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Arise and Shine for the whole World needs us to be our Grumpy best ....

Da sun  is shining da grass is growing and da lawn needs cutting and raking ,,,, ta see if there is any Younkers a hiding in da weeds ...

Well that was quite a work-out ,,,, now da Coffee is hot an fresh ,,,,

Who's got da first shoot of da year going forward this year ???


Grump on ..


Jabez Cowboy 


Last day in April and the snow is gone around here.

Some occasionally falls at night but goes with the sun in the morning.

I actually got to BBQ without wearing a coat yesterday.

How about out your way Jabez?

No shoots around here and no idea when we might have one.

All the ranges are closed and even the Central Canada SASS Championships, in July, are cancelled.

My oncologist appointment was today by telephone.

Apparently I'm still alive and kicking but we are in isolation for another 14 days since I ministered to my brother-in-law before he died of the Covid-19 on Saturday.

Be careful out there.



I was watching with anticipation as this got to the bottom of page 1 and finally arrived on page 2

Sooo, as warned, it's time for another Canadian themed meme!!

Sorry. You were warned !!



And he's Sending the Money to Help Seniors in these tough times to the United Way  because they know what Seniors need ...

They will do a study on way we need ,,, the cost of the study and Administration Fees  will eat up 100% of the Money ...

So we will get nothing ,,, and the liberals will have bought some new Votes....


Well have a cup of Joe and some Bearsign  ...

Jabez Cowboy  

  • Like 1

Sounds like to ME you guys need a TRUMP!

WE got one, can't do any better.......:wub:

  • Like 1

Not sure his last term WILL end in 2024

I read somewhere that when an Impeachment fails, it's as if the term becomes a do over.

Not a citizen of the US so perhaps someone knowledgeable can advise??



Well Kid ;

We sure does have a plenty of reason ta be Grumpy !!!

The pm. just used 2.5 million Tax Dollars to build himself a Private Play House by the Lake ....

And Broke the Law to try and Take OUR guns away !!!

And Arts & Culture is getting twice as much Tax Money as the Farmers and Ranchers , that do their best to keep us fed ...


Coffee Fer da Grumps ,,,,, while I still have some....


Jabez Cowboy

  • Sad 1


Spring was 10 days ,,,,,, Now Back to winter .....

Coffee is fresh and HOT, with Choco-lit chip cookies fer da Grumps ...

Da snow is melting as it hits the ground ,,, so ,,, it might just be a Pause in Spring ...


Jabez Cowboy

  • Like 1

Snows all gone it's 60 F outside, suns shining Spring is Back ....


Ate all the Cookies ......


Jabez Cowboy


Some snow left in the mountains, 67 degrees and sunny but the wing is blowing 50 MPH........


Wind is making .... keeping me grumpy!

Coffee and marble cake.


Carlos Murphy


Snow pellets here yesterday and last night.

Warmer today.

Just got a call from the office of one of the candidates for Conservative Party leadership.

Sure hope we don't see the sore losers fracture the party.



Howdy All Ya Bunch Of Grumpy Old .....

Announcing the Birth of My First GRANDSON ,, May 21 at 12:30 6 Pounds 3 Ounces ,,,, 19.5 Long ...

He is Named Gideon  and Joins my Two Granddaughters  ....


Jabez Cowboy 

  • Like 2

Congratz old man, no reason to be grumpy anymore......:wub:


Carlos Murphy


Well Jabez what can I say..your Grandson is privileged..cos' he is sharing his birthday with me own dang self !  Congrats.


Howdy to all the grumps..now git & mow da' lawn..iffin' not then set a spell on da' porch nibblin sweet things  !!

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Painted Mohawk ;

I'll be sure and Tell him when he's old enough to understand, Or perhaps you can tell him that in person when Ya comes up here ta Shoot ...

I have plenty of space ta put Ya and the Boss up for an extended stay ,,,,, Shooting Spree ...

Now I have the next Grandchild tying ta get born a little early she is 31 weeks and causing Mom to have High Blood pressure issues so may need to come out a little early ... Prayer for Charlene, Baby and my Son Vince is in Order ...


Jabez Cowboy

  • Like 1

Thanks Pard:


Coffee and Pie fer da Grumps Apple Pie ,,,, ifin Ya wants Icecream with it Bring yer own as I is Plumb Out ...

7 slices left ...


Jabez Cowboy


Sorry pard but I ain't hongree right now but do have a appetite of another kind but they didn't come this way.

Ain't never been this grumpy before!

Carlos Murphy

Happiness is a warm gun......

God bless Canada.

God bless America.

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