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Can you keep a secret


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I mean a big big secret.


I was just watching a Spider-Man clip. He fought Doc Octopus and then saved an entire subway train full of people. In the process he loses his mask. When he finished saving the train he passed out from exhaustion, and the passengers bring him back in and lay him down on the floor of one of the cars. He comes to, and realizes that his mask is not on. One of the passengers kneels down and tells him not to worry. Another passenger tells him it will be fine. A kid brings him his mask and says, "We won't tell". And they all agree, they won't tell.


In a Hannah Montana episode the Stewarts go back to their little hometown. And somehow the entire town of Crowley's Corners finds out that Miley is Hannah. And she says something about it was fun while it lasted, and this girl in the audience yells out, "We won't tell!", and others in the audience start saying, "Yes, Hannah, we won't tell".


That's a big secret to keep. Hannah Montana's secret identity. Spider-Man's secret identity. Huge secret.


You think you could keep a huge secret like that? I'm thinking maybe if you were the only one that knew it. "If the word gets out, then Spidey will know that I told, because I'm the only one that knows he's Peter." But if there's a couple of hundred people that know - well hell. Nobody will ever know it was me that told. And I just told my girlfriend. And she told her mother, who told her sister, who told everybody at the beauty parlor, and it went from there.


How about if you were in a relationship with someone that had a secret identity, and you knew the secret identity?


The Adventures of Superman. Lois is unconscious, and while she is she has a dream. She and Superman get married. And of course Superman tells her he's really Clark. Then she comes too, and sees Clark there, and immediately grabs him around the neck and says, "Superman, darling!" So much for that secret.


In Lois and Clark, Clark and Lois get married. But since she's Mrs Clark Kent, she would have to make sure that she didn't make any google eyes at Superman.

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3 minutes ago, Alpo said:

I mean a big big secret.



How about if you were in a relationship with someone that had a secret identity, and you knew the secret identity?


You'll have to ask my gal!:ph34r:

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Ben Franklin said "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

And Gibbs Rule 4 states "Best way to keep a secret. Keep it to yourself. Second-best, tell one other person—if you must. There is no third best."

In the Glen Ford movie, "The Fastest Gun Alive", a whole town pledges to keep his secret.

While people will SAY that they can keep a secret, most can't. But since Spiderman's secret identity never gets out, we may assume that they did as promised. 

I can keep a secret. But that's just me. 

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I'm sure that nobody knew that guy lying on the subway car floor was Peter Parker.


But if you can believe the cop shows, every one of those people would be able to sit down in front of a sketch artist and describe him. And then they would put the sketch in the paper - SPIDER-MAN IS TEENAGE BOY


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1 hour ago, Alpo said:

I'm sure that nobody knew that guy lying on the subway car floor was Peter Parker.


But if you can believe the cop shows, every one of those people would be able to sit down in front of a sketch artist and describe him. And then they would put the sketch in the paper - SPIDER-MAN IS TEENAGE BOY


And then they'd run it through the Facial Recognition Software, get his Drivers License, School info, etc. and know exactly where to find him so that they could send two cops out to Bring Him in for Questioning.

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39 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

I know something that is so secret that no one can ever know that I know it.

 You messed up and told the microwave the secret and the microwave told me!

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My wife has always kept her Snip-it_1700351144757.thumb.jpg.ca6faa5d4a7086e54770dbe6ace8853b.jpgin the drawer with her other feminine products. :huh:

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