door.

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Neighbor just up the road and around the bend is a high tech guy. Has fancy door lock deals. Twice he's ask me to go up and check his house because he had notice that a door wasn't locked. His next door neighbor is only a hundred yards away but probably at work. We're retired and usually at home.  Kids didn't pull door shut. I'm always cautious I may walk into a robbery. 

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I am glad it was all good. I got a little nervous when you said the door was ajar. You’re a good neighbor CK. :)

And I am glad you and the friendly pooch didn’t get soaked in the rain. 

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1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

I am glad it was all good. I got a little nervous when you said the door was ajar. You’re a good neighbor CK. :)

And I am glad you and the friendly pooch didn’t get soaked in the rain. 


The only reason I knew nothing was going on in the house, their other dog was at the front door barking it's tail off at the two of us...............

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I was out running errands at 7 this morning,  passing one intersection at the bottom of an offramp I saw a guy laying on the sidewalk.   I wasn't where I could stop, but called 911.  Described what I saw,  said I didn't know if he was asleep,  passed out,  knocked out,  or dead.  Dispatch kept saying,  "So, he's on the left side of the street. " "No, the NW corner."  A few more questions,  then  again about the left side of the street. "No, the NW corner of that intersection. "


Why can't people understand that left or right depends on which way you're going?  Except with rivers,  where left and right are defined as when facing downstream. 

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8 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Why can't people understand that left or right depends on which way you're going?



A few years ago I parked next to a car in Sam's Club parking lot and saw a kid inside the car next to me in an infant seat.  Alone.  Summertime.  I called 911, described my location in the parking lot.  I stayed in the parking lot.  I was not going to leave that baby alone.  It took the cops 20 minutes to find me.  They couldn't figure out which was the south side of the store.


Parents came out before the cops arrived.  Called me a dirty name.  Cops said they would keep an eye on them, via license plate number.


Yeah, right.

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I am glad you helped your neighbor and his pets.  I'm glad you didn't encounter any bad guys.


Recognize that you placed yourself at risk.


Take care, please.

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good that you were available in this instance , i cant imagine driving two hours because the dog was out - probably would , but , ic not be happy , 


good neighbors are what this country is all about , 

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Bless you Calam, I'm PROUD of you!

Subdeacon, sadly that dispatcher's dyslexia isn't confined to California, war story omitted but yep, know exactly what you're saying!


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When I was doing DigSafe markouts, I came across a dog with no water on a short chain and no shade. It was in the upper 90s and humid. I looked around and found an old can, filled it with water from my large thermos and gave it to the dog. Left a note on the door to inform the owner of the situation. He called my company and me to tell me to mind my own business. Same situation the next day when I went by. I know I'm an ass, but put the overheated dog in my car and took it to the rescue center. Eff em!:angry:

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Many years ago I visited my uncle Bob in LA, Topango Canyon, I think it was.

Followed his instructions to a mile or so from his house, then it was turn west, south, etc. I was tired from driving cross country I guess. Could not reckon compass directions, the ocean had always been East.


im ok with that now.

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