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Grumpy old farts with Guns

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Spoiling Him???  I'm going to be his saving Grace. I'm going to teach him to Shoot, Fish, Hunt, eat Icecream and ride a motorcycle ... And Be a Cowboy...


Jabez Cowboy



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Two things!!  NO!!  THREE!!!


If I’d known how great grandkids were, I’da skipped having kids altogether!


The best thing about grandkids is , when you’re tired of ‘em, you can give ‘em back to their parents!


The purpose of a granddad is to show the young’uns all the great ways to cause mischief!!

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I was talking to my oldest daughter a couple years back, and I asked her if she knew what grandchildren were? She said no, what are they? PAYBACK!

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Babysitting:  Let the grandkids sleep all day!  Give  ‘em lots of chocolate and soft drinks when they are awake!!  Send ‘em home just before supper time!!


Makes me a lot less grumpy!!

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Still on the recovery side of this virus.  Tests are negative but dragging hind in,  lungs weak.  I've had to miss some matches and activities because I just don't have the stamina.  This is crap. 

I'm pressing on every day a little better but I can identify with Doc Holiday or Doc Hock a day...  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rev. Willy ;

Prayers are going up for you from my Church, We love Cowboys ... Because I say we Do !!!


Coffee and Apple Pie fer da Grumps ...


And Back from page 8 ...


Jabez Cowboy

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Were is everybody?


Most of Ya ain't Shooting ,,, Cause Ya got no Primers!

Rev. Willy ... We is still Praying fer Ya...



Jabez Cowboy

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Getting myself back to walking!  Two weeks now and learning to walk for the fifth or sixth time!! I’m so out of shape this time that it’s really slow!!


Ain’t shot regularly in so long that primers haven’t been a problem.  

I DID try out my new semi-auto shotgun the other day.  Gonna hafta work on some of the magazines.  Also busted the firing pin on my primary carry pistol.  It’s fixed and back in service.


Hopefully, this week will be much better!!  Cowboy lunch on Tuesday, lunch excursion again on Wednesday, and a long time friend and his girlfriend are getting married on Saturday, PLUS, my youngest grandson will be here for the weekend!!


Only slightly less grumpy at the moment!!


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Even If it's only Blackwater and I that's Grumpy...I's in good Company...

Coffee and Bearsign in da morning starting at 7am. MST..


Jabez Cowboy

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Lucked into large Pistol Primers AND Large Rifle Primers!!

A couple of thousand of each!!

Now, if I could just get some Trail Boss, I'd be as happy as a pig in the proverbial. 

I'll even hope for some SMALL primers for some Pards I'm trying to help out, even if they shoot dinky .38's

That's my GRUMP for this thread.

Sorry, but I made up for it in the original thread, with a good whine and a POOR ME.

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I finally got to spend some time in the shop today.  I even got a little work done!!


VERY LITTLE!  I got tired really fast and spent more time resting than doing!!  

I’ll be back out there tomorrow and maybe get a little more done.  I HATE being weak and slow!!  

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One day at a time Blackwater... one day at a time.


Keep at It, and before you know it you will be an able bodied Grump...


Coming to Canada to Shoot, Hint Hint ...


Jabez Cowboy

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On 9/1/2022 at 1:56 PM, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

Well, I hope you're feeling better soon Rev.

Big Red and I had it, but it was more like a mild case of the sniffles for a day or so.


Coming soon to Canada with our current Com Liberal government is legislation to cease the legal transfer of handguns to new legal owners.

Those who own handguns after the selected date will be allowed to keep them for their life, but the handguns will then revert to the state and be destroyed.

Drug gangs, thieves and other criminals are of course exempt in practical terms. 

Now ask me how GRUMPY I am.


REVERT?  :angry:  Just exactly when in hell did they "vert" in the first place.  Is that like a "buy back" of something they never had in the first place?


I'd like to see someone call these jackasses (my apologies to honest, hard working equine animals) out for their stupid, misleading, deliberately confusing, and totally criminally WRONG usage of the language.

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8 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

REVERT?  :angry:  Just exactly when in hell did they "vert" in the first place.  Is that like a "buy back" of something they never had in the first place?


