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On 5/4/2016 at 9:21 AM, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

So do you guys call maple logs Bear Scat?

naw  we grumpies here call them  big belly building blocks.


Ok you's is in for it Page 3 Bad Form !!!


Did ya Hear that Our Spoiled little Twit is telling President Trump ,, not to post any troops close to our Boarder ???


Keep on Scaring Turdeau Canadians Will thank you for it ...


Coffee and Bearsign fer da Grumps ...


Jabez Cowboy


  • Like 1

I have attached a photo of Canada's Liberal Leaders below ...


Can't See them ?

It might be because there are None ...


Jabez Cowboy

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Can't see um but sure can smell um......


New bumper sticker for my car:


Pack ur sh*t and git!

On 3/29/2020 at 1:43 PM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

I have attached a photo of Canada's Liberal Leaders below ...


Can't See them ?

It might be because there are None ...


Jabez Cowboy


I can see him Jabez.

Don't want to, but I can see him.


Justin I got Elected.jpg


Where is da Redheads Hiding ???

Must be Better than seeing What's happening in Canada .....

Coffee an Bearsign  fer da Grumps ...

And Lead fer da Youngkers....

Page 4 Shame ...................................


Jabez Cowboy


  • Like 1

Ain't no red heads round here, as fer page 4? might catch sonthun if I stick round too much.

I'm a high risk grump, 76 on the seventh with a weak ticker sos I'm the kind a guy the virus likes to munch on.

6 cases in my county, no deaths.

Wana get out and shoot my Remington Sheriff model six shooters with conversion cylinders.

Weather sucks, come on summer......:(

Everybody stay healthy.

Carlos Murphy


  • Like 1

Even the outdoor ranges are closed here.

Oh well, I have a good stock of .45 Colt, .45ACP, .45-70 and 9mm loaded and ready to go, but I am getting apprehensive about the future of the CAS season around here.


All the Victoria Day Week-end Shoots around here are Canceled :angry::(...

Roses are Red.

April is Grey.

I Pray we can All leave our houses in May.


Jabez Cowboy 

  • Sad 1

On Page Three. (3)

You were warned.

Now it's time for anther Canadian meme, that possibly only Canucks will get although we invite you to feel free to chuckle if you understand it.


  • Like 1

Shout out to All da Grumps ,,, Stay Safe !!!


Coffee and Chocolate Cake fer Da Grumps ,,,, Hay and water fer da Steads ...


Jabez Cowboy 

  • Like 1

Runnen low on some provisions and guna hafta make a run ta da WalMart soon.

Got masks, only 8 cases of the virus in my county so far and no deaths.

Guna hafta move my lawn indoors so I kin get on it once in a while.

Ya'll stay grumpy cuz Lord knows we got reason.


Carlos Murphy


Posted (edited)

Vimy Day yesterday.

April 9 to the 12th, 1917

Unable to put a flag on my Uncle Ernie's grave this year.

He was 17 when the battle occurred and had been in the trenches for a year and a half, after lying about his age and enlisting. 

He survived the battle as did his Father, but my Great Uncle George did not.

Uncle George has no known grave, but with the progress of science and DNA perhaps someday we'll find him.

Every year more are discovered and those buried as unknown are identified. 

Said a prayer for them all.


Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

I've spent some time looking over the books I inherited from my uncle, in particular, "The Epic Of Vimy" which chronicles the Vimy Pilgrimage, for the dedication of the Vimy Memorial in 1936 by King Edward VIII, prior to his abdication.

That's where I learned relatives on both my Mother and my Father's side were Vimy vets and had made the pilgrimage to Vimy for the dedication. They did not know one another and were in different Pilgrimage Companies.

Sad to imagine that 3 short years later, we were at war again.  


My Wife's family sent 3 brothers and a Cousin off to the grand adventure WW 1 and one Returned ....

War has been tough on our Families ...

On my Dads  side we have 13 generations of Military Officers .... And many police Officers 


Jabez Cowboy


Hey Jabez !! Buffalo !!

This was just too good to pass up.

Our Dear Leader giving his daily update to the MSM.

Note the reporters social distancing, under the tent and all the safety apparel they're wearing.

Maybe it's a good thing he has banned The Rebel and Ezra Levant's reporters from attending his scrums.



Yep a Whole lot of Stupid gathered to hear the Stupidest People Kinda Thing Drivel from his Mouth, others ideas ....

So Sad ...


Jabez Cowboy

  • Like 1

They are packed in there like Pigs to the Market ...

To listen to the Worlds' Stupidest Clown spout Nonsense ....


Jabez Cowboy

  • Like 1

Been busy, watching the rebuild of a International COE after sitting in a field for 26 years....Riveting!


Getting new face masks tomorrow but still grumpy!


Carlos Murphy


Painted Mohawk I was Just Talking to a Mate from down south of Ya in da Sidney area you is Going a Little Stir-Crazy for this Whole COVID thing ,

two nights ago he lives alone ....

He talked almost Non stop , hard to get a Word in Edge Wise usually he is not like that ... 

He says he has only been out of the Yard 5 times in the last 4 Weeks ....

I trust you and Yours are Well ...


Jabez Cowboy 

  • Like 2

Yeehaw, drove with the window down today, gett'n harder to maintain my grump but its still there!

 Folk at the WalMart are wearing masks more than ever before, good move.


Carlos Murphy






Considering some of the New Prices on TP, does that make Walmart Employees Masked Bandits ???

And Are they Hoarding all That AMMO that they Won't sell for Selfish Reasons ???

Are there any Native Born Folks working at Wally World  ???

Is there any Coffee Left ???


How about Beans & Wieners for lunch ???


Jabez Cowboy 



  • Haha 1

Beans and wieners? Great!

Before you chop up the wieners and add to the beans fry um till their almost black.......:P


Weathers in the 70's, spring time in Bagdad.

Gota figure a way to keep my grump on.

Carlos Murphy

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