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Pranks Involving Loaded Guns

Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

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But making Un-expected Smoke can be Fun ......... Just make sure the TO has a sence of Humor .......




Jabez Cowboy


We were shooting an IDPA match indoors yesterday with a couple of stages being shot with very low light. I thought about loading a few BP rounds but didn't have time. I may do it some time but I think I would tip off the RO first. I would rather not freak him out, just the crowd. :blink:

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The TO in this case shoots Open-Tops in .44 special and .44-40s in his 66 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Loaded with full case loads of Black ....


Ja should have seen his Smile .... We seem to shoot together at least once a year though it's a 9 hour drive one way between our homes ....

Great Pard !!!!



Jabez Cowboy

Just a simple question to ya..


no need to get pissy :o



GG ~ :unsure:




piss·y   /ˈpɪsi/ Show Spelled

[pis-ee] Show IPA


–adjective, piss·i·er, piss·i·est. Slang: Vulgar .

1. soiled with or reeking of urine.

2. inferior, nasty, or disagreeable.


that was not my intent


this here wire thingie,has no cents of humor



piss·y   /ˈpɪsi/ Show Spelled

[pis-ee] Show IPA


–adjective, piss·i·er, piss·i·est. Slang: Vulgar .

1. soiled with or reeking of urine.

2. inferior, nasty, or disagreeable.


that was not my intent


this here wire thingie,has no cents of humor

Especially when it deals with someone messing with anothers guns!




What's done is done. Justifying pranks serves no purpose but to encourage them. I just hope this thread serves to discourage future pranks.




Allie "who would not be amused by having to pretend to be amused by a prank or risk being called belligerent and ejected" Mo :FlagAm:



there seems to be a lot of folks

that dont get it


99.9% of the safe pranks, done in the olden days

................... were done friend to friend

with no one even considering a re-shoot, or even thinkin thaty thay cooda been a contender




milege always varies



piss·y   /ˈpɪsi/ Show Spelled

[pis-ee] Show IPA


–adjective, piss·i·er, piss·i·est. Slang: Vulgar .

1. soiled with or reeking of urine.

2. inferior, nasty, or disagreeable.


that was not my intent


this here wire thingie,has no cents of humor


More p%%y :D


GG ~ :FlagAm:


there seems to be a lot of folks

that dont get it


99.9% of the safe pranks, done in the olden days

................... were done friend to friend

with no one even considering a re-shoot, or even thinkin thaty thay cooda been a contender




milege always varies


I don't know MM...99.9999999999999% of pranks that I played on folks never involved a firearm.


GG ~ :FlagAm:


we have something in common


I have the same average as you

and I am glad..............of it




in all my post

I aint never said its a good idea


You can be GLAD and I will be HEFTY :D



Cream - a winner band IMHO!


GG ~ :FlagAm:


I have a highly, some would say overdeveloped, sense of humor. (Some would say warped)

But I've never really been a fan of pranks and practical jokes, and certainly not where it involves firearms.

If you want to play a joke on some one at the range, put some shaving cream on their hat.

Bear in mind that we have a lot of pretty new shooters who might get the wrong impression of what's acceptable behavior.


It's not funny when you play

with weapons, no matter what you might think!

Snakebite said a mouth full! How's about a stage D.Q. if caught?

Now that would be funny......Right?



Merry Christmas, all!


I would not want to think any SASS member would really be for doing ANY kind of "pranks".

But there was a match once where a disgruntled shooter put dirt in a Pard's SXS whilst we were back at the range house for grub.

Nothing came of it, but it should have! :angry:


I reckon some don't understand the seriousness of a deadly weapon.


Mustang Gregg


I haven't gone back to read every post, but I assume most are decidedly against tampering with another person's weapon?

I lost a good friend from elementary school to someone "messing around" with a firearm, watched a soldier of mine holding a M-16 that was tampered with as a joke. It blew the thing apart when he pulled the trigger. The shooter amazingly walked away without a scratch but needless to say, he could have easily been killed.

In my mind, tampering with my weapons (unless it's a safety thing done officially) is the same in my mind as playing around with a loaded weapon in my presence. I do not take kindly to such things and have zero patience for this. I wouldn't care who you were, how many of your friends were around or if you're the honcho of the shoot. We'll have words. And it won't be pretty. And if you're not escorted off the grounds afterwards at the very least (a match DQ in my mind is a given thing), I'll make it as ugly as I possibly can afterward for anyone who stands with you on the subject.

There are some things that "I was just joking" won't make better. this is one of them.

I have a highly, some would say overdeveloped, sense of humor. (Some would say warped)

But I've never really been a fan of pranks and practical jokes, and certainly not where it involves firearms.

If you want to play a joke on some one at the range, put some shaving cream on their hat.

Bear in mind that we have a lot of pretty new shooters who might get the wrong impression of what's acceptable behavior.



That would really get me mad as did the "silly string" over our heads at a State Match's awards ceremony! That could have destroyed the vintage feathers on it, if I hadn't taken off running when I saw it coming. I still had to pick some out. :blush:


Come on people, don't mess with other folk's stuff! Think!




Allie "who has steam coming out her ears" Mo

I have a highly, some would say overdeveloped, sense of humor. (Some would say warped)

But I've never really been a fan of pranks and practical jokes, and certainly not where it involves firearms.

If you want to play a joke on some one at the range, put some shaving cream on their hat.

Bear in mind that we have a lot of pretty new shooters who might get the wrong impression of what's acceptable behavior.




in all honesty


I would blow a gasket if you did that to any of my hats


you can even put that on my guns first

not my hats :blush::blink::blink:


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