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SKB Model 280 Shotgun.......

Bulls Head Bill SASS#33692

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If it's Race Ready you did Incredible,

but even if you have to spend another 300 or so to get 'er done you still did Really Good !

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That's what I shoot,All I had to do to it was make it extractors instead of ejectors and funnel the chambers,other than that it's bone stock,You're going to love it.Good price too.

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I just bought a SKB model 280 Shotgun in great condition for $870.


Did I do OK?



I'm glad to see that Deb will be getting an SKB to use :)



Edited by Krazy Kajun
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Proud to say we got a pristine 280 12g last spring thru gun broker for $765 & shipping. JM did his complete action work so we're in it for under $1,100. Retiring my old 200E with the stupendous wood work by Taz & the 280 will be my match SG.

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If my wife wanted to shoot a double she's would be deserving of an SKB ;)

Deb is a really nice cowgirl, treats ole Bill good as gold. Prolly would shoot better using a lighter shotgun. Since she's already used to a heavy ole Bakail, just think how much more enjoyment she would get using a fine light shotgun like an SKB. 😉



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Bill, I hate to tell you but after Deb shoots the SKB one time you WILL be looking for another. I speak from experience. Just go ahead and start looking for a nice 100 and all will be well. Kitty loves hers from Fast Eddie and the Baikal is now our backup.

Edited by Palmetto Traveler
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