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My Grandson just called me!

Number was in my 613 exchange, so I answered with out too much thought and when they said HI!, I asked "Who's this?"

They answered: "It's your Grandson!"(which was interesting, since I don't have one.)

Thinking fast, I said "Pierre" How nice to hear from you!" To which he began a spiel about in trouble etc. and needing cash, which he couldn't get from his parents.

I played with him as long as I could before I offered him cash but he would have to come pick it up.

He said a nasty word to his "Grandpa!" and hung up.

My feelings were hurt!

I think I'll cut him out of my Will!

OH! Wait!



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I had a call last Friday Ellington me that I had won $500000.00 and a 2022 Denali pickup.  I had to pay a 399.00 registration fee with money orders from Dollar General....

I strung him.along for about 30 minutes. Then I called the sheriff yo report the scam and also the local news paper.

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Yeah, they get really upset.

I had "Steve" on my cell phone, who had very distinct Punjabi accent. I had noticed a "V" and number code on the screen, before the cloned phone number came up, so I was primed for the call.

My buddy in Amritsar India had id'd the red light districts in a number of Indian cities, some really gross ones, so when I started asking him about his mother working them and if her rashes and other diseases had responded to treatment, he got very upset with me.

Can't understand it. I was only showing concern!


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Happened to my sister a few years ago. The person said she was her granddaughter and she was in jail for DUI and needed money to get out. My sister said is this Alex? The whispering voice said yes. My sister said , “ But Alex you hate alcohol of any kind”. They hung up!:)

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A couple of years ago I got a call at about 2130, just as I was about to fall asleep.  Now , I was feeling pretty cruddy with flu and so I was cranky.


Was I having trouble paying my student loans?  Which had been paid off about 35 years ago.  So I spun a tale of woe about it, got kicked up a level, continued my sob story, got kicked up to the next guy, a guy who had almost no subcontinent accent, and strung him along.  Finally, after a total of 35 or 40 minutes I got tired of the game, told the guy that I had paid off my loans decades before, was bored and cranky and just feeding him and his people a line.  He got mad at me for wasting his time!   Hey!  YOU called ME and had no problem wanting to waste MY time and interrupt MY sleep.  He hung up on me.

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I just remembered another call I got 20 some years ago, trying to get me to sign up for a credit card.

Recently retired and at a bit of a loose end, the devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear: "This could be fun!"

So I played along, all excited to be able to get a card. Kept a couple of people on the phone for quite a while feeding them whatever answers (fictitious) I thought they wanted to hear.

When it got down to the crunch, I acted even more excited that I was getting a credit card and asked them how soon I would receive it and if they could just let me have the number right now, so I could start using it.

Growing suspicious, they asked why, to which I replied: "Oh the bankruptcy people at the proceedings and the solvency trustees took my other cards away right after the hearing, but there are things I still want to get! How soon can I get the card and the number?

They weren't happy with me and never called me again.

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A couple decades ago the Solar people kept calling and calling! Since they wouldn't stop, I agreed to a sales visit. I lived in Connecticut (communisticut) at the time. The sales dude all decked out like Mr. T, drove his Lincoln down from New Hampshire,about a 2.5 hour ride per him. Listened to his spiel, then chucked his brochures in my waste basket and told him as I said many times on the phone " I don't want solar on my roof or in my yard". He was pissed and got to drive 2.5 hours back home with no sale and short one batch of brochures! Amazing, they never bothered me again!

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This happened to me and my Uncle (Retired Special FOrces and Ex CIA) Thus took place about 8 years ago.


I get this phone call from my Uncle, Asking me when I had traveled to Mexican. God Lord Uncle Stan I havent’ been out of the State of Kentucky in years. Why, What’s up? He started throwing a litany of questions at me. he keeps asking am I sure that I didn’t just sneak off. I couldn’t believe it. M closet to Uncle doesn’t seem to trust me.


Evidently he cared for me enough to pay $10000 to someone in Mexico that would arrange my release from jail and a paid trip home.. Ever since that incident ha wont have anything to do with me anymore. It’s as though I was responSingle for his being scammed. The one scammed is not the only

 One hurt from it.

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I keep getting calls from Becky at Senior Services.  I think she wants to sell me crappy health insurance.  Every time I interrupt her speech with an unsolicited question, she freezes up.  What is the weather like where you are?  Why do you keep calling me?  Who do you work for and what is your address?  Becky is not very smart.

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