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Shooting Bull

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Shooting Bull last won the day on January 14 2020

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About Shooting Bull

  • Birthday 07/30/1962

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Eldorado Cowboys

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    Las Vegas, NV

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Came here to describe myself as exactly that. 🤣
  2. Mrs Santa Clause brought me one years ago for my 650. I won’t ever go back.
  3. Been using Quick Draw holster lube for a while and it works great.
  4. I switched to 105s years ago for the reduced recoil. I couldn’t tell one lick of difference. The only thing that changed was the lighter pills wouldn’t reliably knock down the occasional reactive targets we come across. For that reason I switched back to 125s and haven’t had an instant of regret.
  5. For clarification: did you say that press will only do shorter action pistol calibers? 38 Special is too long?
  6. I'm cross dominant also. I solved the problem by shooting with both eyes closed.
  7. Widder’s right. You talk a lot.
  8. Generally speaking I'll agree but, you should be equally adept at shooting either pistol first. The advantage Double Duelists have over any other category is the vast array of transition options available to us. But you cut that number of options in half by only using your dominant hand first. If you're going to shoot Double Duelist you should practice drawing and shooting with both your dominant and weak hand first. Let me give an example as to why. Stage calls for pistols to be shot at position 1 then move to position 2 to shoot shotgun. I shoot a SXS shotgun and load the shells with me left (weak) hand). On this stage I'll shoot my left pistol first. When I'm done with that I holster it then draw and fire my right pistol. As I'm firing my right pistol I'm pulling two shotgun shells with my left hand. When I'm done with my second pistol I holster it as I'm taking my first step toward position 2. As I'm moving to position 2 I have the shotgun shells up at eye level with my left hand and my right hand is reaching for my shotgun. (Reaching as you move helps you move faster. ) When I get to position 2 I grab and raise the shotgun to my shoulder as fast as possible where my shells are already waiting to be dropped into the chambers.
  9. What about Spirit of the Game? He intentionally skipped the reload to save time.
  10. I know this has been asked and answered but I’m having a senior moment so please indulge me. Stage instructions call for ten rifle. During the course of fire shooter jacks a live round out of the rifle thus only firing nine rounds. Shooter chooses to simply move to the next gun without reloading the 10th round. He’s obviously earned a miss. I’m thinking also a P for not following stage instructions. Someone else suggested also a Spirit of the Game. What’s the call?
  11. Up hill.................................BOTH WAYS.
  12. He's tolerable. She's an absolute DOLL. As I've said before, you're a lucky man Beaver. Fantastic family one and all. ( But don't tell any of them I said that. Don't want them to get swelled heads. )
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