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Good Luck to Korupt Karl

Widder, SASS #59054

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Talk to KK this morning and ask what was he up to down in sunny Florida.


Said he just got back from some of the swamp land.


I ask:


"What ya doin down in the swamps"


He replied:


"Walkin on the water and smackin gators".



Some of you shooters best beware of KK at the Ides of March match this weekend.


I think he's feelin gamey and wanting to put a Indiana Dog Whoopin on some of you Gator Cowboys.


BEWARE the Koruptable One!







I am looking forward to meetin' Mr. KK.


With all the Gunfighter Jedi's gatherin at Ides, I'm hopin for some of the Jedi dust to flake off onto my pistolas.:blush:

Hoping it won't break a transfer bar though.:lol:


We'd sure like it if you would come down here sometime, Widder.


Ride easy, Pard



Waimea (can't hardly contain myself for all the Ides excitement):excl:




Waimea: After yer done talkin with Karl, make sure you still have your wallet and your watch.


Speaking of KK


He called me also a little while ago......wanted to know if we were shootin together this weekend cause he wanted to...too...two....2


Said myself......who did you put down ta shoot with.


Said Himself.........Hell I don't know I've sleep since then. They don't post the posse list do they?


After 45 mins of great BS while staring at the huge 5 gal cans of beans......I was at Sams......let me see what I can find out.


I made a quick call and found out who he was shootin with.


I was informed he was shootin with everyone of the pards he put on his list..........guess who was not on his list.......ME!!!!


This will be my first shoot in 2 months........one implant later.....one goal......one whoppin on KK


Borg Wyatt


Waimea: After yer done talkin with Karl, make sure you still have your wallet and your watch.



Manatee has proven once again that he is a man of wisdom and gives sound advice on the Wire.





Hey Waimea,


I just viewed Lady T's new website and I must say, you did an excellent job with it.


Good on ya!





Waimea: After yer done talkin with Karl, make sure you still have your wallet and your watch.


Sea Cow speaks truth. Ya gotta watch him with yer women also. And yer gold teeth. And the tires on yer guncart. And one more thing, if he offers to run the timer for ya............well yer just in for a heap of (dark) Jedi mind tricks.


Watch him folks, for he's a furly dangerous man.




As a side note........Angus, you are goin' down brother. Ain't gonna be no .31 second spread this time around.




Speaking of KK


He called me also a little while ago......wanted to know if we were shootin together this weekend cause he wanted to...too...two....2




I was informed he was shootin with everyone of the pards he put on his list..........guess who was not on his list.......ME!!!!




Borg Wyatt

HMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Wonder if he knew? MT


Manatee has proven once again that he is a man of wisdom and gives sound advice on the Wire.





Maybe I'll just hang out with Culpepper, it might be safer.

Cept he dresses kinda funny. :lol:


Thank ye, on Lady T's site.

She was a lot of fun to work with.

Her old site just did not do her great products justice.:blush:



Waimea (now I'm skeered to meet KK :lol:)




You never know who might be shootin Gunfighter!.......




That's the truth...


But will any of them Gunfighters be bold (or crazy) enough to shoot from the hip?

(I know one that will)



Waimea (Outlaw to the End)




You never know who might be shootin Gunfighter!.......




Some good shooter like Dang it Dan :P


Sorry couldn't help myself


About time




First off....Thanks Widder...you're always gettin me in trouble. I can only walk on water if I know where the rocks are. As far as being in the swamp....I said I was in a spa gettin a massage from a Geisha girl and it was wonderful.


As far as me puttin a whoopin on anyone, I'm just gonna try to hit the targets and not hurt myself.


Fact: I sometimes wear brightly colored shirts, but I left most up north so the neon could rest.


Fact: I haven't taken anyones wallet for at least two weeks.


I'm excited about seeing all the pards I missed by not making Last Stand....this should be a blast.




I've heard somethin about KK's wild shirts blindin ya, so you don't shoot so good. :lol:


You mean Karl has some colorful shirts? Say it ain't so! Truth of it is, once you've seen Karl shirts, you are forever color blinded. Another devious Jedi ploy.




I shouldn't tell this but I will.


KK might not shoot GF this weekend.


He has been working on some Top Secret GF skills and my guess is that he ain't gona reveal his new proficiency until he gets it ready to debut.


But when that happens, its gona be "Katie Bar The Door" for some of you Jedi's, especially if you don't have the full force with ya.


This weekend will be 'Mercy Weekend' for everyone and he'll probably just shoot Duelist.


Anyhow, thats just my guess.


But whatever.....GOOD LUCK KK!







Ok, First off, I think I got the font adjusted big enough fer that ole Hoosier rascal KK to read. Next order of bidness, you never mind them detractors Karl, with Culpepper and ME there, you'll have at least one of us to watch yer back (mebbe we will flip a coin, loser gets the job?). I ain't gonna shoot (ALL my ammo, press, etc is still up north, but seein as it's only a little ways down the road, I do plan on making an appearance on Saturday (maybe Friday too if I get done at Gainesville VA soon enough), just so I can remember what powder burning smells like and laugh at some of ya'll shooting.....


With all due disrespect, yer pal AJ


You never know who might be shootin Gunfighter!.......




Now Stan, If you could just run your shotgun like Arcadia Outlaw!!!


You never know who might be shootin Gunfighter!.......





Well there goes the scoring curve!




Only if he runs his rifle like me :)







there are probably more shooters who can run pistols like me than there are those who can run a rifle like you..... :o


..........AND 97 SHOTGUN!





Hey Widder, Karl recieved an Oscar at the Ides. Don't know what he did to get it but I'm sure it was an Oscar Award winning performance. :o


Sure was fun cuttin' up with Karl, C.C. and Preacherman this weekend.




Cypress Sun:


KK called me a couple times while in the presence of Preacherman and Shy-Ann.


I think he believes hanging around with good folks is gona have a positive effect on him. Sure hope he's right..... :lol: :lol: :lol:





Cypress Sun:


KK called me a couple times while in the presence of Preacherman and Shy-Ann.


I think he believes hanging around with good folks is gona have a positive effect on him. Sure hope he's right..... :lol: :lol: :lol:




See my post on Korupt Karl, Cypress, all kidding aside, was a pleasure to posse with him. :) MT


Cypress Sun:


KK called me a couple times while in the presence of Preacherman and Shy-Ann.


I think he believes hanging around with good folks is gona have a positive effect on him. Sure hope he's right..... :lol: :lol: :lol:






I dunno about any of that, Widder. If that was what he was after, he wouldn't be spending time with that no account Culpepper, and sure wouldn't sit yammerin' with me.


Karl did git up on the stage today at the awards ceremony. He thought they called his name, so they felt bad for him and gave him a little oscar for his performance. He says "it was nothin to do with shootin', that's fer sure."

Nope, it was a spirit of the game award, fer having the best line of bovine transport in the entire place, or somethin' like that.


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