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Ya been out shooting thems Bottom feeders again .....

I hope it was a 1911 in .45 at least ....


Back from Page 3 .......

Had a great day yesterday ,, AM Memorial Day service to Honor all our Vets both Past and Present .... Then helped hang some Drywall  at my Son's place ,,,,, Then his Wife and Him gave us the GREAT NEWS ,,,,,,,, They are having their first in June 2020 !!!!

YA HOO !!!!!

What a Day ....

Coffee and Chilli fer da Grumps ....


Jabez Cowboy  



  • Like 1

Jabez congrats on the Grand...

Ya got me, I was using a bottom feeder, and in 9mm of all things. It was it's first outing and we had some ammo issues. My bad.  It is Yankee weather here today, 25f feels like 13 with a strong wind. But gonna warm up by Sat for our mid-month match. Guess I will shoot JW again.


Get off and stay off the brown, crispy lawn.




Eight inches of snow last night.

Snow blower got a work-out this morning.



What lawn?

All I see is cold white stuff.

Stay off it anyway!

I don't like to see foot prints in the snow,

Ruins the aesthetic ambiance.


He He He.....70f and sunny, 20f above average, mid 60's next week.

We have an abundance of ice scrapers and snow shovels we can send north.:rolleyes:

Keep off my LAWN!

Carlos Murphy



36 here in Gardnerville and no snow!

So keep your a** off my grass!

Carlos Murphy


Supposed to Snow on Monday ,, Tuesday,,, Wednesday and Thursday this week .....

I'll send some south if ya wants some ....

Filled my Doe tag this morning ,,, first morning out ....


Jabez Cowboy 


37* right now, winter's a come'n, snow forecast Tue and for the week+.

Can't wait to break out the snow shovel.....:(

Don't have snow tires (mud grips) on the Beemer but its all wheel drive.

Happy grumpy Thanksgiving.

Carlos Murphy


I hope Ya all Got Stuffed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


On Turkey ....

If ya's coming fer Coffee bring yer Knives ,,,, Butcher Knives ....

Got a deer that needs cutting up ...


Jabez Cowboy


A real spectacle in Calgary yesterday!! 

Enjoyed the half-time show and Keith Urban, (but I would have enjoyed Shania even more!)

Good to see the Blue Bombers take the cup after all this time.

My Father would have been disappointed with the Ti-Cats showing though, Homer that he was.

Lost most of the snow around here but it's cooling off again.

Lawn's kinda brown. Stay off it.


Yall have a great Thanksgiving and dont forget to grump at some dingdong that really needs it.




we have trapped 3 possoms and a squirrel this week in an attempt to keep the catfood for the cat


Miserable, cold, grey skies, dirty car.

Driveways covered with ice, tried shoot'n it but the neighbors complained about the ricochets.

11* this AM.

Carlos Murphy

Cold makes me grumpy!


Carlos ;

To bad ya missed breakfast da two of us done consumed half pound of Bacon with our Taters and Eggs ....

And ya could have tried out yer 4 X 4 there was 3 foot drifts of packed snow in da driveway this morning ....

Been out playing with my shovel ,,,,attached to my 75 horse tractor .... Now ya can get in with-out a 4 x 4 .....


Jabez Cowboy


We don't have that much snow yet but lots of ice, snow melts during the day and turns to ice at night.

My Beemer X-5 has AWD but not as good as my Ranger off roader which has lockers front and rear and can go anywhere.

Watch'n the Steelers and Browns I recorded yesterday, living here in Nevada I can gamble anytime but I bet only on the Supper Bowl, this year and last I won $1000.00 on each game, had to bet $1100.00 each time to get that.

Wish me luck on the next S.B.

Carlos Lucky Murphy



Rained hard last night, washed all the snow away, now 46* and sunny.

Gitt'n hongry, watch'n "Carnival Eats" on the TV.

Stay off my mushy lawn!

Carlos Murphy

  • 2 weeks later...

Really ????

Page 7 ....


Well I is back from PA ,,,,, Visited Gettysburg ,,, the Amish,,, And Hershey.....

Drove over around and through yer Little Mountains ....

Had a blast ....

Met my adopted Sons Future IN-Laws ....


Back home now ....


Jabez Cowboy 


Hey Jabez  I thought I heard you holler as you flew over, or it might have been my stomach. Glad you're home safe, Yall have a great Christmas and New Year, and no more Page 7






A special Christmas Wish for you and Your's and may you have a Happy and Blessed New Year ....


Wish I could have popped by ....


Jabez Cowboy



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Baha humbug,

41* and raining.

Coffee and ginger bread cookies fer da grumps.

Oakland's winning...... fer now!

Carlos Murphy


Have a fine Xmas all you Grumps but don't go eatin' to much so you can be quick & nimble to have all them targets go clang in '020:D

Best wishes from down-under.....................


Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all the grumps and theirs.


Carlos Murphy


Good ta See sum Grumps is still with Us ....


Coffee and Christmas goodies fer all !!!

Even non Grumps ...


Jabez Cowboy


Leftover turkey and ham fer da grumps, samiges and coffee fer all.


Carlos Murphy

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