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Pranks Involving Loaded Guns

Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217

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Hello Folks,


On the thread about fun moments at a match, there were three pranks involving loaded guns listed. One replaced pistol ammo with blanks, one removed every other bullet, the third put the safety on a rifle. I also heard that a PM had his SXS filled with dirt. I know a woman who was seen moving a competitor's rifle sight.


What concerns me are touching another's loaded guns and destructive acts.


If you are doing posse duties and saw someone messing with another's guns, how would you handle it. Should there be a penalty? If so, what?




Allie Mo


PS IROT, my "no humor button" wasn't activated as what you did was not destructive and was easily fixed before the shooter loaded the gun. Also, it seems that you were abetted by his father. That said, I don't think it would be a good practice.

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Don't touch my Junk!




I have been know to slip a BP round into my wife's guns, just to keep her on her toes. But personally I wouldn't touch anyone elses guns and I wouldn't appreciate it if they messed with mine. Just the way I grew up, guns and pranks are mutually exclusive.


Someone else's loaded guns should "NEVER" be touched without permission, or unless a "Safety" issue was involved. This is just bad news. There should never be any kind of pranks around loaded guns. This is just asking for a bad day. It's not a matter of "if" something will happen, just "when" it will. IMHO


Probably a Match DQ, if brought to my attention as a match director, and the perpetrator is identified. And probable suspension of range rights until the club officers decide the individual has learned how important gun safety is.


What a great way to end up with an insurance claim (from filling barrels with any type of obstruction), which would probably result in club's insurance being revoked, at a minimum.


From my view as a match director, GJ

Someone else's loaded guns should "NEVER" be touched without permission, or unless a "Safety" issue was involved. This is just bad news. There should never be any kind of pranks around loaded guns. This is just asking for a bad day. It's not a matter of "if" something will happen, just "when" it will. IMHO




As long as the individual touching or messing with someone else's guns gets a MDQ, we can all enjoy ourselves. This is not funny and should not be tolerated at any match whether a monthly or whatever. If it happened to my guns, after talking to the match director, one of us would go home for the day without shooting any more.


I won't even move a shooters guns on the loading table. Don't touch mine and I won't touch yours. It goes right along with a "broken" gun an the line. You hand off the broken gun, finish the stage, go to the unloading table and someone has taken your gun apart. Now that really irks me.




This falls into what I consider to be the general category of "horse play".


Horse play usually escalates and things get out of hand, usually far beyond what anyone intended at the start. Horse play has no place in any activity involving loaded firearms.

Guest Winchester Jack, SASS #70195

when I first got involved with SASS the very first rule I learned from Old Law Dawg was safety, safety, safety. It has been my watchword every since. To me, someone messing with anothers guns without their permission, loaded or not, is unsafe, uncalled for and very rude. IMHO pranks on the firing line have no place in our sport.


Any low down mangy polecat that would fill a 2row's barrels up with dirt oughta be horse whipped.


At OWSA one time where the rifle targets are WAAAAAY out there a pard "adjusted" my rear rifle sight. Cost me more than a few misses.


A decade later, he still thinks it's funny.


I'm still swole about it.




I read all of the posts on the funniest moments at a match thread. I thought some of the items were funny.......until I read the 1st post concerning someone messing with someone else's guns. I don't find things like that funny and would be quite PO'd if someone did any of that to my guns. Horseplay with loaded/unloaded guns have always been taboo for me and should be for everyone.


With that being said.........So called prankster should be MDQ'd and ejected from the range with possible suspension depending upon the severity of the "prank".




I was always taught that the only people allowed to touch my firearms without permission were my father and my drill instructor (by extension, a firearms instructor). I ask my wife's permission (even if loading a blank or a dummy to cure flinching).


At LEAST a match DQ.

This falls into what I consider to be the general category of "horse play".


Horse play usually escalates and things get out of hand, usually far beyond what anyone intended at the start. Horse play has no place in any activity involving loaded firearms.



Watch this vidoe to see a prank gone wrong, but be warned it is graphic. I don't know if it is real or not.



There's plenty of horseplay and goofing around and I'm as big a contributor as any, but I draw the line at messing with someones guns.


