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Been aways  from  da' Grumps fer awhile, thought I'd better pop in an' say howdy !

 Shootin' a lot of Trap lately..use a 58 yo Browning A Grade , luv that ole gun & shoots just dandy !!

The hammers on my ROA's  are now low profile ..them cappies are way to much fun...

Ain't mowed da' lawn in a longtime cos' there's no grass as  haven't had  rain for nigh on 6 months.

El Toro is havin' a good sleep.

Now y'all watch ya' diet & not to much sweet stuff & iffin' ya' got lawn to mow ,best ya' get to it !!

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It has been so hot here the lawn has decided to slow down on the growing. The front hasnt been touched in two weeks and it still looks great. It will be 97f here today, a record high, but cooling through the week to about 80 by Friday. Tn State match next week, wish you were all here.




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I got 30 inches of Snow on my lawn ..... 

Do think I will be mowing it fer a While ,,,,,, But clearing the driveway with my Shovel is necessary ...

It's attached to my 75 horse Tractor ......

But NO cab ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Why didn't I get a tractor with a Cab ,,,, and heater ??????????

The Boss took the GMC Sub to work this morning ,,,, it's a 4X4 ...


Jabez Cowboy

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Well Jabez, you may have 3 feet of snow, but I'm still cutting grass here in the east.:P

Red Storm and I camped out at the home range of The Ottawa Valley Marauders, (ovmcowboys.ca) Friday night and shot the match Saturday.

Mind you, it was a little cold in the motor home, (-4 outside) overnight, once we turned off the furnace, but a single burner left on with the stove and good sleeping bags saw us through the night in comfort. 

Only one match left to go, with the Wild Turkey Posse at Prescott this coming Saturday.


That gets me GRUMPY!

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Heck Kid ;

Da Snow is all about Gone ,,, ground is a might wet though ....

Bout finished with da outdoor Cowboy Matches fer this Year ....

We do shoot 3 stage Minnie Matches  indoors twice a month through da Winter ...

Been out Shooting da bow to get in form ....


Jabez Cowboy

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Got another foot of Snow ,,,,,, Downright Grumpy Now ....


Fresh Coffee and Harvest Loaf fer da Grumps ....


Jabez Cowboy


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Missed the last match of the year around here, with The Wild Turkey Posse at Grenville.

Had to start getting things ready for our Canadian Thanksgiving, Monday, October 14

Rooster Corrigan, Territorial Governor for our parts, Yorkshire Bob and some others are arranging some winter, indoor shoots, at The Wild Turkey Posse home range.

Not sure I'll be able to make any of them. Looking at knee replacement(s) over the winter, so I'll be ready to run 'n gun next summer.

Just getting rain here although it's getting a lot cooler at night.

Grass is still growing, but a lot slower, so Stay off it!

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The TN State Match is in the books. I shot a 4 stage side match and 12 stage main match in Josey Wales, 5 pistols, duelist style and did poorly but I did it. It was great fun, Im looking forward to the SE Regional in 10 days. I am not working there only shooting and not in JW category. 

Keep of the grass/snow/mud(whatever you have)or sandybeach.



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Imis ;

Have A great shoot !!!

Looked up where you're from .... Was wondering how far it was from Greencastle Pa.

Looks like it's to far for a day visit ....


Fresh hot Coffee and Harvest Loaf


Jabez Cowboy

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Busy day here: Made it to the hospital to get special X-Rays on the knees, only to find my Doctor missed a part on the requisition form. 

Called my Doctor's office and they Fax'd a revised form, but the hospital claims it didn't arrive.

Three hours waiting around until I gave up and went home.

Doctor's office e-mailed me the revised copy of the form, so, I'll try again tomorrow, but this time, I'll bring the revised form and bring a book.

CAS season is over here now and we're starting to button down for winter and get ready for snow swimming.




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My snow is all Gone again .........

Nice day yesterday reached a high of 72 F yesterday and 65F  today ....

Started Shooting indoor Cowboy 3 stage mini matches 2nd and 4th Monday evening ....

Just wrapping Up our Fundraiser for our Work in Uganda brought in $6,686 

Had my bow out the other day ,,,, bow is fine, me I need a little Work ....

Shooting not too bad , but the wind has been right Gusty ...


Pumpkin Pie and Coffee fer da Grumps


Jabez Cowboy

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28 and breezy, no more shoot'n events till next year.

Praktizen with my Taylor's & Company Remi sheriff models with fluted conversion cylinders in .45 Colt long, great fun, beautiful pistolas.

Go'n out for breakfast at the Cowboy's Cafe in Minden, ya'll is invited.

You know bout the lawn.

Carlos Murphy

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Texas Maverick;

Heck Ya ain't even close ta being in the same league as our smallest and most timid Grump ....

