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anyone ever buy them? how are they? are they worth it? my 25k miled tires have had a couple of screws in them and i need a better tread anyway since i live on a dirt road and they are street tires.


Check on Tire Rack dot com and look at the reviews,Only time I used run flats was when I worked for an armored car service and I don't think they are the same animal.



I have test driven suv with run flats. Usually adds to a rough ride.

Maybe you could check some used car lots for cars with em and give em a try.

I just try to not drive right at the edge of roads.

It seems to me that trash and any bits of metal would be on the outside edges of roads.




I had them on a van I acquired used. They ran very rough, and required special handling (don't know exactly what) when I had them rotated. Poor mileage. I wouldn't buy them. Instead, I'd buy a good major brand, inspect them regularly, keep'em properly inflated and rotate them on schedule. Replace when worn. You know...routine maintenance.


Personally, I'd buy road service coverage, either through my auto insurer, or some specialty road service provider. This, to supplement routine maintenance on my vehicle an specifically, its tires.


My experience with run flat tires has been on a Mini Cooper. The tires worked well, ran rough and had short tread life. Expensive tires for only 25 to 30 thousand mile run time.




Try some "E" rated tires. Not much more expensive than reg tires and will last MUCH longer. The only tires I will use in the desert for off road or off pavement driving.



What kind of vehicle do you drive, Trigger Mike?

On trucks I have had good luck with BFG A/Ts in regards to road hazards.


its for a Ford F 150. i live on top of a hill on a red clay dirt road so with street tires it is slick during heavy rains. i don't want mud tires as i do hit pavement most of the time. since i plan on keeping her i thought it would be worth the extra expense to get a really good tire instead of cheap ones like i usually get. i don't take her for long journeys much as we take the suburban since there are so many of us so a rough ride won't bother me as much


I have had good luck with Michelin all terrain tires. Put them on my Sequoia and really liked them. They were M&S rated but the tread was not overly agressive and they had a 60K warranty.


I found them by reading a lot of reviews on different sites. Sometimes subtle differences can make a big difference in how a tire wears. The tires on my wife's mini van fell into this category. By switching to a T rated tire the tread wear and customer ratings almost doubled but the tire only cost an extra $10. Had to order them as that model wasn't stocked but it was worth it.


I like them. They work. My 2011 Sienna has them. Had to replace one after a long time running on flat that I never knew about-- dealer told me at service.


Beats changing tires or calling AAA for tire change when one is in one's 60s and has done enough of that over the years......

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