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Grumpy old farts with Guns

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Tried to clear the drive with the s'blower last night. No Go. Snow was too wet and it just clogged in the chute.

To Heck with it.

We have snow tires. It can just stay there till it melts, 'cause we ain't shoveling it!

Too heavy when wet!


I've had enough of winter!

Since I can't snow mobile or snow shoe in it any more, I'm gettin' old(er) and cranky(er).

Now get off my lawn!

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Got the bandage off of my forehead, early this morning.  Ol’ noggin ain’t too much worse for wear. Just some pretty colors over and around my right eye.


The front yard looks like lake Okeefenokee where it has rained so much lately and I suspect that I’ll hafta get the driveways sealed this year.  Gonna need to get the lawn mowed too!






Edited by Blackwater 53393
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Goats stink up the place and climb up on stuff that they don’t belong on!


My mother used to have goats. One night they got out and climbed all over my Corvette and ruined a very expensive paint job.


The whole neighborhood ate goat barbecue for weeks!!!

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2 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

We've opened our first storefront office and we're selling franchises.


Does the franchise include the banner? I know a fella that might be interested. :P



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Just send the deposit, via ZELLE or Bitcoin, which we hold for 3 months to ensure you are serious about the business, then we'll refund your deposit.

Trust me.

I'm a Lieber Liberal. I'd NEVER lie to you.

Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474
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Considering that I got a nice “Tanker” holster in the mail this morning and I got the cast off of my foot with the news from my doctor that my foot has once again healed up, you’d think that I might not be very GRUMPY today!!




 I stopped on the way home to fill the tank on the Buick. I hit a station that had gas for less than three bucks a gallon!!  You’d think I was smiling, right??  It took me moving to three different pumps before I found one that my debit card would work in and then only after multiple attempts to get it to work!!


Not to be outdone by a gas pump, (or even three gas pumps) when I stopped at my bank’s own ATM to retrieve some cash for an ammunition purchase I’m making tomorrow, the damned thing refused to do the transaction and wouldn’t return my card either!  It sat there and the screen read, “Unable to complete transaction at this time. PLEASE REMOVE YOUR CARD!”


After repeated attempts to get the card out of the machine, I walked over to the drive-up window and asked for some help.


A nice young lady came out and attempted, without success, to retrieve my card from the machine.  NO JOY! She then brought out the manager lady to see if she could help. NOPE!! She went to the drive-up window and got the teller to give her a pair of pliers, (at my suggestion) and we finally got my card out of the ATM!


I went to the drive-up and got my cash.


The manager lady apologized for the inconvenience and added that she really liked my gun!!


I reckon I can’t GRRRRUMP too much!



Edited by Blackwater 53393
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Congrats on the cast removal. Typical on the card, mine works about half the time I use it. Grump

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OK, ya got the cast off.


Now quit kicking things, stomping on nails and running barefoot through the fields.

Geez yer poor wife must be tired of having to look after ya!

*Secret stuff.


*Seriously, glad to hear you're on the mend.

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I’m going to go easy on the walking and such for a while longer!  The foot may be healed up, but I reckon it’ll need to “hair over” a bit to become sturdy enough for regular use!!


 I made it out to our local Cowboy Lunch today. Walked to and from my seat at the restaurant and to and from the car at the house. Other than that, it’s back and forth to the head and to the rack from my recliner!!


 I’m behaving badly as usual, but I’m doing it from a sitting position!! :unsure: :rolleyes:

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Got grumpy earlier today.:P I've been working on trying to make an old H&R Topper .410 look and operate for a buddy. He inherited it and it looked like it was stored for years wrapped in a wet blanket. It's a newer one with the plastic trigger guard. So here's the grumpy part:D, I removed the pins for the trigger guard, removed it and a part fell inside and 2 springs along with the trigger fell on the bench. Rut roh! After cleaning and lubing the internals I managed to figure out where everything went, but getting them back in was another story! After numerous attempts and different tongue positions and just the right squint along with some sailor language, I made a trigger pin out of a chop stick. In it went like I knew what I was doing. Grump resolved. The barrel exterior is all rust, but not particularly pitted. Got the extractor/ejector working. Now to clean and reblue, ha ha. From a previous thread, I used Howard's feed and wax on the stock which removed what looked like mildew and it looks quite nice now. Waiting for Brownells to deliver my Oxpho Blue and we'll see how the final stretch goes! Likely more grumping! A lot of time for a cheapy SG, but fun along with the grump.

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Page 3 good thing CLK didn't Find it ....