Miss Allie


Have to put in with the "Please-don't-touch-my-guns-without-lettin-me-know category"


I love a good joke every now and then but to me guns are serious business eventhough you're having fun.


Have fun... but not with somebody else's property.





when I first got involved with SASS the very first rule I learned from Old Law Dawg was safety, safety, safety. It has been my watchword every since. To me, someone messing with anothers guns without their permission, loaded or not, is unsafe, uncalled for and very rude. IMHO pranks on the firing line have no place in our sport.





and also I will not move someone's gun on the loading or unloading table either. It is not my place to handle someone else's guns. Sometimes we will take a long gun to the unloading table to help the speed of the stage but one must be very careful there too as not to accidently readjust anything. I will not clear a gun at this time either. I have my routine at the unloading table and my guess is most people do. and it is the shooters responsibility to clear their own guns anyway.




and I agree with Snakebite Don't touch my junk!!!


in spite of the use of the term pranks they are NOT pranks they are dangerous acts.


The perpetrators should be removed from the range with a MDQ.

Whether that carries on is up to the MD and perhaps the club.


No horseplay or pranks with loaded guns!

Safety first, second, always!


I love to have fun and play jokes but when it comes to guns with live ammo that is a BIG NO!!! The prank might start as fun but can very fast turn into a serious injury or death. Not only should that person receive a MDQ but given a few matches off. I was a police firearms instructor and have seen some bad out comes when playing with guns. One quick example. Police officer brought his new gun to the range and was showing it to fellow officers. They were picking it up and dry firing. The owner went to the restroom and while away this officer loaded a few rounds. The owner returned and picked up the gun and fired it at the wall of the office he was in. The bullet went through the wall and missed another officer's head by inches. How do we know, he was reading a newspaper that had a nice hole next to his head before going into the wall behind him. Everyone present could not speak for quite a while after that. I wrote a report and the officer that put the rounds was taken off duty for 2 weeks without pay.


I like a good joke as well as anyone else , some time back I had someone pick up one of my revolvers and reindex it . I got a saftey and a dressing down by the RO . I did not take it well , I left the range as to not let it go any further.

I was asked why I put up the guns I told the RO and the MD what had happened . I got an apoligey from RO and MD .


See ya down the trail


Chickasaw Bill

Hello Folks,


On the thread about fun moments at a match, there were three pranks involving loaded guns listed. One replaced pistol ammo with blanks, one removed every other bullet, the third put the safety on a rifle. I also heard that a PM had his SXS filled with dirt. I know a woman who was seen moving a competitor's rifle sight.


What concerns me are touching another's loaded guns and destructive acts.


If you are doing posse duties and saw someone messing with another's guns, how would you handle it. Should there be a penalty? If so, what?




Allie Mo


PS IROT, my "no humor button" wasn't activated as what you did was not destructive and was easily fixed before the shooter loaded the gun. Also, it seems that you were abetted by his father. That said, I don't think it would be a good practice.


I have red allies post, and NONE of the answers

back in the olden days when I started (some hate that phrase)

the worst prank of loaded guns, was

put the safety on , on a Marlin

put the lever safety on, on a 73 (them 73's waz very rare back then)

put the safety on a double (before most were disableling them)


all this was done in fun at the loading table

reshoots were unherd of


(yes we wanted to win back then, but this was done not to win, but to have fun)

but win what,,,,,,,,,,,,I am talken about monthy matches, not above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the stories were more fun than the winning



how times have changed


As far as penalties goes, give them the max. The match disqualifying one or as close as you can get to it. Messing with a guy's guns is just not right at any time. It took me the better part of a day to get my new sights, sighted in on my rifle and to have that messed up in a second by someone under the guise of a practical joke is uncalled for. Done at the first stage, I would pretty much not have a rifle for the entire shoot. I also have intentionally removed all of my automatic safeties, so if someone manually engaged the safety on one of my guns it would guarentee at least a miss if not two before I figured things out and resolved the situation. And then there's the point that I don't like just anybody handling my weapons unless I've given my permission and I'm there to witness there handling of same. Safe rules to live by. Smithy.

