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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Everything posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. I am using a single shot shotgun, With 1858 Remys and a Henry . Im slow and makenem choke hee hee hee
  2. Useless firearm . But better then none .
  3. Its a Dawgie Dawg world out there . God speed with your recovery. If you have to much Pain . Remind the Nurses Your a Lap Dawg ! Hee hee hee
  4. Good Job . You go girl !
  5. +1 Did this on 4 rifles . Works great .
  6. A+ for a VP :-)
  7. I shoot both Smokeless and BP. I load smokeless 4 to 6 times . I load BP once out of my old smokeless hulls. Then scrap them . Welcome to the dark side .
  8. I really like he ones with Festus. More then the ones with Chester . But I do like them all .
  9. LOL Im Smoky and Slow ! LOL heee heee heee
  10. Soft 10/1 200gr BP Full load . 44 special :-)
  11. Crazy to bord a plain numbered 666 , On Friday the 13th lol. Headed to Helsinki !
  12. My Apologies membership is still good till February Good luck on your sale. Bump for a fine Colt forsale !
  13. Then that should read . Almost Do Anything a 44 Mag will do ! Ether one will Kill Anything needing Killing here in the USA .
  14. My Apologies membership is still good till February Good luck with your sale .
  15. If they would have been 44 specials . They would have been mine first day also. Bump for a nice set of pistols .
  16. Only members are aloud to sell on the SASS fourm . Just saying .
  17. Pet Peeves Dont Seem to be a Endangered Species . So we should be-able to Make Leather Holsters out of them :-)
  18. I picked up a Iron Frame Henry 44/40 last year . And Im picked up a pair of 1858 Remingtons in 44. Too shoot togather this year . Should be fun maken um Choke this year lol .
  19. I dont know the Correct wording . Reid is History teacher , So maybe he played on the words . I found this today . And thought it was worthy of posting .
  20. I thought some might like to see this . God Bless America ! https://www.full30.com/video/d5a685814e7ed1bbe2a5f7648cf16e03
  21. Thats nice set up for the Marlin . But is it something the average guy can do himself ? Or has to send it in to Widomaker to make it run like that . A guy can buy and slick a 92 by himself. I will give credit were credit is do. Thats a nice setup Widomaker has put out .
  22. LOL Me too ! Not even grade B by your scale ? Lol . I would at least give it a B . Just saying :-)
  23. I have owned 10 or 12 Marlins . Marlins jam way more then the 92 does . Just sold the last two Marlins I had . I would shoot a 92 over a Marlins any day of the week . But hay thats Me . Your Milage may differ :-)
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