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I hope You can See All my Smoke from da Shoot ,,,, da wind will be pushing it your way ....

I don't expect that ya can hear my Whooping With Joy ... But I will be ...


Jabez Cowboy

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Easing of restrictions here in Ontario, Jabez.

Inside; up to 50: Outside; up to 100 IF Social Distancing can be maintained.

Looks like we'll have our first match at The Square Circle Ranch soon.

Small posse, each day, over two days, and neckerchief/masks to make us legal.

Fingers crossed the CFO doesn't change mind.

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Just got back from a two day shoot over in Sask. one where you had to use your sights ..... 

Shotgun and Pistol targets from about 13-20 yards and most Rifle targets about 50 yards ....

Sat. the wind was a very gusty side wind from 40- 90 KM.... A real hat remover ....

We shot 6 stages and 5 on Sunday .... 

Friday supper was Slow Cooked Pork Ribs and Fixings ...

Saturday was Cook your own Steak over a Wood Fire and Fixings ....

The Fixings Very varied and Super Good .... Baked Potatoes and Garlic Toast Both nights ...

And Finger Sized deserts ....


Great Match ,,, Super Food and a Send Off for Our TG  you passed on over to the open range above, Ride Tall Chuck ...


Jabez Cowboy

Edited by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129
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OK We are here, we are GRUMPY,and we aint gonna take it anymore. Rant over , we now return you to your (insert adjective) life


Imis  doin my part

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Opening here as well.

The posse at Grenville, (formerly known as The Wild Turkey Posse, now, Who Knows?) is having a match July 25 and the Square Circle Wranglers have one scheduled  for August 1

All will have to maintain "Social Distancing" rules, i.e. 2 meters apart.

Oh well, better than nothin'

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Now Page three (3)

Even worse form.

Time for another Canadian MEME!
Don't say ya weren't warned!


(Jabez, don't lose yore temper and throw things at the meme below. Just don't let folks forget!


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And I"M sorry he is not in Jail awaiting trial for treason ...

And Facing the Neck-tie ...

Coffee and Cookies fer da Grumps ...

Just 12 days till our Fall Shoot in the Hills ...


Jabez Cowboy 

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38 minutes ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

And I"M sorry he is not in Jail awaiting trial for treason ...

And Facing the Neck-tie ...

Coffee and Cookies fer da Grumps ...

Just 12 days till our Fall Shoot in the Hills ...


Jabez Cowboy 

I'll bet WE have a lot more political criminals that should be in jail in MY country then you do!!!

Makes me so grumpy I've beat my own personal best!


Carlos Murphy

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They do seem to run to the scummy side of  Human behavior  ....

Common Sense seems to have Left the Left years ago, along with moral behavior...

Ten days till our Fall Shoot 4 days of shooting and visiting ,,, Swapping Lies and Guns ....


Jabez Cowboy

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Our shoot starts on Thursday with Longrange and Other Side Matches followed by the 3 day Main Match ....


Coffee and Sticky Buns ...


Fer da Grumps ...


Jabez Cowboy

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We had our first shoot at Pebble Ridge (approx 15 kms SW of Rocky Mountain House) on July 18.  It was a one day shoot and we had a two day shoot on Aug 1 & 2. Good turn out for both shoots.  We had 30 at the 1st shoot and 47 at the 2nd one.  Next shoot Sept 5 & 6

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We been there and done that!!!

Obviously you haven't heard of OUR latest embarrassment...... Kamala Harris.

A real scumbag running for VP with O'Biden.

You think I'm grumpy now, well wait!!!

Carlos the Murphy

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Sorry Bunch In Government with the Thieves and the Stupid both trying for TOP Spot ,,, In  our Case he's Both .....

Keeps me Grumpy ....


Jabez Cowboy 

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2 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

And now, closing down the mini parliament and shutting down the inquiries, to rule by decree (Order In Council). 


Is WEXIT gaining ground out your way?


We don't need any vote splitting within the Conservative Party. That has always been our downfall.  Besides, I don't favor Alberta going it alone, I favor all 4 western provinces and the Yukon going its separate way.

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2 hours ago, Buffalo Creek Law Dog said:


We don't need any vote splitting within the Conservative Party. That has always been our downfall.  Besides, I don't favor Alberta going it alone, I favor all 4 western provinces and the Yukon going its separate way.


During the last federal election the Conservatives lost 6 seats with Max Bernier's Peoples Party splitting the conservative vote.  The six seats wouldn't have made a difference but, if it was close, it could have.  Just saying.

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Never really trusted Max's judgement (or his abilities), after his little escapade with the biker chick and the briefcase full of secret/confidential Cabinet documents.

Normal for a Liberal I know, but not so much for a Harper Conservative.

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On 8/22/2020 at 8:02 AM, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

Never really trusted Max's judgement (or his abilities), after his little escapade with the biker chick and the briefcase full of secret/confidential Cabinet documents.

Normal for a Liberal I know, but not so much for a Harper Conservative.



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I worked at Wartrace today and Im tired. But Im excited about the TN State match coming, I had to grade the driveway after recent hard rains, did I mention I was tired, We shoot this Sat. so I will get a little more Josey Wales practice before TN State. Oh and it was hot, my yard needs mowing but stay off of it.


Imis  Is that enough? HUMBUG

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Howdy to All da Grumps ....

Had another Birthday Yesterday .....

Triple Choclate Cake fer da Grumps 


Jabez Cowboy

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I'll bring the Monkey-Butt coffee, sure I got some left, its a acquired taste.

Watch'n the "peaceful" rioters on the news, makes me SUPER grumpy!


Carlos Murphy

Stay off my 100 degree lawn!

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Happy Birthday Jabez!

Many Happy Returns!

I'll have a slice of that cake, if Carlos has left any.

Oh, and a nice cuppa tea, if ya don't mind.

Tetley if ya got it.

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