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Grumpy old farts with Guns

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1 hour ago, DeaconKC said:

birthday cake.jpg

For ME??  That’d probably singe off my whiskers and the volunteer fire department would send me a bill!!  :lol: B)


Thanks for the thought!!

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I couldn't get a burn permit for the candles for my last Birthday, the MD had a Fire Ban it was too dry ...


Wishing all Ya Grumps a Fine year ...


Jabez Cowboy

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22 hours ago, DeaconKC said:

birthday cake.jpg


I don't think candles are causing that inferno.

Looks more like a dormant volcanoes' magma chamber broke through. 

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6 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:


I don't think candles are causing that inferno.

Looks more like a dormant volcanoes' magma chamber broke through. 

It most certainly WAS candles!!








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Back to the foot doctor in the morning.  I’m wondering what the new treatment regimen will be.

Dr.’s office at 7:30 am. Gotta go buy myself some new britches. I promised Schoolmarm I would take her to lunch. Last, but not least, I have to pick up new struts and some front end stuff for the Buick.


 I reckon I’ll be runnin’ my @$$ off tomorrow!!  Back ta’ GRUMPIN’ !!!

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Howdy All Yee Misfits and Grumps;

This Sunday I'm off to Uganda for the 14th. Time, I'm going back to help with "Rays of Hope for Uganda"

this ministry has been our passion since 2010. We have Helped build a vocation center.  I have taught Welding and Wife has trained Sewing on the other side for the Welding Shop. On site is a School ( about 300 students ), Two Dormitories, Orphan Home, Kitchen, Office Building and a Piggery ( where we house and raise Pigs )

We have in- listed our 4 kids, Sister-in-law, Niece, and sundry friends and a team from Wales in this work over the years... Because of my health issues this is probably my last trip, I am saddened by this and will miss my Ugandan

Friends made over the years... Some have become like sons to me...  

Anyway I will likely not be on the Wire much in the next 5 weeks or so after Sunday...


Jabez Cowboy

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Safe journey, JC!!  Do us proud!


Made it home right at noon!  Foot doc laid on a sheet of what he called “fish skin” and wrapped up my foot.  He said that if this doesn’t work, he’s gonna do another series of stem cell grafts and that that is already lined up if we need it.  Here’s hoping!!


Got me a new pair of bib overalls and two new pairs of jeans.  Had ta’ throw some old jeans away ‘cause the zippers were played out.  I wish they’d go back to puttin’ zippers like they used to. They were big and heavy and would outlast the cloth that the britches were made out of.  These new pants have little fine tooth zippers like used to come in women’s dresses!!  



Schoolmarm decided to wait ‘til tomorrow for that lunch. After I get through with our “Cowboy Lunch” tomorrow, I gotta come pick her up and go meet her favorite food truck for lobster and shrimp!! (I’ll get mine to go and have it fer supper tomorrow night :rolleyes: B)). I was lookin’ forward to lobster today!  GRUMP AGAIN!!


 I DID pick up a custom made Papa Murphy’s pizza for supper tonight, so I guess I’ll quit grumpin’ ……… FOR NOW!!





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Good Grump there Blackwater.

OOPS!'I forgot we're supposed to be giving your chit and abuse!

Quit your dang whining and man up!!

Remember what would happen to ya if ya was a horse!!


Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474
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7 minutes ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

Good Grump there Blackwater.

OOPS!'I forgot we're supposed to be giving your chit and abuse!

Quit your dang whining and man up!!

Remember what would happen to ya if ya was a horse!!


NOW YER COOKIN’!!  :lol:

I just HATE those “sad” emoji’s when I’m just bitchin’!  

Get mad WITH me, or be mad at me for being a dumbass!!  That, I can handle!   Feeling sorry for me??  Nuh uh!! ;)

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7 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

NOW YER COOKIN’!!  :lol:

I just HATE those “sad” emoji’s when I’m just bitchin’!  

Get mad WITH me, or be mad at me for being a dumbass!!  That, I can handle!   Feeling sorry for me??  Nuh uh!! ;)




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OK, Now I'm not only GRUMPY, I'm REALLY PO'd!!

Looked out the window to see the plow went by AGAIN, but this time, the *&%&$ (*&^R%$ ) cut the frozen ice banks at the curb and I have a 3 foot by nearly 4 foot solid chunk of ice sitting in the driveway along with a smaller one about 2 X 2 feet!!


But that's OK

I have a City Issued Blaster's Certificate!

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On 1/18/2023 at 3:34 PM, Blackwater 53393 said:

NOW YER COOKIN’!!  :lol:

I just HATE those “sad” emoji’s when I’m just bitchin’!  