I have red allies post, and NONE of the answers

back in the olden days when I started (some hate that phrase)

the worst prank of loaded guns, was

put the safety on , on a Marlin

put the lever safety on, on a 73 (them 73's waz very rare back then)

put the safety on a double (before most were disableling them)


all this was done in fun at the loading table

reshoots were unherd of


(yes we wanted to win back then, but this was done not to win, but to have fun)

but win what,,,,,,,,,,,,I am talken about monthy matches, not above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the stories were more fun than the winning



how times have changed



MM -


You and I started in the same year, probably in the same month. Times haven't changed all that much. At the 4 clubs I shoot with (and I was a co-founder of one of them) it was never okay to mess with a cowboy's firearms, funnin' or not. I reckon things were different in your territory.

I'm with Allie & others on this...Without permission Don't Touch my Truck, my Harley, or my Guns. :wacko:

If you try to touch the wife without her permission You're on your OWN...you'll draw back a nub :rolleyes:

Hell's Angels, Banditos, Mongols all leave their scoots parked at Sturgis with the keys visibly available and a couple of prospects watching the row. It must be nice to have something to look forward to do today.


At our club we try to expedite things because many of our stages have a lot of lateral and/ or downrange movement by moving long guns to the ULT for the shooter. This involves some risk since if they drop it- SDQ. But, it's nice to not have to walk back from 20 yards down range to 10 yards left or right to pick up a rifle or S/G.


To my knowledge no one has ever messed with someone's guns. That's not just wrong, dangerous and a violation of my property, but it's also disrespectful and that may not get a pleasant, courteous response.


Bad idea all the way around....


MDQ with further action to be taken by the club would be appropriate for pranking with guns and ammo. What kind of "pard" puts a foreign substance in someone's gun?


JMHO, of course.


Ok, I read the Funniest match moments thread, most funny and I took notes for future reference, but messing with someone's guns??? I don't care who you are, my brother, father, or the Pope, if you mess with my guns you're on your way to a broken jaw or more.


Touching my stuff get's your face touched with my fist.........


I'm not sure about other ranges but at Wartrace, a loaded gun is YOUR responsibility and you are not allowed to leave them unattended anywhere. We do not allow laying them on the loading table and leaving, once they are loaded you can only leave to go to the firing line. I think this rule would make it impossible for anyone to mess with someone else's loaded gun. Maybe some other clubs should look into doing the same thing.


While a MDQ would be appropriate, I would think anyone pulling this type of prank should be ejected from the range. Horseplay with loaded guns is no laughing matter.


Just my opinion.



PS IROT, my "no humor button" wasn't activated as what you did was not destructive and was easily fixed before the shooter loaded the gun. Also, it seems that you were abetted by his father. That said, I don't think it would be a good practice.

Maybe not a good practice but it was awfully funny to watch Bud buckle his guns on the rest of the day and as soon as the buckle was fixed, he'd pull both out and stare at them to make sure the cylinders were there. It doesn't take much to make me chuckle.....

I'm not sure about other ranges but at Wartrace, a loaded gun is YOUR responsibility and you are not allowed to leave them unattended anywhere. We do not allow laying them on the loading table and leaving, once they are loaded you can only leave to go to the firing line. I think this rule would make it impossible for anyone to mess with someone else's loaded gun. Maybe some other clubs should look into doing the same thing.


While a MDQ would be appropriate, I would think anyone pulling this type of prank should be ejected from the range. Horseplay with loaded guns is no laughing matter.


Just my opinion.




you make my point on how much sass has changed



correct, for what SASS has grown to become today



putting ones safety on back in the old days, waz not dangerous.............

nore was a MDQ even considered


mileage always changes

even todays cars get better mileage than when I started SASS


Don't forget to guard your SG box (the one you restock your SG belt from) on your war wagon. People been know to slip a BP one into the mix to see the expression on the unsuspecting victim. I don't like it at all.

you make my point on how much sass has changed

...for what SASS has grown to become today

SASS has moved from being fun....to being a sport...to being a competition, at least for some of the pards on our ranges.


Good luck, GJ


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