Howdy Grumps, What is New ?


Snowed most of the day, now it's about Gone...


Alberta In the Spring Time ...


Jabez Cowboy

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Long day today! Up before 6:00 am to take Schoolmarm for an epidural this morning.

Back to the house and then out to the grocery for some essentials and then another stop for lottery tickets.


Back home and a few chores. Then we’re watching to see how the treatment is working and fixing supper.


It’s 10:00 pm and she says the shot’s doing some good. I’m heading for bed and I MAY sleep ‘til noon tomorrow!!

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You should see the way they act when you drive around on one of their lawnmowers!! :o :lol:


Schoolmarm’s epidural hasn’t done her any good.  Going to talk to her orthopedist on Friday.


Foot doc has me in a padded bandage and a walking boot for at least another week!  Looks pretty good but it still wants to bleed a little now and then.


It has been over six years since this ordeal began…

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Jabez, as fellow cowboys we have a duty to heal up Blackwater.

Start a big fire while I get the branding iron, We'll cauterize that bleed.

OK, we can be sorta merciful: Give him a bullet to bite down on.

If that ain't enough, I have some anesthetic.

*Secret Stuff.

We know you don't like sympathy but we do hope you get better soon.


Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474
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If the concrete in front of the Post Office couldn’t knock me out, what makes you think that silly hammer would do it???


I’ve thought of cauterizing that foot more’n once!!  I just want the hide to toughen up so’s I can get back ta’ doin’ what i need to do!

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That Hammer will leave him a nice shade on Blue an Black ...

Most would get Black an Blue but some just have to be different...

God Bless big Hammers...


Jabez Cowboy

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Nice warm Spring Day Forecast for tomorrow...

Up here in Canada we have Four Seasons,,, 

In winter We get Snow and Cold this is the season of Snowmobiling, Skiing, Icefishing and slip sliding down Roads,,,

Fall is when we have warm days and cool nights, The leaves turn colors, and We go hunting.

Summer when we try and jamb pack all we can into those days of Hot weather, fishing, Water Skiing And Camping...

So we have the seasons of Summer, Fall, Winter and Disapointment... When we can have all of the Worse of the  preceding seasons...  


Jabez Cowboy


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Been rather nice around here for the last few days!  The rain has held off, for the most part, long enough for the front lawn to dry up!


Hatfield got most of the grass cut this afternoon. HELL! The lawnmower fired right up and ran great!!  

On the downside, I did a lousy job cooking breakfast. I dropped two nice sausage patties in the floor, (my rotten ol’ dog thanked me profusely) and it took forever to get the bacon cooked the way I wanted it.  Then I go to the fridge and discover that there’s only two eggs!!  Two eggs doesn’t feed four people and I was out of pancake batter too!!


Between my damned foot and Schoolmarm’s back problems, we ain’t been grocery shopping in two weeks!!  You can bet your sweet bippy that I’ll be all over the store on Monday!!



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We had some nasty storms here last evening, but thankfully we took no damage. Today is cooler, supposed to hit the lower 70s, but beautiful sunshine. Picked up a new pocket gun yesterday at work, a Keltec P3AT. Not much to look at, but one of the best backup or always guns out there. So no grumping for me today!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Off to my regular doctor this morning for my quarterly checkup.


Let’s see what we have to grump about when he’s through with me!!


I’ll tell ya’s all about it later today!!

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Gotta grump here today. My bank account I use for the hobby fund got hacked this weekend, going to the bank in a minute to straighten out the damage. Thankfully, I have that account just for online stuff and don't keep a huge amount in it, so it is an annoyance, not a disaster. If you do online banking, set up a protected account, I am SO glad I listened to this advice years ago. Anyway, grump on!

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With Schoolmarm’s back problems and surgery coming up, I endeavored to wash the dishes!!  We had let ‘em pile up in the sink for a couple of days to conserve our energy and maybe some water!


So I finished ‘em up and sat down to relax for a spell.  I look down and what do I see??  I’ve got “dishpan hands”!!!  

GRUMP?? :blink:

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23 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

With Schoolmarm’s back problems and surgery coming up, I endeavored to wash the dishes!!  We had let ‘em pile up in the sink for a couple of days to conserve our energy and maybe some water!


So I finished ‘em up and sat down to relax for a spell.  I look down and what do I see??  I’ve got “dishpan hands”!!!  

GRUMP?? :blink:



OH Quit yer whining!

That's probably the cleanest they've been since the last time she gave ya a bath and scrubbed ya down!


(Enough abuse or do ya want some more?)

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