Get mad WITH me, or be mad at me for being a dumbass!!  That, I can handle!   Feeling sorry for me??  Nuh uh!! ;)

My daughter called to tell me that if I die WITHOUT my Life Alert pendant on (It was new and I didn't remember to wear it when I had this last episode) that there would be NO services or funeral.  She said she'd just drive me to the dump and kick me off the back of the ruck.


Guess I'm getting sentimental.  I was really touched by that.








Edited by Forty Rod SASS 3935
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Plowed the ice and snow this morning! Last clean up run a quarter mile to the road, turned around and pushed the corner back. Yep you guessed it, blew a hose and couldn't raise the plow! Grumpy now.:rolleyes:

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Not much ta grump about today.  Took everyone to a NICE Mexican restaurant today to celebrate the grandson’s birthday.  Food was excellent and the server really took care of us!


 I brought enough fajita home to make three more meals and lots of other food too!


 I broke out my new bib overalls this morning. I reckon I could gripe that it took me twenty minutes to get ‘em adjusted like I wanted ‘em!!  They’re a different brand and I figure that they’ll shrink, but it WAS nice to not have to let the galluses all the way out to get ‘em so’s they don’t ride up too high!!


It was a pretty day to boot!!

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My sister-in-law sent me a card for my birthday.  

It reads:

How to find out if you’re old.


             FALL DOWN!

If people laugh at you,      
you’re not old!


If people panic



I’m trying to figure out if she’s trying to reassure me or if she’s laughing at me!

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17 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

My sister-in-law sent me a card for my birthday.  

It reads:

How to find out if you’re old.


             FALL DOWN!

If people laugh at you,      
you’re not old!


If people panic



I’m trying to figure out if she’s trying to reassure me or if she’s laughing at me!



She's known you longer than most.

Trust me: She's laughing at you!


(Well, you said you'd rather have chit and abuse!)

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1 minute ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:



She's known you longer than most.

Trust me: She's laughing at you!



I suspected as much.  She is Schoolmarm’s younger sister and she has a evil sense of humor like I do.  I think that I’m one of her favorite relatives, next to her sister.  She is always extravagant with gifts to me, but we trade barbs like artillery barrages.



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Knocked my cell phone off sometime during the night. I didn’t know it and when I got up this morning I stepped on the damned thing. Broke it all to hell!


Went out and bought a new one to replace it. That took three hours and then I have spent the rest of the day getting all the settings and apps back like I had ‘em.


 It took five tries to get my hearing aids back on line with the bluetooth on the phone so that I could take calls and adjust the volume and tone and stuff that the phone controls in the hearing aid system.




Well, I DID get a new phone outta the deal. The old one was starting to give trouble.

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I'm in my third day of trying to simply change my phone number with Amazon so I can get shipping up dates.


A nice lady at the local shipping depot (if you ever want to see a very busy, very efficient, and very colorful operation, go see one of their facilities) has incited me to come visit her on Monday and she'll fix it for me.


I love the way Amazon gets their stuff to me but their web site is a disaster unless you're ordering something.










Edited by Forty Rod SASS 3935
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Street plow went by.

Cleared out what he dragged off the main street, (I'm on a corner) and my driveway is the first convenient opening to fill in!!)

Cleaned the berm out he left, then cleaned the 'blower and garaged it.


Now the sidewalk plow went by.



And it's still snowing.

Me watching plow Guy fill drive   b5d135b2a.webp

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  • 1 month later...

OK Now who ordered DA SNOW ???


Get back from Uganda and find a foot of Snow in my Yard...

Now I'm Really Grumpy !!!


Jabez Cowboy

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Recon I’d take a good shot of snow right now.  Still having foot issues.  Starting another new treatment today!!



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1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Recon I’d take a good shot of snow right now.  Still having foot issues.  Starting another new treatment today!!



You just can't seem to win with that damn foot! Hope it starts getting better soon.

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Yeah!  It’s slower than molasses down a drain pipe in January!  Little improvement this week.  I’ve had this next treatment before and it worked well on a really big area.  I guess we’ll see how it works on a spot the size of a single dried pinto bean.




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Ran some errands this morning, came home with some overcast skies and a tiny patch of sunlight shining through.


Took my few purchases in and put them on the kitchen counter.


Back out to check the mail, total time inside under a minute.


Snowing like a Utah blizzard.


Took the mail inside and put some bread in the two sloace tister and when it was done I looked out and the not only wasn't any snow falling, there wasn't any on the wet roads, either.


Damn weather man needs to have his license pulled. 

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She doesn't need to worry, her compensation will be very generous at OUR expense...

She was appointed to a cushy Job that she had NO right to have to begun with, and the Liberal Bosses will reward her for falling on her sword... She reminds me of a Fence turtle, sitting on the top of a post...


Jabez Cowboy  

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