I'd like to see someone call these jackasses (my apologies to honest, hard working equine animals) out for their stupid, misleading, deliberately confusing, and totally criminally WRONG usage of the language.

Hey, Forty!!

 I think you just did!!

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On 10/3/2022 at 1:01 AM, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

REVERT?  :angry:  Just exactly when in hell did they "vert" in the first place.  Is that like a "buy back" of something they never had in the first place?


I'd like to see someone call these jackasses (my apologies to honest, hard working equine animals) out for their stupid, misleading, deliberately confusing, and totally criminally WRONG usage of the language.


The Canadian Constipation Constitution, written by our current Prime Moron's Minister's Father, Pierre Trudeau, did not enshrine property rights. For that reason, we cannot defend our property, when say a home invasion occurs. We have a duty to retreat if possible, according to our Supreme Court Justices who interrupted the question, when it came before them.

So, we actually don't really own property. 

Nice EH?  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Felt lousy this morning and stayed in bed ‘til noon.  Just feelin’ altogether GRUMPY and figured it was time to get this thread back out front!!!

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I took some of my home computer stuff and an old laptop to the Geek Squad yesterday because I can’t get my iPhone to sync with my desktop and need to get some of my old recordings of MILKBONE onto my phone.


 I also have a western novel that I have been piddling with on an ancient laptop that I wanted to move to my new laptop so that I can finish it.  I couldn’t get the novel to download onto the thumb drive so’s I could make the move and figured it was time for a little professional help. :unsure: :lol:

So I made an appointment and yesterday I dropped the whole shebang off at the counter at the local Geek Squad.  After a twenty minute tap dance to get across what I needed, they got the novel downloaded onto a thumb drive and handed back the old IBM Thinkpad and a new thumb drive, (turns out mine that I was trying to use was defective) and the other two units are in the computer hospital for a couple of days.


The technician at the counter said that it would take a little time to sort out the other issues and that they would call me when the work was completed. They’ll download the music to my new laptop and set IT up to sync with my phone and then download the music to the phone when I come to pick up the computers.


Gonna’ cost me $150.00+ to get it all done, but having everything backed up and being able to work smoothly between units will probably be worth it.


 I guess I’ll just grump ‘cause it’s taking so long and ‘cause I’ve got to drive back to town to pick everything up on a weekend!!



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Maybe if we could swap all those left  leaning gun control idiots we have here for all of you freedom loving Canadian gun toters, we could all settle down and have some peace and tranquillity!!


 I hate that you’re having so much trouble out of that little candy-a$$ed dictator!!

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He jumps with fright every time he sees a shadow...

Coward of the Country...


And he doesn't like Bouncy Houses ,,,, Kids having fun disturbs Him ...


Jabez Cowboy 

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On 10/22/2022 at 8:08 PM, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

And in keeping with Justin Castr Trudeau's newest edict, banning the transfer or sale of handguns in Kanada, this question:

Jasper Yates March 21 2022 c1_1d893131_1280.jpg


It's just a matter of time.  

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You can be certain that many in the US neither read nor comprehend the lessons of history!!





Edited by Blackwater 53393
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7 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:
1 hour ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

I keep wondering:

Does anyone in Canada read history.




Legal law abiding gun owners do.  The Woke crowd, not so much, their goal is to erase history.


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Just saw on the news that they are expecting a large young people turnout. That is concerning to me as I expect they will vote for whomever is giving them the biggest handouts. :ph34r:

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On 10/3/2022 at 12:01 AM, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

REVERT?  :angry:  Just exactly when in hell did they "vert" in the first place.  Is that like a "buy back" of something they never had in the first place?


I'd like to see someone call these jackasses (my apologies to honest, hard working equine animals) out for their stupid, misleading, deliberately confusing, and totally criminally WRONG usage of the language.

This is exactly like the “buyback” crap they keep spewing!!   They never owned it! They didn’t make it! They didn’t sell it to you or to anyone else!  But now they want to buy it back!!

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4 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

This is exactly like the “buyback” crap they keep spewing!!   They never owned it! They didn’t make it! They didn’t sell it to you or to anyone else!  But now they want to buy it back!!

With your money.

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