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My point was they are just playing politics. If they really wanted to ban offensive flags, they could start with the NAZI flag, but they won't touch it. They picked the confederate flag in a hopes to get traction against republicans.


This whole piece of legislation is a stunt anyhow. They know they can't sign this into law - it would mean hollywood could no longer fly the period correct flags in a movie shoot.


It's a political stunt.


Believe me, I wasn't trying to argue the point..........I agree with you.

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Although I absoultely detest anything to do with Nazi's, banning their logo or flag is the same thing. I used to live next to an Asian fellow who one day put a small Japanese Rising Sun flag in front of his house one day. We weren't friends by any means but were friendly with each other. He was out in his yard that same day and I asked him why he was displaying that flag. He told me that "This is the day my grandfather died on Saipan". I really didn't know what to say.......so I said "I'm sorry for your loss".


Heritage means everything............just not the same thing to everyone.

Interesting bit of history of the Nazi Party flag becoming the National Flag because of an incident that happened in 1935 in New York City known as the "Bremen incident". A group of anti nazi demonstrators boarded the then docked SS Bremen, tore the Nazi Flag down, and threw it into the Hudson River. Protest by the Ambassador to US Official met with a reply saying that their National Flag had not been harmed. This incident helped push the Party flag into the National Flag and was so decreed at the Nuremberg rally, and passed as the new flag law. MT

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That logic is oddly flawed. During the time of the Civil war the slave states were predominately Democrat not Republican.


One other thing........Delaware (a Union State) was the only State in the Union to legally retain slaves after the Emancipation Proclaimation.

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Our county was settled early in the 1800s by immigrants from the slave holding states. Daniel Boone, himself a slave holder, played a big role in the promotion of settlers. Our county was decidedly confederate in support. Several significant skirmishes were fought in the county. Our county flag is designed after the stars and bars of the Confederacy. Yet each year they have a history day and forbid the sale or display of the Confederate flag. Although our county is steep in slave, Civil War, and reconstruction history, none is brought to light.

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And it was the Republican party that finally ended slavery, and was instrumental in getting the Civil and Voting Rights Acts passed, and a host of other things, but why let a bit of revisionism get in the way?


That's what happens when you stop teaching history in school. People never learn from the past and keep right on making the same mistakes over and over.


Bet if you asked them do gooders if President Lincholn was a democrat or republican they would swear on a stack of Bibles that Honest Abe was a democrat.

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Your probably closer to the truth than you think.


California legislature logic:


1. California has lots of NAZI party members, and they're probably voting democrat.

2. Anybody who would be offended by banning the Confederate flag would probably not be voting democrat




3. Ban the confederate flag, and keep those swastikas waving high!

Except that nazi's were fascists, which would make them closer to republicans than democrats. Democrats would be closer to communism. Fascism is far right, not left

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Except that nazi's were fascists, which would make them closer to republicans than democrats. Democrats would be closer to communism. Fascism is far right, not left

And the old south - up until Franklin Roosevelt - was conservative Democratic. It was the Republicans that were the progressive party. Abraham Lincoln got 7 votes in our country and we know who they were.

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Except that nazi's were fascists, which would make them closer to republicans than democrats. Democrats would be closer to communism. Fascism is far right, not left

If you accept the whole left/right model, which I don't. The fascists were authoritarian progressives born directly out of the Italian communist movement, and were warmly embraced by the American progressive "left" for a long time.

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One other thing........Delaware (a Union State) was the only State in the Union to legally retain slaves after the Emancipation Proclaimation.


See I learned something. thanks

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Except that nazi's were fascists, which would make them closer to republicans than democrats. Democrats would be closer to communism. Fascism is far right, not left




Some of the traits of fascism are an all powerful and controlling state, to which all are subservient (look at the explosion of government programs and control since Johnson's Great Experiment started). Negation of individual human/civil rights (think "hate crimes," political correctness, anti-gun laws). Having classes of scapegoats to rally against (gun owners, Christians, whites, men, straights). Sexism (although in the reverse of what is normally thought of as fascist, this time it's focused on the degradation of men and heterosexuals). Religion and government mixed (like the recent religions of total equality of outcome and global warming). That is why I'll sometimes talk/write about the "fascist liberals in Sacramento."

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I have a Confederate battle flag in my garage. If the door is up -there it is. The neighbors were selling their house. My door was up. So they had the gall to call my employer. My boss would not tell me to take it down. But he DID say that there didn't need to be a company truck in my driveway...... So I moved it to my den and hung it in the window! It is not about racism for me. It is about resistance to another over reaching federal government.

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I have a Confederate battle flag in my garage. If the door is up -there it is. The neighbors were selling their house. My door was up. So they had the gall to call my employer. My boss would not tell me to take it down. But he DID say that there didn't need to be a company truck in my driveway...... So I moved it to my den and hung it in the window! It is not about racism for me. It is about resistance to another over reaching federal government.


You hung a company truck in your den window?

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Some of the traits of fascism are an all powerful and controlling state, to which all are subservient (look at the explosion of government programs and control since Johnson's Great Experiment started). Negation of individual human/civil rights (think "hate crimes," political correctness, anti-gun laws). Having classes of scapegoats to rally against (gun owners, Christians, whites, men, straights). Sexism (although in the reverse of what is normally thought of as fascist, this time it's focused on the degradation of men and heterosexuals). Religion and government mixed (like the recent religions of total equality of outcome and global warming). That is why I'll sometimes talk/write about the "fascist liberals in Sacramento."

Everything you said goes the other way as well, and usually for more reaching. Negation of individual rights and you mentioned hate crimes which affects people of color far more than any others. Classes of scapegoats, kinda like gays, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, muslims, illegals, et al. Sexism, yeah I know it's so tough out there for us heterosexual males. I mean I can't walk to the store holding my wife's hand without getting spit on. Religion and government mixed, can anyone with a straight face say that Christianity isn't interwoven into the very fabric of our government? Anything else is just ridiculous, as is your entire argument.
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Except that nazi's were fascists, which would make them closer to republicans than democrats. Democrats would be closer to communism. Fascism is far right, not left


We outed one! Quick, brand him!




But seriously... Fascism's far closer to democrats than republicans.


Fascism is state religion (elevating the state to supplant religion). It assumes unity of the political body and promotes leaders who are attuned to the "will of the people". It is totalitarian in it's view that everything is political and believes that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It claims responsibility for life from birth to grave, including health and wellness, imposes uniformity of thought and action, by both regulation and social pressure. Everything in the fascist view becomes bent to a singular unified will, aligned with its objectives. The vaule of the individual is less than that of the state.


One can easily draw a list of the political objectives of democrats that are 100% aligned with the above.


So make no mistake, the Fascists are definitely democrats, not republicans.

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