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It's Only A Piece Of Paper

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If this doesn't scare you, it should.




A fearless Queens mother sprang into action when an alleged stalker tried kidnapping her teen daughter from their Astoria apartment building, according to police and shocking video footage.

A doorbell camera captured the courageous moment Adriana Alvarez sprinted after the deli worker — who’d allegedly become obsessed with her 18-year-old daughter, Lex — as he violently dragged her down the stairs.

Dramatic video shows how the nightmare unfolded just after 9 a.m. on Jan. 23, when Lex is seen returning to their fourth-floor apartment on 43rd Street following a morning walk with their two dogs. Suddenly, a masked man in a camouflage jacket — later identified by cops as George Vassiliou, 25 — emerges from a staircase, where he’d been lying in wait. 

Vassiliou, wearing black gloves, grabs Lex by both shoulders, and begins dragging the girl down the stairs and out of frame. Alvarez is then seen bolting out into the hallway, and down the stairs.

“I’ve never heard my daughter scream like that,” Alvarez, 35, told The Post. “I thought maybe the dog had run downstairs, but I step out to see my daughter being dragged away. 

“You never imagine this kind of thing would happen to you, especially in your own building. It was horrible.”

A life-or-death struggle continued over four flights of stairs, as the fierce 5-foot-4, 130-pound mom exchanged blows with the hulking and armed 6-foot-2, 230-pound Vassiliou.

George Vassiliou's mugshotHer punches had little effect as he continued pulling Lex down the stairs, toward the building’s entrance. She said Vassiliou pummeled her in the face before pulling out pepper spray and using it on both women. 

Alvarez — who suffered a dislocated shoulder, a fractured orbital socket and a broken elbow during the savage battle — was undeterred. Though unable to see clearly, she kept struggling with Vassiliou and calling out for help.

“We reached the first floor, and a neighbor who’d heard us screaming came out with a stick and started hitting” him, she said. “I saw that the [apartment] door was open, and I pushed my daughter inside.” 

Vassiliou blocked the door from closing with one of his feet, and again started grabbing for the girl.

“I tried pushing his foot out, and he grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me into [the building’s] vestibule,” Alvarez recalled. He then allegedly stomped on Alvarez’s back several times. 

Eventually, the mother and daughter managed to break away from Vassiliou, and sprinted outside. Once on the street, Alvarez started banging on her neighbor’s windows, yelling for someone to call 911. “A guy who lives next door ran outside to hold him down until the police arrived,” Alvarez said. 

Vassiliou was charged with attempted kidnapping, assault, weapon possession, unlawful possession of noxious matter, harassment, and violating an order of protection, police said. He is being held on Riker’s Island with bail set at $50,000, according to jail records.

NYPD sources said Vassiliou rented a car the night before the attempted kidnapping and parked it outside Alvarez’s building. Inside the car, cops recovered a bag containing rope, sleeping pills, melatonin, and tampons. A knife was also discovered in one of his pockets, sources said.

“He had this all planned out,” said Alvarez. “Where was he going to take my baby?

According to Alvarez, her daughter worked with Vassiliou at the C-Town Supermarket on 34th Avenue in Astoria.

Lex, a cashier, had befriended Vassiliou, who worked in the deli department.

“They were cordial, they spoke, they were friendly,” she explained. “But he got a little weird — where she would be bagging stuff, and he’d be staring at her.” Eventually, Vassiliou approached Lex about going on a date.

“She said ‘No,’ and he quit his job and started stalking her,” Alvarez, an aesthetician, alleged. “We had a restraining order against him, because he’d tried twice to grab her off the street — before this happened.”

Police sources confirmed the previous two incidents.

Even with the arrest, the single mom isn’t taking any chances. She created a flier with her daughter, warning area women to “run” if they ever come across Vassiliou, who they described as a “violent . . . kidnapper.” 

“It was the only thing I could do,” Alvarez said. “You are not going to run us out of Astoria. We are not going to be scared. We’ll show the world your face and tell them what you did.”

Her daughter walked away without a scratch, but Alvarez faces mounting medical expenses for her serious injuries. Alvarez’s uncle started a GoFundMe campaign for the hero mom.

