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At least as I see it

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Just recently I posted a image.png.ac392acaa7c5f843c47fb95b19e29b7f.png video as the start of a Thread. It was met with a comment requesting we not turn the SALOON into a image.png.ac392acaa7c5f843c47fb95b19e29b7f.png channel.
I found the comment odd in that on numerous Threads started by others, it is accompanied with a image.png.ac392acaa7c5f843c47fb95b19e29b7f.png video.
Just regurgitating image.png.ac392acaa7c5f843c47fb95b19e29b7f.png videos has never been my intention when posting.
Occasionally I run across a video that I believe would spark interest in discussion, or to enhance the Post.
I've also posted image.png.30f0c437cd9d9d83d8e992fefe9cca32.png videos as well,  but found quite a few readers are unable to open them, so I will discontinue their use.
I see our SALOON as an entertainment local, just as a real Saloon operates.
Just thought I would clear the air.
Appreciate your listening to my rant. 

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I cannot find the thread you mentioned. But I can't help but be reminded of about 6 years ago. One (dammit otto, I'm trying to make a profound point here, and you go and screw it up. Again. WHEN, not "one". WHEN SEVERAL PEOPLE) several people that decided that they knew how the Saloon (ACS) should be run pitched a fairly large bitch about cartoons being posted.


"They have nothing to do with cowboy!!!!!"


Who cares.


If you don't like the cartoons, don't open the cartoons. If you don't like the YouTube videos, don't open the YouTube videos.


I would say as a rough guess that about half the stuff posted on this board I don't read. I'm not interested in it.


So, Kit, keep on doing what you want to do. And if someone doesn't like it - they can go pound sand.

Edited by Alpo
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im only chirping in to say i agree with the idea its supposed to be a fun place here , ive not seen an overabundance of you-tube nor am i concerned with it as i can choose to click or not , mostly i dont , 

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GOSH and Golly Gee!


I've posted video(s) of shooting my .460 Rowlands and 10mm semi-auto pistols.    Those ain't even close to Cowboy.


But, it was shooting info and 'entertainment'.    I plan to post more in the future.

I'm sure there are many Saloonaholics that aren't interested..... but some are.




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This is the SALOON it's supposed to be about anything you'd like to talk about, you know, like a SALOON!;)

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