And we got the guns ta prove it ....


Jabez Cowboy

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20 hours ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Texas Maverick;

Heck Ya ain't even close ta being in the same league as our smallest and most timid Grump ....

And we got the guns ta prove it ....


Jabez Cowboy

Bring it JC, Texas is waiting for ya.



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DAMN There I got that out of the way, JC Pa is a day drive from here, but if you get there you better stop by here too. Or I will be Grumpy.

Looking forward to the SE Regional in 3 days, me and Jersey Bratt head out on Thursday morning, only a couple hours drive. No caretaking duties this weekend, Im relieved for 3 days.


Imis           stay off the lawn

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Imis ;

I'm going to a Wedding, flying in so I have limited time ...

So we will likely both be Grumpy ....


Jabez Cowboy

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Done Been Married for Most of 35 Years ,,,, don't need New Problems ....

Sides it seem the only thing I'm good at Catching these days is da Cold .....

I need ta get out and Change the Front Shocks on my Suburban ......

Coffee's Hot and Fresh ....


Jabez Cowboy

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75 and ain't never been married and I'm straight!

Don't get sick much anymore since running away from California in 03.

Got a flue and newmoneya shot tuther day at the WalMart and a ear cleaning kit.

Had a appointment at the eye, ear, nose and throat place, they handed me 6 pages of crap to fill out.

I got 1/2 way through it and said... out loud, BS, I'm here for a ear cleaning not a heart transplant.

Tore the paper work in half, dropped in in the trash and  said I'm going to WalMart to buy a ear cleaning kit.

Carlos Murphy, yes I'm grumpy!

Stay off my still clear and dry lawn.

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I fell into a deal on a new Grand Caravan and couldn't say NO.

I like the features and space to carry things, including the wife's wheelchair and Davinder's rolling walker. I can even get my gun cart into it when I use the van to get to matches.

The collector car is now out of the shop and into the storage facility for the winter, after a total, from the ground up restoration and conversion to HERBIE the Love Bug. Our son is the enthusiast and has been to a number of the reunions with Disney etc. and he'll be hitting the show trail with it next year.

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We shot the SE Regional and had a ball. It rained a lot and we didnt shoot particularly well but we had fun. I am tired and gonna hit the hay soon.

Stay off.....


Imis  JC at least you can wave as you fly past

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That you can Count On ,,, Imis ...


Coffee and Apple Pie fer da Grumps ....

It's snowing here ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Again ...


Jabez Cowboy

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Page 3 ?????????????????????????????????????

Ya All A sleepin ??


Who is Coming North and West ta Shoot with Me this Year ????


Jabez Cowboy

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Its SATURDAY......;) Just got back from the local high school car wash, gave um a big tip.

Watch'n "FourWheeler" on the TV and eat'n a turkey samich with ice tea.

Weathers good, hard to be grumpy but I'll try.

Carlos Murphy


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Slowly packing some stuff to out for deer here in Ontario, with Dr. Dr. Bob, out of his place..

Just hoping my knees hold up!

I'll be real careful with my aim, BANG/FLOPS at shorter ranges will be the order of the day.

Rain and cold the past few days. Expecting snow momentarily. 

That'll liven up the bucks around here.

Now get off the dang lawn!

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It was cold (27f) (-2c?) yesterday morning for our Monthly match. We had a decent turn-out, 36 folks shot. We had fun and it warmed up to about 57f. Now I have brass to sort and start reloading so I am gonna be grumpy. Actually I like it but I have to keep up appearances.

Get off...



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Got another 6 inches of the light Fluffy white stuff last night ..........

But the sun is out now and shinning ....


Jabez Cowboy

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He He He.....70 here and sunny, driving around with the window down.:D

Just bought one of then $99.00 12ga single shot from the Walmart, what a POS but can be fixed.

Trigger pull 20 lbs, hammer cocking pressure 30 lbs.

Bought one O them X-Caliber insert sets, 8 calibers, .380, 9mm, .38 and .357 mag, 40ca. .45ACP, .45LC, .44 mag and .410

I'm chopping 9" from the barrel and adding a red.

These inserts are 7 or 8" (I forget) long and rifled.

Hard to be grumpy with this weather......

Carlos Murphy

Edited by Carlos Murphy # 873
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Snow here as well Jabez. (Should we just ignore Carlos and his warm weather?)

Home from the hunt to take SWMBO to the Doctor for another injection into the eye to shrink blood vessels.

Saw  a nice buck. Ran right by me, chased by a hound; right through the herd of cattle grazing in front of me.

Pard missed another at about 35 feet. He could only see the head and the horns and shot over it's head.

Now stay off the snow covered grass!


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