“No one was taking my baby,” she declared.


Ladies, learn how to defend yourselves.  Gents, make sure your ladies know how to defend themselves.  If you are in a place where you can't be armed, make sure they have some method to defend themselves.  This young lady is very lucky her mother and others were there to be able to help her.  Others may not be.

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yup , something about a noose and a short rope comes to mind in these situations , there was a time when the restraining order meant something and folks would know/react if violated - or we could shoot him , 

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Before retiring, I spent the last 13 years as a Field Parole Agent working the Sex Offender Unit. Ladies PLEASE take the opportunity to get the best training and gear you are legal to have to protect yourselves!

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Back in days when I was a LEO, there were a group of females called "razor toting wimmin".  Strangely enough, they didn't suffer a lot of assaults.  Guns are generally bulkier but not as messy.

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My sister’s husband was one to “pop the little lady to keep her in check”.  My sister wouldn’t go to the police. She wouldn’t report him. Why? She was afraid of him. 
I wasn’t aware of this situation until I moved back near home. I found out that my other sister’s son, 6’5” former Marine, had a little talk with him that has been keeping him in check. 
When I was made aware of this I added my input to the mix. 
He has been a better man since. 

Unfortunately, many women do not have someone to step up for them and the law and what passes for punishment is a freakin’ joke. 

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A neighbor got a restraining order to keep a man away from his daughter.  I went with him to court and heard hime, as a dozen or other people in the room did, "Thank you Your Honor.  Id like to state, for the record, that if this order is violated by this man I will consider that it has become a hunting license.  Again, thank you."


The judge grinned at Joe and said, "I hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does I wish you happy hunting."


That was long ago when California was still a pretty conservative state as long as you shied away from the Bay Area. 

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20 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

That was long ago when California was still a pretty conservative state as long as you shied away from the Bay Area. 


California is still, in general, pretty good about use of lethal force if you are attacked.  Outside of the San Francisco Bay Area.  The problem is being able to carry outside the home.  Virtually impossible for most people.

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On 3/30/2024 at 10:56 PM, watab kid said:

something about a noose and a short rope comes to mind in these situations

There was a staircase involved -- he needed to have suffered a broken neck from a fall down the stairs.


However many times he had to fall to make it happen.

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On 3/30/2024 at 8:27 PM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

The only good thing a Restraining Order does is show a pattern of behaviour from the Bad Guy. 

Kind of the same way a CCW shows that you're the good law abiding citizen if you ever have to shoot some jackass that richly deserves it.

The Sergeant speaks truly.

It starts a paper trail.


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Mom was a tiny little woman, never had the problem of an abusive spouse but some women she knew did.  Her comment "I'm from Lizzie Borden country and he has to sleep sometime."  I recall one situation where a guy had been coming home drunk, abusing his wife and passing out.  Finally she had enough, tied him to the bed and beat him to death with an iron skillet, the process taking several days.  Hmmm.

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I had a stalker for a time in Cali.  Believe it or not, the gang members who lived next door, all seven of them scared him off and he never came back.  They heard him pounding on the front door, and my screaming from inside.  He saw these 7 big cholo's come pouring out of the house and walking towards him and he left faster than he arrived.  It took the sheriff's department an hour and a half to show up.  The only thing they did was tell my husband to put his gun away........  I had a restraining order too. 


It is only a piece of paper.........

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Nice to make the right friends.  I once lived in a NYC apartment.  Was away on a trip and my college buddy had a break in - he was not a serious guy.  Somehow a crazy got in and was doing "rational" things like stabbing the upholstered furniture with a good sized knife,  Roommate managed to lock himself in the bathroom and holler a lot.  Hearing the noise, two neighbors, black jazz musicians who we had a good relationship with, grabbed the guy and tossed him down the stairs. Problem solved.  Think Community!

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10 hours ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

There was a staircase involved -- he needed to have suffered a broken neck from a fall down the stairs.


However many times he had to fall to make it happen.

nothing says he cant fall down the stairs more than once ......they can be treacherous 

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