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Posted (edited)

Guna be another great year so enjoy it.


Happy New Year.

OK, you can be grumpy too.


Carlos Murphy

BTW, the picture of me is very incorrect, I weigh only 202lbs.

Edited by Carlos Murphy # 873

Thanks for the Prayers Pards and please keep them coming.

I now have Sherron home although she is not out of the woods.

She is in a weakened condition and needs a lot of help, which I am happy to provide.

She is doing better now she is home although it's keeping me busy.

Our son played Santa and brought the Christmas presents upstairs to our bedroom and we exchanged belated Christmas gifts there. 

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Have not shot my Cowboy Guns since the 3 week of Sept ..... They are now getting rather Grumpy...

I am hoping that the early start of Winter Means an Early Spring ...

This hunting season I fired 1 shot ,,,,, Bagged 1 Deer .... BUT ,,,,,

I had a great Christmas !!!


And found out That I have two Grandbabies on the way !!!

Coffee Fer all da Grumps ....


Jabez Cowboy

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The wind chill today is -37C or -35F  It's cold enough to freeze the nuts off of a steel bridge.


Imis ,,,,,, U is missing a lot of great shooting up Here ....

And I do kinda remember Blue Boy saying he wanted to come up here and Shoot with Me .... That was a spell ago ...

Keep Warm and Safe All Ya Grumps ....


Jabez Cowboy


Jabez Blue Boy cant travel anymore but coming up there sounds like a lot of fun for Jersey Bratt and I . We will have to see if that can be made to happen.


Imis  GOTL


Imis ;

Ya Got a Place to stay between shoots , don't forget !!!

We ( Da Boss ) and I would encourage you to make the time to get on the Fall Wagon train that Links a bunch of Shoots in Three Provinces ( Think States ) including The Canadian National SASS Shoot ....


I do hope you make it ... Maybe Ya could drag CLK out here with Ya ....  Even though I know him ,,,, He's still Welcome .....


Jabez Cowboy

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I'll take the regular coffee, its starting to warm up a little, 42* now.

Snows most gone sos if ya kin see my lawn,  STAY OF IT !!!


Carlos Murphy


I first thought it was an ice-fishing shack ,,,, then I noticed it was too Small fer That !!!


Then I noticed Targets I could clearly see ....


Where's da Smoke ???


So many questions ,,,,,,, and no Answers ....


Coffee hot and Fresh ...


Jabez Cowboy


I been busy, 54* today sos been out shoot'n.

Keep off my soon to be green lawn!

Carlos Murphy


Pards ;

Any of ya All seen the Right-up on Whistling Will ???

He will be at WR , Knowd that feller since he was Knee High to a Grasshopper ...


Coffee an Apricot Pie fer da Grumps and Hay ( use da ones next ta the house on the North side  ifin I an`t Home ) and Water fer da steads ....

There`s both Hay and Straw ,,,,,,, But I trust ya Knows da Difference....


Jabez Cowboy


Da Pie an Coffee was fer us Grumps ,,,,,, da Hay was fer da Horses an Mules ….

Well I is learning to deal with Windows 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So far I hate It ….


Jabez Cowboy

Really Grumpy Now !!!!


Shuda kept W-7 even though 7 is losing factory support and in some cases your better off with NO support.

Lots of problems with 10, factory updates can often cause your computer to brick so, updates can be slow and unstable, more difficult to use.

Be sure to KEEP OFF MY LAWN!  64* today.

Carlos Murpuy

On 1/23/2020 at 11:40 AM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

I first thought it was an ice-fishing shack ,,,, then I noticed it was too Small fer That !!!


Then I noticed Targets I could clearly see ....


Where's da Smoke ???


So many questions ,,,,,,, and no Answers ....


Coffee hot and Fresh ...


Jabez Cowboy


Between shooters and Jasper Yates hadn't yet dirtied up the snow with the coal fired cannons he uses.

Propane heaters in the windowless shooting shacks. 


Couldn't put it off any longer and had to go on the knee replacement list. I suppose it will interfere with this summers fun.

Oh, and by the way>>>>



Two and Fro ……


And Coffee to Go …..


Don't be a Smuck come shoot here and try yer Luck...


Back on Top ….


Jabez Cowboy



I don't see any grass here, just snow.  I'm stickin my head in again to keep you all properly mannered in grumpiness.   I've been out checking thermal Pulsar scopes to snag a few coyotes.  Then researching a roomful of old smokepoles when I can't get out of the house.  I'm getting cabin fever....


Stay off the lawn!  




Howdy Rev, :

I got two slightly used Shoes and 10 nails for the cannon fund .... Ya haven't lost da funds or spent then trying to redeem them Ladies of the Night has Ya ...

Coffee fer all da Grumps ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rev's Buying ...


Jabez Cowboy


I got 17 empty 38/55 brass, a coupon from PelicanPars.com (BMW) and a D-cell battery fer the church cannon fund.

Them Ladies of the Night of which you speak are also available during the day time................... sos I hear.:rolleyes:


Weathers a warmin, coyote's is a callin, time to brake out the Savage 17HMR.

I hope they come on my lawn, all ease keep off!

Carlos Murphy

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